Chapter 11

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So joe and Celine are having a baby. I guess Theresa was right, that is what honeymoons are for. She's only a month gone but they weren't exactly quiet about it, we all found out and they don't even know we know. At 5am this morning Robbie and Phoebe started a shouting match which woke up the whole house and the kids wouldn't go back to sleep.

"IM NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU ROBBIE, JUST TELL ME WHO IT IS," phoebe shouted. This was the point at which me and Jase walked out to find them shouting in the hallway, phoebe had her bags packed.

"ITS NO ONE JUST GET A GRIP PHOEBS!" Robbie shouted back, equally as loud.

"Can you be quiet? I've got two kids asleep in that room?" Joe said, pointing to Lola and JJ's room.

"Yeah, shut up. Rose and Penelope are asleep!" Ziggy whispered.

"Ugh, that's it. Robbie. I'm fed up of your family, you can't leave them it's annoying. Were over. I can't be bothered with your lying and cheating anymore. Goodbye." Phoebe said, grabbing her bags and walking downstairs.

"Phoebe? What's going on?" Celine asked her cousin.

"Robbie. All roscoes are cheating liars." Phoebe replied.

"I'm sorry you think that phoebe, but me, zig and Jase aren't?" Joe said.

"Whatever." Phoebe walked out.

"Can we go back to bed now then?" Ziggy asked. We all nodded, except JJ and Rose were crying, I went back to bed anyway.

"Oh and er Robbie? If phoebes moved out, you can move back in with Jase so Fred can come home, ok?" Joe stated. Robbie nodded, sighing. Well, at least all us roscoes will be back together now then!

The next day, Celine and I took JJ and Lola to feed the ducks by the boat, with Theresa, Leighton, Kathleen-Angel, Myra-Pocahontas and little Ryder. Lola and Angel like to play together and when JJ and Ryder are older they'll probably be playing together as well.

"So how long till you have this one?" Celine asked Theresa.

"4 months. We haven't found out the sex, we didn't want to on this one." Theresa said. "How long till yours?"

"Scarlett have you been telling people?" She gave me a concerned look, which just made me laugh. "And Theresa I'm only two and a half months gone."

"What? We thought it was like a month!" I said.

"I got pregnant just before the wedding." Celine said, as Lindsey turned up with Cindy, Holly and Hilton.

"JJ! Do you like feeding the ducks?" JJ can walk now, so he toddled over to Celine to avoid Lindsey, who he just thought was the mad woman from the shop the other day.

"It's ok, JJ, you carry on." Celine said. "And yeah,, he does, it's his favourite thing to do. You can see if he wants help if you want?" Celine said, to which Lindsey nodded excitedly. Celines only trying to help. It's because she loaves JJ and wants what's best for him, she doesn't want JJ to hate her and joe in later life because they stopped him seeing his mum. Lindsey helped JJ with the bread, JJ kept getting closer and closer to the edge.

"You don't think he'll fall in do you?" Celine whispered to me.

"I hope not," I said as JJ fell into the pond.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now