Chapter 37

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"Dodge just ring the number, seriously, what's the worst that can happen?" I pleaded with him.

"OK, here goes." He said.
"Hello?" Came from the receiving end.

"Hi, my names Mark Savage, I have some information on Ernest Blake." Dodger said. The phone was on speaker so that I could hear too.

"Hello, Mark. Thank you for calling, we just want Ernie to be with his oaremts if possible. Now, what can you tell us?"

"Well, I'm here with Ernies sister, Scarlett. His mother is my sister, Amelia Blake, and she wants him back." Dodger told them.

"I've heard of Amelia Blake, she's the next that killed her father, right? I'm not sure we could hive our Ernie to her.."

"There was a lot more to it than that, if she hadnt done it, then someone else would have. He was controlling and abusive, and its good that he's dead, he can't hurt  e or Amelia or anyone else now." I said down the phone. "Mum just wants all her children back."

"Amelia must still be in prison, if me and my husband were to hand him over already, who would look after him?" The woman said.

"Me. I'm his uncle, and Amelia gets out in a few months. She will have him back when she gets out." Dodger stated.

"Well the best thing to do from here, would be I'd we brang Ernest down for a visit, and we will see how it goes. We only want what's best for him after all. He's a lovely little lad and a treasure." The woman said.

"One thing I wondered, of you fostered ernie, why would you want him to go back to his real parents? Considering you love him after a year you must do." Dodger contempated.

"My husband , Andrew and I, work in the buisness of fostering children whose parents are unknown, and reconnecting them back to their families. We've been working trying to find ernies parents for almost two years, this is the closest we've come, finding his uncle." Leanne told us. Our mouths were both agape. These people could help us find Daisy and Jamie.

"I don't suppose you've worked with any other Blake's have you?" I asked, scared to even hope. I just want to get the three of them back for mum, before she gets back.

"Personally, we havent , no. But of you're trying to find anyone else, we have contacts and will ask them." She said.

"Actually, yes, were trying to find Ernests other two sisters as well." Dodger said.

"If you give me their names, I'll ask around for you." Leanne kindly promised.

"Daisy Amy Blake and Jamie Louise Blake." I told Leanne.

"Well, I can ask, but I can't promise I'll find them. Now, I need to know where you live, so we can bring ernest down for a visit, and then we can get him settled properly. Once eve had DNA confirmation of course." Leanne said.

"Sure. I live in hollyoaks, on the boat, you can't miss it." Dodger told them.

"So do you look after scarlett for Amelia to?"

"No, I live with my dad." I told her.

"But I have my own kids to look after. And hopefully Ernie soon, and then we can reunite him with Amelia." Dodger said.

"OK. Well we will be down asap, thank you for calling." Leanne said.


"bye." Leanne said and hung up. Theresa and liberty walked in, carrying grocery bags and kids trailing behind or in buggys. Dodger and I shiftily looked at each other. Dodge and threze are having enough trouble with their not being enough space, especially with liberty there now as well.

"What have you done now?" Theresa asked, kissing dodgers cheek.

"I might have told my sister that her little boy can come live with us. Just until shse out, its only four months, and also her two daughters, once we find them." Dodger bit his lip.

"Dodge! We don't have the space!" Theresa argued.

"Yes. I thought about that. And I might have made a new buisness venture." He said. Theresa looked intrigued, I don't know whether she'll be pleased or annoyed... "I've bout the dog off of jack and frankie, don't be mad, its got three bedrooms and me, you and the twins and then angel, Pocahontas and Ryder, and Ernie, and then leighton. Plus, we've got loads of money coming in already, its a bargain really."

"Dodge, how could I be angry? You've set us up for life! There's enoug room for the kids and we can move out of here!" She threw her arms around him and nugged him. At least she was pleased. Normally dodger wouldn't do anything without consulting her, but he saw an opportunity and took it.

"Now we have to tell you something." Liberty looked at us. "Maxine's back. With a babu. Patricks baby. She's called Minnie." Liberty told dodger. Dodger had had feelings for Maxine, once. But he loves Theresa. Theresa hates Maxine though.

"Well, obviously that's my little sister, but maxines nothing to me." Dodger reassured Theresa.

"I'd better go, I've gotta help Ziggy in the garage." I said.

"I'll call you when he gets here!" Dodge shouted after me. I nodded and waved. I was walking home, I called Ziggy to tell him I was on my way.

"Yeah I'll be there in 5." I said.

"Good. I can't figure out what's wrong with this car." I laughed and hung up. A hand came out of nowhere and grabbed my face. I tried to scream but it covered my mouth. I bit down as hard as o could and the person screamed in agong and I ran. When I was far enough away, I turned round, to see them chasing me. Patrick.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now