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Joe and i had decided to spend our last day with little Lola at the park. We were there with Lindsey, JJ, Freddie and dodger and Ashton. Lindsey had made a little picnic, and Lola was enjoying the day. Unfortunately for us, we had had no idea that Cameron would have been granted custody, and that Lola would have been ripped away from us. It's horrible, seeing my dad go through this heartache, it's worse than when Lindsey left him for Freddie, he's trying to be strong, and out on a brave face for me, JJ, Lindsey and the baby Lindsey's carrying. But I can see right through it, even if they can't. Peri promised me she'd look after Lola when they got her though and I can trust her so I know Lola's gonna be ok.

Leaving her was the hardest thing we'd ever had to do, to just walk away from her. Saying goodbye to a little girl who I'd been a big sister to ever since she was born was like choking on your own teeth, hard to do, but horrible when it actually happens. She was a part of our family, but now she was leaving to go and be a part of a new, biological family. We'd always be here for her if she ever needed us though, always, she's a part of our family and we love her to pieces.

Dodger and Ashton were also moving back onto the boat this afternoon. And Theresa and Kathleen-Angel were moving back in with them, dodger and Theresa are finally getting back on track after three of their babies had died. I'm glad, they belong together.

Lindsey had the baby a few months later, a little baby girl. Joe and Lindsey called her Faith. She the cutest little thing ever, and I'm so truly happy for them. Whatever Lindsey had do e in the last, that's all forgotten now, we've carried on and moved on, it's best all round. Were better as a family unit. Joe, Lindsey, me, JJ and Faith.

The last thing, was Harry. We'd been 'seeing each other' for a few months now, and I kinda had something to tell him. It was going to be awkward, and scary and weird, but it was something I had to do! For the sake of us and others around us. I went to find Harry. I had some....news. I guess you could call it that. I had absolutely no idea how Harry was going to react, only that I didn't think he'd take to it too kindly. I'd told my dad and Lindsey and my uncles. Now I just had to tell Harry, the others had been...ok...with it. And my decision they'd understood. This was my choice, and mine alone. I knocked on Harry's door and. Darren answered.

"Is Harry in?" I asked him.

"Yeah, in his room, you can go through." Darren replied. I thanked him and went through to see Harry.

"Scarlett! I haven't seen you in ages!" Harry exclaimed as he saw me walk through.

"Shut up and listen." He closed his mouth. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

"I'm guessing it's mine." Was all he could say.

"There isn't any one else." I stated, looking at the ground. "I'm keeping it. It's my choice and I want to, you can be involved, but you don't have too. It's completely up to you, I don't mind, I'm pretty sure I can cope by myself if you don't want to be involved." I told him.

"No. I will be involved. I'll be more than involved. I'm gonna be there, day and night. You can count on me, I promise." He sounded determined. He can be involved if he wants, but only if he's sure, and I don't want him to mess this kid around.

"Ok." I simply replied. I got up to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

"One more thing."

"What?" I asked.

"Marry me?"


Ok ok, that's the end!! Scarlett Roscoe is finished! Thank you to all those of you who have read this, it means a lot! And I hope you have enjoyed this hollyoaks fanfic!  Thank you to all of you! Abbie xx

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