Chapter 36

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"Grandma!" I squealed down the phone. 'I missed you!"

"Not as much as I miss you all. Me and Cory are coming over. See the triplets and everyone, all the grandchildren! Oh scar, been meaning to ask, what's with the freddie-poppy buisness?" She asked. Poppy was Freddie and Sineads little girl. At least, Freddie thought she was his, turns out the older child, lily was freddies, and poppys not. Not that it brothers him really, I mean, he's got three other little girls; lily, mila and harper, and then baby jack as well.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that grandma, very thing good here." Dad motioned for me to hurry up, dodger was at the door, were going to see Amelia. Apparently there's something she wants us to do for her. "I have to go grandma, I'll call you later! Love you!"

"OK, give my love to everyone." She hung up. I hurried out the door, and got in the car with dodger. He smiled at me and we set off to the prison. Amelia was sat waiting for us, we were late, as usual. Sienna, also in prison, was sat elsewhere, she thought we were there for her, but we just walked straight past her and went to Amelia. Amelia engulfed us in big cuddle, it was nice to have my mums arms around me for once, I love dad, but simetimes , he's just a bit much.

"God, I've missed my baby girl and my little brother." Amelia said. I couldn't help myself, my face erupted into a massive grin.

"What can we specifically do for ya sis?" Dodger asked, still uncomfortable at being in the presence of a murderer.

"Well, as you both know, I get out of here in two months. And I want you two to help me find my other two children. I would love to have all three of my children together," she told us.

"We didn't even know you had other kids...." I said, startled.

"Patrick let other men abuse me and use me for money. I had two over little girls, and a little boy. But he was taken away from me as soon as he was born. I got to look after my first little girl for two months and the second for five whole months. But i want them back." Amelia said determined to get them.

"Of course we will help, right dodge?" I said, excited at the prospect of three new siblings.

"Course. Names and dates of birth?" Dodger asked. Amelia slid him a piece of are and a pencil to write them down. Dodger united them down as she said them.
Daisy Amy Blake, age 11, born 17th January 2003
Jamie Louise Blake, age 7, born 2nd July 2007
Ernest Leo Blake, age 2, born 20th January 2013

"Amelia, we will find Daisy, Jamie and Ernest, ok, whatever it takes." Dodger promised.

"All I want and need now is Scarlett, Daisy, Jamie and Ernie, all together." She smiled, hopeful at the idea. Dodger and I left after hearing all about Daisy, Jamie and Ernie.

"How the hell do we find three kids we know nothing about!" Dodger contemplated.

"You found nico. You canon find Daisy, Jamie and Ernie." I said.

"When sienna asked me to find nico, I had all the time in the world, now I've got a job,  wife and six kids." He argued.

"Well we will do it together. Any spare time we have, we will start looking for them." I reassured him.

"Hold on, Ernest Blake, that name was in the paper. Ive got it here." Dodger said, searching the boat for the paper. "Here, read this."
Two years on, investigators are still searching for the parents of the young Ernest Blake. The young child lives with foster carers, Leanne and Andrew Cross, they love him dearly like their own child. Ernest was left outside the church on the day he was birn , with  a small note scribbled on tiny paper with read:
My name is Ernest Leo Blake. I was bon today, 20th January 2013, please look after me.
If anyone has any information, please call 01456842123.
"Well that was easy. We've found one. She must have read the paper." I said.

"Yeah. But we promised Daisy and Jamie as well." Dodger said.

"Well, ring for Ernie first. Then focus on either Jamie or daisy, once we've got Ernie."

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