Chapter 14

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The summer holidays have begun! It's exciting to be getting off of school, yet it's gonna be so boring! Which is why I'm trying to persuade Joe to take us on holiday!

"Scarlett, I would love for us to go on holiday, but who'll run the garage! And Celines 5 months pregnant, is to even safe for pregnant women to fly?" He said.

"Err Freddie and ziggy are perfectly capable of running the garage! And are you stupid? Of course pregnant women can fly! And anyway we don't HAVE to fly! Theresa and dodger and the kids have invited us on their holiday! It's Ryder, Ashton and Alexa's first holidays, Celine wants to go and what about Lola and JJ, they want to go!" I pleaded with him.

"I'll talk to Celine, of you get out of my hair!" Joe said.

"Yes! See you later I'm gonna find Robbie and Jason and tell them were going on holiday!" I said, excited. Joes a pushover really, he can't not give in to us! We haven't had any trouble from Lindsey so everything's been great. Celine has been discussing baby names, she keeps coming out with random names, half the time we don't know what she's on about! Some of her suggestions have been pretty out there, joe was shocked at some of them, some she suggested were, for a boy: Lava, Jagger, Dylan, Aksel, Angus and Rocky. And for a girl: Hettie, Melodie, Lilah, Piper and Lark. Some of her names are a bit weird, but I guess joe will have to grow to like it.

"Robbieeeeeeeeee! Were going on holiday!" I told my brother.

"When?" He asked.

"Dunno. Were going with Theresa and doger though, they asked us." I said.

"Which roscoes are going?"

"Me, you, Jase, Joe, Celine, Lola and JJ." I said.

"Cool. Listen, I got a text, off Lindsey, asking me to meet her with JJ." Robbie said.

"Show me." I said.

(From: Lindsey)

Hi Robbie, please can you meet me at the folly with JJ at four?

"Let's go then, just without JJ." I said.

"Really? It's 10 minutes and I gotta finish this car." Robbie said.

"Oh come on you plonker. " I said. He grabbed his coat, still dressed in his overalls and we went down to the folly.

"Robbie, did you bring JJ, I need to go, and I want to take him." Lindsey said.

"Your not allowed access to my nephew." Robbie said.

"He's my son!" Lindsey said, exasperated.

"Court says your not allowed him. Joe and Celine are his legal guardians and parents." I told her.

"I hate Celine for what she's done to me." Lindsey told us, we could see she was angry.

"You brought it on yourself." I said.

"Your the one that cheated with Freddie and made JJ almost drown." Robbie added.

"I HATE ROSCOES," Lindsey shouted. She punched me on my left eye, before right hooking Robbies face, she pulled my head back using my hair, and punched Robbie to the ground. With Robbie down, she turned on me. She punched me in the face again, before punching my stomach and kicking the back of my legs. I fell down next to Robbie, neither of us could move to stop her kicking us, we were in too much agony, so we just lied there and took it.

"What the hell do you think your doing to my kids!" Mum ran in and said.

"Get off my daughter! Before I hit you! " dad added. Robbie and I drifted unconscious after that and woke up in the hospital.

"Mum?" I woke up an d mum was there.

"Are you alright darling? Rick and I came back for a visit, I found Robbies phone on the floor, I saw the text form Lindsey and we came straight to you." She said stroking my hair.

"Where's joe?" I asked.

"There was an emergency at play school to do with Lola. And Celines just gone to get a coffee, are you ok? You had internal bleeding from where she hit you, but as joes your guardian he signed so you had the operation, your ok darling." She said. I nodded.

"Robbie?" I asked.

"He's fine, Lindsey seems to hate you more than Robbie, she's locked up now, right place for her, no one get so away with hurting my baby girl and boy." She said. Maybe she's not so bad after all.

"Hey how you doing sweetie?" Dad walked in and said.

"Fine." I replied. He still gives me the creeps.

"Your awake! You'll be ok now, joe and I will look after you." Celine said, giving me a hug.

"Where's joe?" I asked her.

"He just signing you out, I brought your clothes, if you get changed we'll go straight home love. JJ's dying to see you!" She said. Turns out rob and i have been in here 3 days already without waking up! "Lindsey gets sentenced next month by the way." Celine said. I nodded and went to get changed. When I got back joe was there.

"Come on then, let's get you home, you had us scared you know, dunno what I'd do if I lost you." Joe said, giving me a massive hug. He is the best brother ever and Celines like the best sister ever.


ATTENTION! Guys what do you want Joe and Celine to call their baby? Celines has some really intresting name is think! But you guys can suggest names to! Make it something Good to go with Lola and JJ! Also, I was thinking to do a storyline with ziggy and Tegan, Rose, Penelope, but I'm not sure what. Ideas??? And also a new storyline fro Freddie too!

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