Chapter 17

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The 'couples' dinner is tonight. It's probably going to be boring but I have to go anyway because Cal's coming. Joes making all the men go in suits and the girls in dresses, he's annoying. Were only going to the hutch. Cal was meeting me at home. Freddie and I were waiting at the door for everyone else to be ready, we were throwing popcorn into each other's mouths.

"Do you think Jason's gonna bring Holly? Yesterday's argument was pretty rough." Freddie said. I shrugged.

"Dunno. Probably, Holly was looking forward to it, I could text her?" I said.

"Yeah then we can find out what's going on." Freddie said. I shrugged.

(To: Holly)

What time are you meeting us?

(From: Holly)

Does Jase still want me to come?

(To: Holly)

Of course!

(From: Holly)

Ok, I'll meet you at 6 then.

"Meeting us at 6." I told Freddie.

"Your Cal's at the door." Freddie told me.

"Why didn't you let him in, dumbass?" I asked.

"Not my job."

"It's no ones job to answer the door you idiot." I opened the door while talking to Freddie.

"What?" Cal asked.

"Nothing, just my brother being an idiot." I smiled.

"Hi. I'm Freddie, break my sisters heart and I'll break your legs." Freddie smiled.

"I like your thinking." Cal replied. Freddie hadn't expected that.

"I think were gonna get on great." Freddie said. I rolled my eyes and left them talking and went to find Celine.

"Awh you look pretty, babe." Celine said.

"Mhm thanks, so do you." I said. "Are you guys ready yet? Fred and Cal are downstairs, no idea what zigs doing and rob and Jase are meeting us there." I said.

"Go see what ziggy and Tegan are doing for me?" Joe asked.

"Fine." I said. "ZIGGY!" I shouted.

"What?" He replied.

"Stop being vain and looking at yourself in the mirror and get your butt downstairs so we can GO!" I told him.

"Alright, alright were ready. Babysitters here right?" He said.

"Yes downstairs with JJ and Lola and Rose." I said. Zig nodded. Finally when we were all downstairs we walked to the hutch. Cal went off with Ziggy talking about some hair product stuff and the boys basically went off together so I walked with Celine.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Celine asked.

"Sure." I said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I found out whether Joe and I are having a boy or girl."

"And?" I asked.

"A boy!" Celine whispered excitedly. "Lola and JJ are gonna have a little brother, another one in Lola's case."

"How long to go?" I asked.

"2 and a half months." She said. We arrived at the hutch.

"Your all looking very nice tonight." Diane smiled. "Your tables just over here." She gave sinead the evils. Celine squeezed Sineads hand in reassurance. Joe sat head of the table, with Celine on one side and me on the other. Cal sat next to me, Freddie, sinead, Tegan, ziggy at the other end of the table, Robbie, Alec, Jase and Holly next to Celine.

"The roscoe annual dinner has commenced." Joe said.

"Didn't realise it was an annual thing." I told joe.

"Yeah mum started it." He said.

"I'm sorry to be a pain, but she's not welcome in here, or her little brat." Diane said to joe, pointing at sinead and Lily.

"Ah well, I guess we'll have to take our custom elsewhere," joe started to get up.

"Oh I guess one night can't hurt, any sign of trouble and she's out on her ear though got it?" Diane said. Joe rolled his eyes but nodded. Ziggy tapped on his glass.

"I've actually got some things to say and share with you guys. One. we've had a diagnosis for Penelope's illness, she's got severe Athsma. And sorry to steal the spotlight Celine, but Tegan and I, were 3 months expecting!" Ziggy said excitedly.

"The roscoes are like flipping baby popping machines, you've already got 5 nieces and nephews." Cal said, which made me laugh.

"Soon to be seven, and I don't suppose it'll be long before Fred and sinead have their own." I said. Everyone was laughing and Celine came back from the toilet. She looked worried, I didn't read too much into it, but she whispered something to joe and they had to leave, when we all got home the weren't even back.

"Scar, pay the babysitter for me." Ziggy handed me two 20 pound notes.

"Thanks for looking after them, were there any problems?" I asked as I paid.

"No, JJ had a little bump on the head, but other than that everything was fine, they're all asleep now." Poppie, the babysitter, said. I said thanks and she left.

"Joe and Cel aren't back." Freddie said.

"Where are they likely to be?" Cal asked.

"Well we don't really have hotspots of where they're likely to be, they're always either here, the garage, or somewhere with the kids." I said.

"Ring joe then." Cal said.

"Actually a,the, you better be off." Freddie said, clearly annoyed at him, and showed him out the door.







'This persons phone is currently off, leave a message.'

"Phones off." I told Freddie, everyone else had gone off to bed, clearly not worried.

"Go to bed, if they aren't back in the morning we'll send out a search." Fred said. I nodded and went up to bed.

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