Chapter 12

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Me and Leighton jumped in after JJ. Celine and Theresa couldn't obviously because they're both pregnant and if anything happened to them the babies could die, and Lindsey said she didn't want to get her hair wet, yet she says she's a good mum to JJ? I don't think so. Celine called an ambulance for JJ and Theresa called Joe. Lindsey ran off, even though she's a doctor and could've helped JJ. When Leighton found JJ I helped pull him up to the bank. He spluttered and coughed but started breathing, except we couldn't wake him up. The ambulance came and Celine and I went with him.

"I'm afraid your son has some severe breathing problems, we are unable to tell if he will have any long term disabilities as he is not yet fully warmed up so we cannot tell." Doctor savage said.

"Will he die?" Celine asked, crying. "I shouldn't have let Lindsey near him." Celine cried.

"I don't know yet, but with any luck, he'll be home soon. Always prepare for the worst though. He is a very young boy who has fallen into a freezing cold lake, don't get your hopes up. Now come on miss, we'd better warm you up." Doctor savage said to me. Joe appeared.

"Celine? Scarlett? What's happened?" My eldest brother asked. Celine was in floods of tears, so I answered for her.

"Lindsey came over to us when we were feeding the ducks, Celine let her help JJ, because she didn't want to cause a scene, Lindsey took JJ too far to the edge, JJ stepped to close and fell in, leighton and I jumped in after, and brought him back out, Lindsey ran away and we ended up here." I told him.

"If you don't mind sir, I must get her warm, before she gets hyperthermia or something," doctor savage said. Joe nodded so I followed doctor savage, he appointed Tegan and Kim to look after me so it wasn't that bad, because he had to keep an eye on JJ.

Once I was allowed back out, I went straight to where JJ was, he was asleep, everyone was there, literally the whole family, except the kids. Lindsey still hadn't showed up, probably keeping her distance no doubt.

"Any news?" I asked.

"He's going to be ok, if it wasn't for you and Leighton, I don't know what would've happened. Thank you little sis." Joe said, pulling me into a hug.


"Can you just go? My nephew almost died today. If you think Robbies a lying cheater, good for you. But I know he isn't, because he's my brother and I believe him. Stop shouting in a hospital, what are you, stupid? If you don't shut up you'll wake JJ, don't you think he's been through enough?" Jason told phoebe.

"Well I'm sorry about JJ, but Robbie did t show, he should have," phoebe said.

"He came to see his nephew incase he died? Get it into your head you stupid little girl, Robbie doesn't love you as much as he loves us, so get out and go shout somewhere else." I said to her.

"I never liked you anyway!" Phoebe shouted.

"Good for you! Bye now." I said and turned away from her. Lindsey came to visit, lets just say, she wasn't there for long.

"Oh my god, I just heard, Celine! I'm gonna rip your hair out, how dare you let this happen to my baby boy? This is what happens when you put him in the care of a stranger joe!" Lindsey said.

"What are you on about, you deluded woman? I know what happened and it was you who let him fall in, you think I'll believe you over my wife and my sister? Get out. Your not welcome here." Joe replied. Freddie looked away from it all.

"Oh yeah, you can forgive Freddie but not me?" Lindsey said.

"This is about JJ not Freddie, bye Lindsey." Joe said.

"Shall we go home now? Joe I guess your staying with JJ?" I said.

"We both are," Celine told me. I nodded.

"Come on then, we'll go get chips an' all yeah?" Robbie said. "Fred you can drive. You coming Jase? Zig?"

"Yeah come on guys, can't leave Theresa and dodger with Rose and penny and Lola all day can we." Ziggy smiled.

Joe and Celine were able to bring JJ home the next day as long as they monitored his breathing and didn't take him out of the house for a few days. Me and Robbie went for a game of football, Jase showed up at some point to.

"How's holly?" Robbie asked.

"Oh. You know, fine I guess."

"Problems?" I asked.

"Sort of, she keeps having a go at me about my anorexia, I'm trying you know, but she just goes on and on." Jason told us.

"Don't you stop eating again. But just ask her to stop and if she doesn't you know she's not gonna change and you should get out of there." Robbie said.

"I agree, don't risk it jase." I said.

"I've liked her for so long and when she finally likes me back, my brother and sister tell me to dump her? No chance." Jason stormed off.

"If anything happens to him, I'll kill her," Robbie told me.

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