Chapter 38

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Leanne and Andrew brought Ernie to meet us two days after we had rung them. Dodger and i had already gone to get dna from amelia. To prve ernest really is hers. He's adorable. We hadn't known when they were coming as they hadn't told us. I was in the garage working with Robbie and Ziggy, the client had been told that this car was a write off, but apparently this car is special to them for some reason or another, and that if we fix it, we get 20,000 pounds. Thats a lot of its all hands on deck right now, even Jason's helping, and he hates working in the garage.

(From: Dodger)

Boat. Now. Urgent.

"I gotta go guys, I'll be back as soon as possible. Dodger says its urgent." I said, running off, still dressed in garage overalls and my curls falling all over the place. I reached the boat, a little out of breath, and went inside. I saw a couple sitting there, four kids with them. A teenager, two kids and a toddler.

"Ahh, this is my little niece, Scarlett, Ernies sister." Dodger said, introducing me to who I guessed was Leanne and Andrew. There's had taken all the girls for a girly day at the mcqueens, so Ernie was playing with Ryder and ashton.

"Nice to meet you." I held out to shake their hands, then realised I had oil on them. "Oh! Sorry! I've been working in the garage, I'll just wash my hands." I said, embarrassed, walking over to the sink and washing them. I quickly stepped out of my overalls, I had black shorts, a white t shirt and white converse on. I ran my fingers through my unruly hair and went into the main room o the boat.

"That's better. I didn't know girls worked at garages. I bet they don't get paid as much as boys." Andrew said, a tad sexist.

"I don't get paid, my dad and my uncles run the garage, i just help out a bit." I explained.

"More than helps out, she loves it over there." Dodger told them. I gave him evils. The teenage boy laughed.

"Anyway, I'm Scarlett, nice to meet you." I said, smiling sweetly. "And this must be Ernie." I said picking him up to say hello. I put him down he started wriggling. "He's the same he as my little brother, JJ." I told them.

"I'm Leanne, this is my husband, Andrew, one of our foster kids, George," she pointed at the teenage boy, "our other foster child, Maude," she pointed at one of the kids, "and Jamie." She pointed at the final child.

"Not, jamie, as in, my sister Jamie?" I asked. Leanne nodded, grinning.

"She was staying with one of our friends, they were happy for us to bring her, but like Ernie, if Dna is not correct, she too comes back with us." Andrew told us.

"Of course." Dodger agreed.

(From: Ziggy)

I need your help! I can't figure this out, joes going mental, were totally stuck come quick!

(To: Ziggy)

OK OK OK! I'm just leaving dodgers.

"I'm sorry, I have to go, Ziggy's stuck on something about the car we've got in, are you staying locally?" I asked.

"Yes, were staying with my niece, Leela Lomax." Leanne told me.

"Can I help, with the car? I'm pretty good at mechanics myself." George directed at me. I shrugged and nodded, pulling my overalls back on. We walked over to the garage.

"So, what are Leanne and Andrew like?" I asked him,, making conversation.

"They're alright I suppose. They love Ernie like their own, if he is your mums, you might have a fight getting him back from them. Its the same with Maude, they've had her since she was a baby. I only went to them when I was ten, been with them seven years." George told me.

"I only found my dad a year and a half ago, and I thought he was my brother too! I was in care with these other three girls, Edwina, maddie and lola. My dad and his wife adopted Lola in the end. I was in care for 13 and a half years, I'm 15 now, glad to be out of it." I told him in return. We reached the garage. "What's up zig?" I asked, grabbing a spanner.

"The brakes, can't seem to fix them. Have a go for me?" He asked.

"This car looks like a write off, what you dong messifn around with it?" George asked.

"20 grand if we fix it." I explained, looking at the brakes. "Zig! All that's wrong with it is you've dropped a spanner down here! What were you even doing?"

"Tegan came in! Anyway, where you been?" Ziggy questioned.

"Went to meet Jamie and Ernie." I told him. "There, fixed it."

"Who's he?" Ziggy asked.

"George, the couple who had Ernie, they look after him to."

"Wanna earn a grand?" Ziggy asked George. George nodded eagerly. "Start helping then."' Ziggy said, chucking him a spare pair of overalls. We worked on the car, George, Ziggy and i, until nine o clock that night, until Joe finally came to get us, so we could have dinner. We were just finishing up anyway.

"I dont believe it, have you actually done it, you've fixed the car!" Joe gasped.

"It was mainly these two." Ziggy muttered, playing on his phone. "Hey kid, if you wanna earn more money like that, be here tomorrowm , eight am sharp." Ziggy told George.

"Great. I'm George Lomax by the way." He said to Joe.

"Are you related to Tegan Lomax?" Ziggy asked, now intrigued.

"She's my cousin, well sort of, my foster parents are her aunt and uncle." George explained.

"Wanna come have dinner with us? Meet little rose and Penelope?" Ziggy asked. George nodded and we went to dinner. Joe and Celine had ordered Chinese, my favourite. I was playing with JJ and Lola with George. Hes actually quite nice I suppose. Dodger came round with Theresa and the kids too, and he had Jamie and Ernie with him, which was a bonus.

"Hi Jamie." I said to my little sister. "I'm Scarlett."

"Your my sister?" She asked, so innocently.

"Yep." I smiled at her.

"I never had a sister before not a proper one."

"Well, you've got me now." I smiled at her. She hugged me, she's so cute, bless her.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now