Chapter 24

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Recommendation: _X_sammii_X_ 's story - daddy's little girl.

Authors note: I'm going to update in this story as soon as I get 10 views on it from now on:)


The next morning, I woke up after everyone else. I looked around. Amelia was sat reading a book. Dodger and sienna were talking quietly. I went over to them. They looked at me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We've got an escape plan." Dodger whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"We don't know yet how loyal Amelia is towards Patrick, she could tell him the plan when he walks in, or worse, try to stop us." Sienna told me. I nodded.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked. They told me, and then we waited for Patrick to come back before we could out the plan into action. It was a long wait. He didn't come back until the early hours of the morning, but we four had stayed awake anyway, this plan had to work, otherwise we were stuffed. Patrick walked in.

"Grandad!" I burst in smiles, the first part of the plan. "I am so, so sorry for everything I have done! I know that you putting me down here was the best thing you've ever done for me! Thank you so much. Without you I would probably be a young tear away by now!" I said, repeating the words I'd rehearsed countless time, whilst smiling at him and hugging him.

"It's ok." He said, hugging me back. "I'm glad you've come to your senses." He said. Suddenly, dodger whacked him over the head with Sienna's high heeled shoe.

"Oh my god, dodger what have you done!" Amelia shouted, gasping. Patrick fell to the ground. Dodger and sienna pulled him over towards the radiator, and used dodgers vest to tie him up, while I rummaged around in his coat pockets for his car keys and phone and door keys so that we cold lock him in here, so that we could get away, and then call the police to go get him.

"Got everything?" Dodger asked me.

"Yep." I said. Dodger, sienna and I then pulled up Amelia between us, and the twins out her arms around each of their shoulders and started t o walk out the door. I was about to close the door and lock it, when Patrick said something.

"You won't get away with this you nasty little children." He'd said.

"Oh, but grandad, were escaping, so we already have!" I said. I locked the door and went up the stairs after dodger, sienna and Amelia. I locked all the doors after us and we went out to find Patricks car. Dodge knew where we were, an old derelict school building. Sienna got Amelia in and strapped her in, and sat next to her. I threw dodger the car keys, we both got in and drove away.

"Ring your dad." Dodger told me. I nodded.







"Hello? Patrick?" Dad said down the phone.

"No dad, it's me, we escaped." I told him.

"Are you ok? Go straight to hospital, tell dodger, I'll meet you there. Tell them I'll pass the message on and tell the police." He said. I had the phone on loudspeaker, so everyone heard anyway.

"Ok, love you dad," I said.

"Love you to kid," he said. Dodger drive us straight to the hospital. He and sienna got Amelia out and out her arms over their shoulders agin, and I walked in after them. Joe and Celine were already there with the police and joe ran straight to me and picked me up on his arms.

"I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again." He said, stroking my hair. I jut cried softly into his shoulder.

"Sorry joe, I'm gonna have to take her and look her over." Lindsey said.

"She's not going with you." Joe said.

""It's fine dad, I'll be ok, Celines here anyway." I said walking over with Celine, joe had to sort out some stuff with the police, and me and Celine went with Lindsey.

"I'll. stitch up the cut on your head, and you've concussion, over than that, your ok." Lindsey said.

"Thank you." Celine said.

"Look, I am sorry for what I did, Scarlett, I wasn't in my rot mind when it happened I just wanted JJ back. I know now that he's joes and not mine." Lindsey said, whilst stitching up my cut.

"It's ok. I've been through worse." I told her, smiling. She smiled back. "Any news on my uncle and auntie?" I asked.

"They're both ok. They were both drugged, like you, but that's worn off now." She told me.

"That's good, and what about the other person who came in with us?" I asked.

"She's severely malnourished, she's been battered and bruised, she's got 5 broken ribs her wrist is broken and so os her ankle. And she's in shock." Lindsey told me, finishing off my stitches.

"Thanks." I said. Celine and I left and I went to see how dodger and sienna were. "You guys ok?" I asked.

"Were fine, we've just spoken to the police, they want you next." Sienna smiled, "are you ok scar?" She asked.

"I'm fine, and I better to find D.I. Bayle." I said and went to find him.

"Ah, Miss Roscoe, your uncle and auntie have told us everything, my colleagues have found Mr Blake and once he's been checked over, because of the shoe incident, he will be out in prison until a further court hearing, do you have anything to add?" Bayle asked me.

"Just tell him I hope he rots in hell." I smiled and went back to my uncle and auntie. Joe was with them, and Lindsey was there, Celine had had to go home because if Lola, JJ and Axel.

"I'm just glad she's ok." Joe was saying to dodge and sienna as I approached and plopped myself onto the bed between them.

"I can't wait to see Theresa, and Leighton, Angel, Pocahontas, Ryder, Ash and Lex." Dodger said. "We have to get this over first though. Come on, we'd best go through." He took my hand, I took joes hand in my other hand, and we went through to Amelia's room.

"Hey Amelia." Sienna skipped over.

"Hello," Amelia said. "Don't be scared." Amelia said to me. I walked over with joe and dodger.

"I thought you were dead." Joe said.

"Well. I'm not, and want to be a mum. A proper one. I'm sorry I wasn't there scar. I thought of you every single day." She said.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault. And most people call me Lett, not scar." I said, walking over. Everyone was finally smiling. Finally.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now