Chapter 44

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I arrived at Amelia's house, it was beautiful. A big garden, a White House, it looked amazing, I had a feeling it would be good here. I walked down the long winding path and knocked on the vast oak door. Jamie opened the door.

"Hi Scarlett!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hi jam, I've missed you." I told her.

"I missed you!" She replied. She invited me in and took me up to my new room. In time, I guessed this house would feel like home. I sat down and unpacked the clothes I'd brung with me, my toothbrush, make up, hairbrush and my smashed up phone. I locked it in a drawer so Jamie or Ernie wouldn't get a hold of it. Sienna came through to my room an hour later.

"Hey." She sat down on the bed.


"What happened?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Scarlett, you wouldn't have come here if something hadn't of happened, you and Amelia didn't exactly part on 'good' terms."

"It's easier for everyone. I can get to know my mum, Daisy, Jamie and Ernie, and be with you. And my dad will be better off without me, dodger, Fred."

"How is mark?" Sienna questioned.

"Hurting. He lost Pocahontas, Ryder and Alexa, he's trying to get over it for Ashton. But he's broke up with Threze." I explained to her.

"And Nico?"

"Staying with Maxine. She's good, I think."

"Well come on, Daisy's dying to meet you, and Amelia was trying to give you space, but she's excited to have you here and Jame, well she's just happy to have her big sister again. And it's good to have my little niece here. Come on." I followed Sienna down to the living room.

"Daisy, meet Scarlett. Scarlett, meet Daisy." Amelia introduced us.

"So, your the little sister I've heard all about." I smiled. I hadn't heard anything about her, but always best to make a good first impression. Ernest came running up and I picked him up to hug him. It was good to see them again. Daisy seemed shy, unlike Daisy, Ernie and I. "So, you guys want to play...hide and seek!" I teased them, they all squealed with delight and ran off to hide.



Joe walked into the roscoe home after his chat with Freddie. He had no idea what he was going to do, all he knew was that he had to talk to Celine. He was going to divorce her. He didn't know what he'd do about Maxine and Minnie though.

"Celine! We need to talk." He shouted up the stairs. Celine came bounding down the stairs.

"What's up Joe?" She asked.

"I want a-a-a, I want a divorce." He choked the words out. He looked up, hurt formed her face. "We'll share custody of Lola."

"And JJ?" She whispered.

"He's not your child."

"No. He's not. Ok. I'll leave. I'm going. Just, just let me get a few things."

"Celine, I didn't mean for this, I just don't, it's just not--" Joe started.

"I know, Joe. About Maxine, just tell me one thing. Is Minnie yours?" She croaked. Joe nodded. A single tear ran down Celine's face and she went back upstairs to pack her stuff up. Joe walked in the kitchen and sat at the table. He sighed as he saw the post and had to go through it. Celine came down with her stuff and Lola and JJ.

"Kids, be good for daddy, I love you both, don't forget it." Celine kissed them both and left.

"Daddy?" Joes 5 year old daughter, Lola, questioned.

"Its OK , Lo. Why don't you two go and watch frozen, eh?" Joe told em, the pair of them walked off to watch the TV. He sighed. At least JJ has a mum, Lindsey. Now he just had to figure out what to do about Maxine and Minnie. He went throught the post. Bill, bill, letter for Fred, bill, garage stuff, and a letter, addressed to him.

Dad, I'm sorry but I have to leave . You , lola and JJ will be much better off without me. If y love Maxine, please be with her. I just want you to be happy. And in the future, I look forward to meeting my little sister Minnie in the far future. You won't find me, you'll have no ides where I am, please just forget about me and carry on with your life. Tell J and Lo that I'll always love them, and please look after Nico for me, she's not as strong as she makes out. And keep an eye on Ziggy in the garage, or he will probably end up hurting himself if he doesn't have someone helping him! And the car I was working on just needs the brakes fixed, I finished the rest. And Freddie will probably need someone's shoulder to rant on, about women and whatever mess he gets himself into, just make sure you clear up his mess and leave absolutely no traces back to him. And dodger needs help with Ashton or he won't give a toss anymore. See you in later life, love, Scarlett. X

"You look like you've had a slap round the face." Freddie walked into the kitchen. "And your bloody kids have got frozen on AGAIN."

"Exactly how much has Scarlett covered up for you?"

"What you on about." Freddie said shiftily.

"You know what."

"OK she just helped me cover up some drug stuff...and some other illegal stuff."

"What's the worst she's done?" Joe sighed.

"Helped me cover up a murder," Freddie paused, "maybe two, except I didn't kill the other one."

"Get dodger here. If you two don't find my daughter I will hold you personally responsible."

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now