Chapter 3

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When Rob and I went to see Jase, he was smiling, he hasn't been happy like this for a long time.

"Holly came to see me!" He told us.

"Nothing to do with being excited for your twin brother, your sister and nephew coming to see you then. Here's me thinking you were excited about seeing us!" Rob grinned.

"Don't I see enough of your ugly mugs already?" Jason smirked.

"What did she say then?" I asked.

"We just talked really. Thanks Scarlett. Without you, I don't think she'd have come. Only known you a few days, and your already the best sister I could have." He told me.

"Agreed." Rob said.

"Thanks guys, but. I love you all and everything. But dads just flipping creepy. I don't like how he made you two fight. Or how he treats phoebe, I love phoebe she's lovely and really nice, and she's perfect for you rob, but dad's horrid to her. And Kim, he's horrid to Kim because she a lesbian. I hate it. He's a creep." I told them exactly what I thought of our dad.

"I know. We turfed him out before Christmas. But mum let him come back, when she came back." Jase said. Ughh.

"Well we'll just have to see what happens I guess." Robbie said, as the nurse came to tell us how Jason's doing.

"Jason's doing great. Proud of how far he's come, you'll be out soon love." She said. No idea who she is.

"Thanks tegs, see you and little Rose later then won't we?" Robbie said.

"Of course, looking forward to it." The nurse said. I gave Robbie a confused look.

"Oh scar, you have no idea who this is. Your face! This is zigs girlfriend Tegan." Robbie explained.

"Oh! So your the one giving me a new niece or nephew! Not that we've got used to JJ yet!" I said. "Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you to." She said before she walked away.

"Anyway, we'd better get off Letts, joe'll be wondering where we are, see ya later jase." Robbie said and we whet home.

I was sat on my room looking at old pictures of me, Maddie and Lola at the home. Maddie can handle it, she'll be out of there soon. The thing is, Lola's gonna be in there for another thirteen years. I've got my brothers now, so Lola's been left without anyone. Maddie never liked kids anyway. Joe walked past and looked into my room.

"You alright Lett? You look a bit down." He said.

"Mmm, just thinking." I told my eldest brother.

"What about." He said, sitting down.

"Well, there was a kid at the home. I used to look after her in there, it's pretty harsh there, she's only three. Guess I just felt a bit bad for leaving her is all." I told joe.

"Why don't I see what I can do about it?" Joe asked.

"Like a day out or something?" I asked.

"Maybe, what's her name?" Joe asked me.

"Lola Kay."

"Ok, I'll see what I can do." He got up to walk out.



"Can Peri come to the party?" I asked. Peri and I met the other day, but were friends.

"Course, she's Tegan's niece as well so I guess she's welcome." Joe said. I smiled at my brother.

(To: Peri Lomax)

Hi pez, you coming 2 party?

(From: Peri Lomax)

Yh, with tegs and Rose, bringing tom and toms mate Cal;);)

(To: Peri Lomax)

Thank god no nico!

(From: Peri Lomax)

Defo not.!!

Nico is this crazy girl, she's crazy. Her mum told her that her dad was her uncle dodger, dodger thought that nico was his kid, until his kid actually turned up, Leighton her name is, and she's actually really nice! Turns out nicos dad is her grandad who had had a relationship with her mum, and now nico likes to go making trouble wherever she goes! Her uncle dodger has settled down with his girlfriend Theresa, who he's gonna marry, and their kids: Leighton, Kathleen-Angel and Myra-Pocahontas! Trust me Nicos crazy. Me and Peri and Leigton have already decided that when we go back to school our group will just be us three, tom, Cal and Sam!

(To: Peri Lomax)

Cool! Get him 2 bring Sam, I'll text Leigh!

(To: Leighton Savage)

Party 2night, my house

(From: Cal Knight)

C u 2night Scar:*

(To: Cal Knight)

Yeah, squads gonna be there

Seriously can't wait for this party. Dads gonna be kicked out. Joes sorting Lola out. Squads coming to the party. Hopefully nico doesn't find out and ruin it!

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