Chapter 10

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(A/N - I'm enjoying writing this, I hope you guys are enjoy reading it!)


Celine and Joe returned a week later, and the roscoe household was crazier than normal. Within an hour Joe had returned the house to normal.

"How was the honeymoon?" I asked Celine.

"Barbados was gorgeous, and I loved every single minute! Although I missed these two cheeky monkeys!" Celine said pointing at Lola and JJ, who were playing together.

"They missed you. JJ was almost walking, but not quite, he was crawling around looking for you saying 'mummy mummy' it's was so cute an funny." I told her. "He's really taken to you, loves you." I told her.

"Yeah. Well I love him. And Lola. Neither of them are technically mine. But I love them as if they are. There mine and Joes you know? They love us and we love them." She said.

"You fit into our family perfectly," I laughed. "Never a dull moment with you around, Cel." I said.

"Joes taking Maddie back today isn't he?" Celine said.

"Yeah, it could never have been for good. We have four little kids and loads of other people." I shrugged.

"Yep, but she's welcome to stay over anytime, just as Leighton does, and Peri too. Now I need to go to price slice. Come in little man." She picked up JJ and held him on her hip.

"I'll come with you, come on Lola." I said. We walked down, Lola holding my hand, JJ on Celines hip. We had to get some dinner and Celine let Lola choose a some smarties and JJ a freddo, as a little treat for them.

"JJ!" Lindsey shouted walking into the shop. She waled over and tried to take him from Celine. Celine looked at me worriedly. I nodded for her to just let Lindsey hold him for a minute or two. As soon as Celine handed him over, JJ started crying and holding his arms out for Celine to take him back. She took him.

"I don't want him getting upset, it's not good for him." Celine said.

"You've corrupted him!" Lindsey shouted.

"I tried to let you hold him, bit he didn't like it Lindsey. He's a baby. He doesn't know you." Celine said, calmly, trying not to alarm JJ.

"He doesn't know me because you stole my husband and son!" Lindsey shouted.

"I did not steal them. You had an affair with JJ's uncle and that led to Joe and I falling in love, adopting our daughter and getting married. I'm sorry if your upset, but I really must get these three home." Celine said, she paid for our food and walked briskly out. How can she be so calm? We got home and Celine put JJ down for a nap, so he could get over the mad screaming woman in the shop. She was playing with Lola, I was doing my homework, when joe got back.

"We had an encounter with Lindsey today at price slice, she upset JJ." Celine told Joe.

"What did you do?" Joe asked.

"I explained the consequences of her actions, paid for our dinner and came home." She told him.

"Nice one, did you let her hold JJ?"

"I did. But only for a second, he stated crying, didn't like her." She said.


"Are you angry I let her hold him?" Celine asked.

"Of course not, you did what was best, it would only have upset him more if she started a screaming fit." Joe said, pulling Celine into a hug. Robbie burst into the room.

"Guys. I'm moving out!" Robbie shouted.

"WHAT?" Joe asked. "What happened to roscoes staying together?"

"Phoebe I wanted to move in together. So we are, we found a place." Robbie explained.

"Robbie we have a spare room? You could just move there? You wouldn't have to worry about rent or anything." Joe said.

"Didn't think of that. I'll tell phoebe." Robbie said. Joe rolled his eyes. Rob can be a tad dippy sometimes.

Phoebe moved in a few days later. Joe managed to persuade Jason not to ask holly to move in to, our house is jam packed enough already. Mum and dad came to visit, thought they would surprise us.

"Why aren't you with Lindsey? You should be with her. Why have you adopted some brat? Why has that phoebe moved in and why is I Scarlett still here!" Mum shouted at Joe.

"Lindsey cheated on me with Freddie, I don't even care, because I love Celine. That's not 'some brat' that's my daughter, Lola, Phoebe has moved in because Robbie loves her and otherwise he would have moved out and Scarlett is still here because she's my little sister and I love her a lot. Now get OUT of our house." Joe shouted at mum. She left. Dad punched joe, so ziggy punched dad. We all watched. It was pretty funny seeing dad get thrown out. Leighton turned up at that moment and stepped over him and into the house.

"What are you doing down there?" She said.

"Having a poo. What the hell does it look like?" He shouted at her.

"Don't have a go at her." Celine said.

"Shut up, your just a fling of joes." Rick said.

"Were married actually and we have two kids so bye." Celine said. I don't think mum and dad will be coming back anytime soon.

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