Chapter 19

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"Dad! Wait for me!" I called down the stairs. Dad, (Joe), was heading out to go and see Celine, and bring baby Axel home. I wanted to go with him.

"Are you sure you want to come? Celines not in the best of states, and I don't know if I want you to see her this way." He said.

"I've told you a zillion times I'll be fine." I told him. "Plus I really want to meet baby Axel as soon as possible!" I said. I made him smile, he hasn't done that all weekend so that's awesome.

"FRED!" Dad called out.

"What?" Fred said.

"Still alright with Lola and JJ today?"

"Yep." Fred said and went to get Lola ready for nursery. Me and dad left. We saw my 'grandad' Patrick on the way to the hospital, he was with Nico, my crazy cousin and sienna, my mental auntie.

"Ah hello, Scarlett. I've been meaning to ask you around for dinner. Shall we say tomorrow." Patrick said. Nico just stared at me, it freaked me out. Sienna was smiling and seemed ok though.

"Uh, er, uhm, sorry but I have to help my dad in the erm garage." I made my excuses.

"Oh that's a shame, what days are you free then? Can I say, you look extremely like your mother." Patrick said. Dad saw that I really didn't want to go and saved me.

"Sorry, pat, but we've got to get to the hospital, we'll walk about this another time." Dad told him. Phew. "You should've gone, he's your family I guess."

"He's a creep. Anyway I'm going for dinner with uncle dodger tomorrow." I said.

"Ooohh so that's why, because of all the aggro between everyone."

"And I really don't like Patrick or nico." I said. We arrived at the hospital. We went to see baby axel first. He was adorable. The best little brother I could ever have wished for, well, him and JJ. He had a small mop of dark brown hair, almost the colour of joes hair. And he had Celines eyes. He was tiny. Unlike JJ, when you had Axel in your arms, he was so light, like a cloud or a feather, almost like he wasn't there at all.

"If I leave you row here, I'm gonna go see Celine, ok?" Dad said. I nodded and he left, I was too wrapped up in my adorable baby brother to notice. I heard some buzzing sound in the room next door and Joe's screams of oh my god your alive, and happy crying so me and Axel went to see what was going on. Celine had woken up when she'd heard joe say JJ's name!

"I heard everything you told me while I was out of it, babe, and I'm glad we've got another daughter." Celine smiled and joe kissed her forehead. She saw me and Axel at the door and motioned for us to come in. I gave her baby Axel and she started crying with happiness. It was the happiest moment of our whole lives.

We got Axel home and told everyone the news and they were all over the moon that Celine was ok, and about how cute baby Axel is! Freddie pulled me over into the bathroom.

"What's the matter?" I asked. He pulled out some papers.

"I got the results." He told me. "DNA results to see if Sineads my sister."


"She is. And the worst thing is. She's having my baby. My sisters having my baby Lett, what am I gonna do." He cried.

"Tell joe, he'll sort it."

"Running to daddy doesn't solve everything Scarlett." He said viciously so I walked out. I'm not gonna help him if he's gonna be mean.


Authors note: sorry it's short and a rubbish chapter, more updates tomorrow

Also,check out my new Hollyoaks story. About a new family arriving in hollyoaks! Xoxox

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