Chapter 35

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It's great having Freddie back. Him, Brooklyn, Lily and the triplets have moved into Doctor Brownings old place. It's great having everyone together again. Except dodger. No idea where he is. I was walking home from Freddie and brooklyn's place, when I saw Theresa in the street, looking mystified and scared. I went up to her and steadied her pace.

"Theresa? What's up? Is it the kids?" I asked.

"No. No, dodger, he text-look." She held out the phone to me.

"Anna's house. Help. Now. Please t." I read out loud.

"What you still doing out here scar?" Freddie said, walking out the flat.

"Fred. I need you to drive me to Anna blakes old house. Don't ask questions, just do?" I asked. "Theresa, we'll find him, ok? Go up to freds and stay with Brooklyn." Freddie and I got in the car and started driving.

"Call the police." Freddie said. Good idea. I got out my phone and put in my password.

"No signal."

"Try mine. Password 2590." Freddie said. He had signal, thank god.

"Hello. Which service do you require?" The receiving end muttered.

"Police please." I said, I have them the address of Anna's house and they said they'd get here as soon as possible. "Let's go in." I directed at Freddie.

"Shouldn't we wait?" He replied. "It might be dangerous."

"Dodgers in there, Fred. If it was you I'd go. It's dodger, I'm going in." He shook his head, not wanting to let me out. "I'll go by myself if you don't come," I said. Freddie sighed.

"Ok. Let's go." Freddie hopped out the car and I stumbled out after him. I heard shouting from down below. The two of us looked down, mouths agape, through a window, we could see Sienna hit dodge across the face. Then try to clean him up with water and a cloth. "We've gotta get in there." Freddie whispered. I nodded. We both ran to the door, Freddie shoved it with his shoulder, and kicked it with his foot. It slammed open.

"HELP! HELP!" We heard, coming from downstairs. Without a backward glance, the two of us ran down and opened the basement door.

"What have you done to him you CRAZY woman!?" Freddie shouted at Sienna. I sprinted over to dodger and felt around for a key to I cuff him from the radiator. I found it, finally and tried to help him up, but his weight was too much for me to carry, even with the amount of weight he's lost. "Give me them cuffs." Freddie said. He grabbed Sienna's arm, and cuffed her to the radiator, just until the police get here. Then he helped me get dodger up.

"Fresh.....air." Dodger heaved. I nodded and Freddie grabbed his other arm, we carried him up and pulled him up the stairs, and dragged dodger out to the fresh air. He gasped in the air and rapidly began breathing faster.

"Calm down mate, breath slowly." Freddie said. Dodger began breathing slower and easier.

"Theresa? Leighton? Pocahontas? Ryder? Ash and lex?" Dodger asked.

"They're all ok. They're fine. And so are you." I said as the police turned up. I pointed them down to the basement and went to the hospital with dodger.

"Were going to keep him in for a few days, because he's got malnutrition. He seems fine psychologically," Lindsey told me and Freddie.

"Dodger! Thank god your okay!" Theresa said, crying, tears all over her face, carrying Ryder in one arm and Alexa in the other, Liberty (my auntie, dodges sister) came in with Ashton in one arm and Pocahontas and angel and Leighton walking behind her. Dodger pulled all the kids onto his bed and pulled Theresa into his arms.

"I never thought I'd see all your beautiful faces again." Dodger said.

"I'm never letting you out my sight again." Theresa cried.

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