Chapter 46

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I awoke from my slumber at three pm, late. I woke up wondering where I was, confused as to why I was back at my dad's house. Then I realised, I was back. For good, I think. I put the shower on and then got dressed. Maxi dress and denim jacket and out my hair in a bun. I went downstairs and put on my brown sandals; I was going to see Lindsey. I didn't want to face my dad yet so I wanted to go see her. I was about to slip out the door when Freddie barged through, hitting my head as he cam through.

"Ow!" I murmured, putting my hand up to my head, it was cut and bleeding.

"I'm so sorry!" Freddie gasped, walking in, he looked a state.

"Fred...? What's wrong? What have you done?" I worried.

"I've messed up...big time." Freddie snivelled, he was I. Tears, blood all over him, this wasn't usual, he normally could handle it. "Help me, I need help, please..." He cried.

"Yeah, yeah, go on, upstairs, get in the bath. Leave your clothes by the door so I can come and get them, and then when you get out, sort out your face, it just makes you look even guiltier, erm, then come downstairs and I'll sort everything out, trust me, ok?" I reassured him.

"Can I have a hug...please...I need ya."

"Once you've had a bath! Or you'll get blood all over me, hurry up, before someone comes home." Freddie nodded before bounding up the stairs and running a bath. I went up to pick up his clothes once I heard him start splashing around. He was crying. He does it every time. I just wonder who it is that's dead this time, it's like he can't help himself. I was outside burning the clothes when I heard people walk in through the door. Damn. I put out the fire and bundled the clothes into the dustbin. I walked through the back door into the kitchen at the same time that Robbie, Ziggy and Joe came through the other side.

"Why is the fire going?" Joe asked, looking concerned.

"And why is Freddie in the bath at half three in the afternoon?" Ziggy questioned.

"Haha, I thought Ziggy was the only one who did that!" Robbie joked it off.

"I just, thought we could have a bonfire! Then I just....decided against the idea. And er, Freddie got...oil all over him in the garage, had to bathe." I explained. Joe pushed last me to see clothes remnants in the fire pit, I closed my eyes, waiting for his outburst of a reaction. He walked back in, I braced myself.

"Robbie. Go and pick Lola and JJ up from nursery." Joe told him. Robbie huffed and got up to go out and collect the kids. "Ziggy, go to the garage or something."

"No, Joe. Coz I know you'll make her leave or something again, and I'm the one that'll have to bring her back, I'm staying," ziggy confirmed.

"What's he done?" Joe asked.

"I don't know."

"Just. Tell. Me." Joe half-shouted.

"I don't know. It's just the way it works, I just sort him out, I don't ask questions." I told them.

"Don't shout at her! She said she don't know!" Ziggy stuck up for me. Freddie cam downstairs and looked at them. "Fred, what ya done?" Ziggy asked.

"I-I think I killed doger..." He trailed off. I was astonished. He always dealt with people who caused problems, not my uncle.

"YOU WHAT!?" I shouted at him. "Where is he?"

"By the club." Freddie replied. I got out my phone and dialled 999.

"Hello? Yes I need an ambulance....hollyoaks village...the club...and the police....attempted or possible murder...yes...thank you." I cut off the phone.

"Why would you call the police?" Freddie looked hurt. "Were family."

"Dodger is my family too! And you KILLED him! And what about poor little Ashton? Did you even think about him? No. You've gone too far this time. Joe and zig, stay here with him till the police come to collect him. If you think about letting him go I will go. For good. I'm gonna go find dodge." I ran off to find him.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now