Chapter 39

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Today's the day. Jamie and Ernies DNA results come back. I woke up, my alarm going off. 9.00 am. Dodger and I are meeting Leanne and Andrew at the boat, where the results will be sent. In the few days they have been here, we took them to meet Amelia. They loved her, as she did them. I walked over to dodgers, eager to see the letters.

Letter 1

DNA: Ernest Blake
We are most congratulating on the fact that DNA results show the connection between the two is parent to child.

Letter 2

DNA: Jamie Blake
We are most congratualting on the fact that DNA results show the connection between the two is most likely parent to child.

"Yes! We did it dodge! They really are our Jamie and Ernie!" I said to my uncle happily.

"Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it." A familiar figure walked into the room.

"Mum!?" I said, confused.

"I got let out early!" She told us, killing myself, Jamie and Ernie into a big cuddle. We hugged her back. Two years ago, I'd never had thought I'd have a second family. The roacoes and the blakes. Although, now we know that Jamie and Ernie are ours, Leanne and Andrew are going to leave, which means George is leaving to...

I pulled George out of the boat.

"So your leaving today?" I quizzed him.

"Now Jamie and ernie have been confirmed, I guess we are. Wish I could stay to be honest, there's the job at the garage, and the lomax's." He pondered.

"Stay then." I said, hopeful. George shrugged.

"Maybe." He simply replied. I hope he does stay, I like him, a lot. I went home after that, I'm delighted Jamie and ernie are ours, but I wish George would stay. Leighton came round later that day.

"What's up with you?" She asked.

"What?" I said, moodily.

"Well, your being really grouchy and moody, thought you'd be happy, with all the jamie stuff." Leighton explained.

"Yeah, I am. But George is leaving."

"Isn't he too old for you anyway? He's 17 your 15." Leighton asked.

"You sound like my dad now. But I don't like him in that way, he's just nice, and caring, and he understands you and he's quite good looking and yes nice and supportive and yes nice and..."

"OK, OK, he's nice, I get it, you defo have a crush on him Lett." She said. I scoffed.

"I do not."

(From: Amelia)
Meet me, Jamie and Ernie? Just outside hollyoaks xx mum.

I was confused as to why she wanted to meet up, but decided to go anyway. I told Leighton I had to go see my mum and she left. I pulled on my white vans and jogged over to where mum was.

"Whats up?" I asked, looking confused as to why she had Jamie, Ernie and loads of bags with her.

"Patrick, he's not dead." She told me.

"I know, he chased me last week." I told her.

"And leanne and Andrew don't want to let Ernie go. So were leaving, me, Jamie and Ernie."

"What? But we just got them back, just fight leanne and Andrew, you can't leave." I argued. "We've just started to get to know each other, an we havent even found daisy yet."

"I know where daisy is, she's safe and happy. I've got Jamie and Ernie, please Scarlett, come with us." She pleaded with me. I shook my head.

"No. What about my dad? And uncle dodge? Ziggy wouldn't last two minutes in the garage without me. Can't you just stay."

"We can't. I want a better life for Jamie and ernie, not this. Please come!"

"No." I point blank refused. I knelt down to Jamie and Ernie. "Listen you two, you be good and have a good life, hopefully I will see you again one day, if not, then just remember, I love you, OK?" They both nodded, I kissed the tops of their heads and walked away. That mother of mine is an idiot. Should never have let her weedle her way in and get close to me. I ran all the way home, crying. I've just started to get to know my brother and sister and now she's taken them away.

(From: Amelia)
I love you, remember that always.

(To: Amelia)
Don't bother coming back. Your not wanted.

She wont come back anyway, she only cares about what's best for her. Not about me, or Jamie, or Ernie. I was crying in my room and dad came in.

"What's the matter kid?" He asked, concerned.

"Amelia left hollyoaks, with Jamie and Ernie, she wanted me to go with her. But i didn't want to leave you. I love you daddy." I welled up again.

"Hey, I love you too, don't worry, you'll always have me, you don't get rid of roscoes that easily." He reassured me. I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. He went out half an hour later to see to Axel.

(From: George)
I'm not leaving! xxx

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now