Chapter 28

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I got woken up early in the morning, by a very loud banging on the door. I grabbed my dressing gown, tied it round me and went to the landing to see who it was, Ziggy was there also.

"What's going on? What's the time?" I asked Ziggy.

"I dunno, some drama with Joe and Lindsey and it's 6.38 in the morning, Rose and Penny aren't even up yet." Ziggy said. "It's too early, I'm going back to bed." He said. I went downstairs to see what was going on. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard one of the kids crying, do I went back up to see who it was. JJ. I picked him up and went downstairs with him.

"What's going on?" I asked. "It's only 20 to seven?"

"I'm just telling Joe that I'm going for full custody of JJ. I thought he should hear it from me before he gets a letter from social services." Lindsey said.

"Custody?" I snorted. "Good luck, you'll need it." And I walked away to go watch Cbeebies with JJ.

"Ad lady?" JJ asked.

"Yes JJ, mad lady." I said.

"Choc choc?"

"You can't have choc choc It's too early." I told him. He pouted.

"Sorry for waking you lot up, kids," dad said.

"Don't worry about it." I said. "Take JJ though, I'm going back to bed." I gave JJ to. Joe and went back upstairs to my nice, warm, comfy bed.

I woke up again at about eight, ready to go to the garage, but it was eerily quiet, everyone had forgotten to wake up because they'd all been woken up so early. I went into Freddie's room to wake him up. I shook him.

"What you doing?" Freddie asked, groaning at me to leave him alone.

"It's 8 o clock Fred, you've gotta go to the garage." I told him.

"Ugh, stupid people don't even have the decency to be quiet when they arguments." Freddie whined. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Go make me a coffee will ya?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but hurry up." I Said, making my way downstairs to get Freddie a coffee. I best get one for zig and Robbie as well. We didn't have any coffee granules so I went upstairs, put in my overalls and tied my hair up, and went to Esther's magic bean. "Hi, can I have 5 coffees please?" I asked.

"Sure, busy day at the garage?" Esther asked.

"Not really, but everyone got woken up early, so the boys need coffee in their systems." I laughed.

"Boys, eh? If you wait over there, I'll bring them over." Esther smiled. I said ok and went and sat down, checking snapchat and instagram on my phone. Nothing much, all pretty boring really.

(From: Leighton)

Dad's invited u 4 dinner 2night u coming?

(To: Leighton)

Sure, what time

(From: Leighton)

Bout 7, ur family invited 2, wen u coming bck 2 skl? Miss u:(

(To: Leighton)

Sorry Leigh, I'm home skled now.:(

"Here. You go, 5 coffees." Esther smiled. I put my phone away, smiled at her, said thanks and made my way back to the garage. There is secrets in people I try to avoid in this village, but sometimes it's just inevitable that your going to bump into them. Today was not my day. I bumped into Sienna and Amelia.

"Hi Scarlett, how you doing?" Sienna asked.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks Sie, what about you?"

"Great. Are you going to be at dodgers tonight?" Sienna asked.

"Should be, I'll probably just bring Freddie or something."

"How come you have to bring someone?" Amelia asked.

"Celine doesn't let me go out on my own anymore, I wonder why." I said, sarcastically. Why couldn't she have just testified against Patrick, then he would have been gone for good! Well, there's always Maxine, she's doing a pretty good job at digging up the dirt on him. "She doesn't know I'm out, I had to get coffees for dad and my uncles." I said.

"So, you work at the garage?" Sienna asked.

"I just help out a bit, I like it there." I said. "Anyway, I'd best be off, I'll see you tonight Sie." I said and walked off. I decided to go the short way to get back to the house quicker, I was almost home, when a hodded figure grabbed me, causing me to drop al the coffees over them, which most likely burned them. They pushed me up against the wall.

"Stay away from my mum. Since YOU came on the scene, all we hear is 'oh Scarlett's such a good girl, be more like her.' " the figure mimicked Sienna. Yep, I know who this is. Nico.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. She's my auntie. I'm not gonna stay away from her." I said, pushing Nico off. "And if she likes me better than you, maybe you should do something that might actually make you likeable. Rather than being like your mental grandad." I said.

"He's your grandad too." Nico said, almost in tears.

"I guess I just got more roscoe in me than Blake, thank god." I said. Nico was crying. "Hey, I'm sorry, are you ok?"

"Just, just why can't I be more like you or Leighton? Everyone loves you two, I'm just the outsider, Amelia and dodger don't like me, Patrick doesn't, even my own mums ashamed off me." Wow, I never realised nico had all this inner emotion.

"Erm, well maybe we could hang out one time, get to know each other maybe, I'm not all that bad?" I said.

"Your a roscoe, everyone loves you, of course your not bad." Nico said.

"Look, here's my number, text me or something yeah, but I really need to go, before one of my uncles mess up a car." I joked.

"Thanks." Nico said. Maybe she won't be so bad after all. Everyone deserves a second chance, okay, maybe a third, fourth, fifth chance not is much, but she's family, I gotta make an effort at least.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now