Chapter 15

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"Scarlett? You up?" Joe called out.

"Yeah." I replied. It's Lindsey's sentencing today. "Joe, do I have to go?" I asked.

"Well, you've given evidence so technically you don't have to. I tell you what, why don't you and Robbie go and do something? I'll go and tell you what happens." Joe said.

"Thanks joe." I said. Robbie and I decided to just stay at home and watch movies. We were watching a movie when Robbie said 'he's hot' at one of the characters. I think he said it subconsciously because he didn't realise he'd even said it.

"Sorry?" I asked.


"Well, you just said that guys hot." I said.

"Oh erm yeah." He replied.

"I guess, but the other guys hotter." I told Robbie. I won't make Robbie talk about stuff if he doesn't want to.

"No way." Robbie said, laughing.

(From: Joe)

She got 18 months x how's you and rob? X

"18 months." I told Robbie.

"Not long enough at all." He said.

"Why did she go easy in you?" I asked.

"She knows something about me." He said.

"Oh ok, what though?"

"It's private alright?" He said.

"Ok, just wondering."

(To: Joe)

Ok and I'm good but Robbies being weird x

(From: Joe)



Well he said a guy on the telly was hot and then he said Lindsey knows something about him that's private won't say what tho. X

(From: Joe)

I'm on way home x

"Rob, just tell me before joe gets back?" I asked.

"If I tell you, don't tell anyone, no one at all, not even joe, promise?" Robbie asked.


"I-I'm I'm GAY!" Robbie cried and fell into my arms sobbing. "It's wrong it's disgusting I shouldn't be like this it's disgusting I'm disgusting!" Robbie cried hysterically.

"There is NOTHING wrong about being gay and you are NOT disgusting ok? Your my big brother and I love you because of who you are! It's not wrong, look at ste and John Paul they are happily gay!" I told him.

"Joe and Freddie and ziggy and Jason and mum will think I'm disgusting though Scarlett!" Robbie said.

"No. They won't. They love you rob, they don't are whether your gay or straight it doesmt matter to them because they love you!" I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly. I nodded. "Maybe, maybe I could tell Jase, he might be ok with it. And you can help me?" He asked.

"Of course I will. You know I will." I told him. Joe walked in. He looked at me, I shook my head as if to say 'don't ask' and Celine came rushing downstairs, late to pick Lola up from nursery because she was changing JJ's nappy. She rushed out the door faster than you can say lightning.

"Where is everyone?" Joe asked.

"Jase is upstairs, Zig and Fred are at the garage, mums at price slice and Celines gone to get Lola." I told him.

"I need the toilet." Robbie said and left which meant I could talk to joe.

"We need to talk." I said to joe.

"Sounds serious."

"Robbies gay." I told him.

"What?" Joe asked.

"It's true, that's what he was upset about when you walked in."

"I knew it." Joe said.

"Don't say I told you, I've convinced him that we will all be ok with it and he's going to tell Jason."

"Well done kid. I'll talk to him, tell him everything's gonna be ok."

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now