Chapter 48

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Joe had called a 'family meeting' it whatever that was. Probably another ploy to get us all together. Oh, the joy of it.

"What's up dadda?" I asked, we were all here now, but he still would not tell us what all this was about, and it was really getting on our nerves, me and peri were planning on sneaking into the club tonight, getting wadd and just forgetting about the problem that is life. "Come on, I want to go out!" I told him.

"OK, OK. Me and Lindsey have rekindled!" He told us excitedly, Lindsey came from around the corner.

"What are you on about?" Ziggy laughed at joes choice of words.

"Were back together." Joe stated, being more straight forward this time.

"About flipping time." Ziggy smirked.

"Great, I'm going out, have a fun time at this rivating family meeting." I told them sarcastically, I could not be less bothered about my dads love interests. I went upstairs to get changed. I put on faux leather shorts and a white crop top, with a mesh top over the top of it. Lindsey came up whilst I was putting on my make up. I'd already curled my hair.

"Where you off then?" She asked.

"Out with pez." I said whilst applying mascara.

"You don't mind do, you, about me and your dad?"

"Nope, doesn't bother me, he can di what he likes as long as it doesn't affect Lola and JJ. And yul guys back together is primarily better for Joe junior so its great."

"Phew, I thought it was gonna upset you."


"Well, you loved Celine didn't you?"

"She was Axel's mum, not mine."

"If you ever need to talk..."

"I'll go find dodger."

"Ok." She said and left. I rolled my eyes, put on my heels and went out. I went to get pez first and then the lair of us went to the club. We got in easily enough. Not much security in these places. We danced and drink until I couldn't remember where I was....


I woke up in a random strangers bed, I must have not gone home last night...

"Who are you?" I asked the boy.

"Harry. And you are?"

"Scarlett. Did we...?"

"Yeah." He said as we both plonked back on to the bed and sighed. Great.

"Well...i better go home." I got up and pulled n my clothes, walking out. I got home and was bombarded by my dad, Ziggy, dodger and Robbie.

"Where ya been?" Robbie asked. "Out causing trouble? Drugs? Drink? Clubs?" Robbie accused.

"Your one to talk." I said and ran upstairs. I showered and got changed into my jeans and t shirt.

"For not coming home, you can babysit Lola, JJ, Ashton, rose and Penelope while we go out tonight." I shrugged it off and just exited out the Door' grabbing my cost and shoes and not bothering with her family.


Soooooooo I'm trying a different side to Scarlett:):) a more mean and bad side, showing how her childhood real affected her and stuff:) but she does end up a nic person again:) comment opinions!?

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now