Chapter 45

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Joe walked around the garage, frustrated at everything. He started smashing paperwork, ripping it up. The garage had fallen under since Scarlett had gone. Freddie wasn't doing anything to help, Ziggy was useless, Robbie wasn't helping at all. Joe was the only one doing any work at all. And he was fed up, so he started to smash up the garage.

"Woah! Joe Mate! Stop!" Dodger shouted, walking in with Ashton.


"Stop shouting! I know exactly where she is!"

"And how do you know?"

"Joe! My sister is her MOTHER! Of course I know! I only I had to ask Amelia!"

"She's with Amelia? Why wouldn't she tell me? IVE BEEN GOING OUT OF MY MIND."

"Look just come on, get in the flipping car." Dodger shouted back at him. Dodger strapped Ashton in the back of the car, and drove round to the house, Jason and Lola and JJ, but he had to go off to his therapy session. Joe got them strapped in and dodger drove off, speeding. It wouldn't take them long to get there as it wasn't that long of a drive.

"So you decided about Maxine yet?" Dodger questioned Joe.

"Scarlett told me to go for it, if that's what I truly wanted. And I'm gonna." Joe grinned.

"Good luck mate. Careful not to hurt Celine to much though."

"Yeah. I'm treading on egg shells here mate," Joe laughed. "Just glad to be getting my little girl back right now." They arrived. It didn't look like somewhere people would live. It was run down, old and dreary. Not a place kids could live, surely? The pair of them knocked on the door. No one lived there.

"I don't believe it. She's given us the wrong address!" Dodger exclaimed.

"DODGER!" Joe yelled.



Amelia said that dad and dodger knew where we were, so we had to leave. Sienna wanted to pick up Nico, and pleaded with Amelia to let her. I said we should go get Nico, she's with Maxine, when she should be with us, her family. We were in Hollyoaks, I was trying to keep my head down while Sienna went to find Nico. Jamie spilled her juice.

"Oh, Scarlett, love, can you go get some wet wipes? I need to clear this up." Amelia asked me.

"No! I'm not getting out."

"Just go! Jamie can't sit in a mop of juice." Amelia argued. I huffed and got out. I took money out the back pocket of the front seat and went to price slice. I walked in and picked up some wet wipes and went to the counter to pay.

"Scarlett?" A husky voice came.

"H-hi." I stuttered.

"Where have you been now? Come on, I'm taking ya home." Ziggy told me.

"Zig, I-"

"Don't even think about arguing, you've had your dad worried sick, the garage is failing and your coming home. So hurry up. You don't need to get stuff from your mum, I've seen her. I've got your stuff. She's gone, Lettie." I was shocked. I didn't think she'd leave me again. I ran out the shop. She was gone. Ziggy held me and I cried into him. I wanted to give them all a better life, and get to know my mum. I can't do either. "Listen to me, were better off with you here.dont even think about running off again." Ziggy supported me so we could walk home. We got home and Zig sat on the couch with me. He put on our favourite, high school musical, little joke we have going on, and had popcorn and chocolate. I must've fallen asleep.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now