Chapter 7

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May 2015

When I met Freddie he just continuously told me how sorry he was to joe. Not that joe cares. Joes now been going out with Celine for 5 months. Yeah, I know, time passes quick. We were at a party to celebrate the birth of Theresa and dodgers baby boy, Ryder James Savage.

"Scarlett, can you get all the family, and all Celines family at the folly in 20 minutes please?" Joe asked me.

"Ok?" I said.

"And tell Porsche to get Celine there in 30 minutes, Porsche knows what she's doing." Joe told me. I nodded. I went to find Porsche first.

"Porsche! Joe said get Celine there in 30 minutes!"

"Thanks kid. We'll be there." She said. Now I had the trouble of finding everyone, great. Luckily, the first people I found was Robbie, Jason, ziggy, Tegan and the little girls altogether.

"Guys, joe wants you all at the folly now, I don't know why, just go!" I said to them. They all nodded and Tegan started getting Rose and Penelope ready. Then they left.

"Theresa, Dodger, joe wants you to meet him in the folly, now, something about Celine!" I told Celines cousin.

"Ok, yeah I know what it's about. Leighton, come on kid! T, get Kathleen-Angel and I'll get the babies." Dodger said, so he knows what's happening, why don't I? I must look a right idiot going round telling people to go to the folly!

"John-Paul! Folly, now, joe and Celine!" I said.

"Ok, Scarlett. Calm down, come on ste get the kids, sinead come on!" He said. Well Celines gone now so...I may as well do this. I climbed up onto the bar and shouted for everyone's attention.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE IF YOUR A ROSCOE OR A MCQUEEN GO TO THE FOLLY NOW IT IS VERY IMPORTANT ALSO GO OF YOUR A RELATION OF THE ROSCOES OR MCQUEENS LIKE STE OR DODGER FOR AND EXAMPLE. Go!" I shouted at everyone before frankie started bashing my ankles to mAke me get down. Job done, now to get there myself.

"Pez, why aren't you coming?" I asked her.

"I'm not a roscoe or a McQueen?" She said.

"Don't be stupid come on!" I said. "Tom stop sitting on your ass and hurry up!" We all three ran down to the folly where joe had out up fairy lights and had everyone standing round in a circle waiting for Celine to come. He had sure gone to a lot of effort.

"Thank you Scarlett. Now take JJ for me." He smirked. What is going on here. No time to ask questions because we were all made to be quiet because Celine had turned up. She had a pink blind fold on and Porsche was guiding her to the middle of the folly. I was stood in between Theresa and Peri.

"He's gonna propose!" Theresa squealed. Is he? Maybe he is! How cute.

"Celine McQueen, you make me the happiest man on this earth, your smile brightens my day," he got down on one knee "and if you will let me, I want you to become mrs Celine Roscoe, my wife." He proposed. Theresa was right. It would have been very romantic, if it wasn't for the fact baby Ryder started crying so dodger had to step in the circle to exit the folly.

"Yes!" Celine said and jumped in to joes arms. Another sister, I can live with that. After this, Celine was showing everyone the ring and joe was walking round like he was flipping hulk. Freddie even showed up to congratulate joe and joe didn't even care!

"Oh Fred, you can move back in if you want, you did me a favour with Lindsey!" Joe must be happy. Well this is all down to me, Ziggy and Jason.

"Really? That'd be awesome!" Freddie said. "Hey Scarlett, I'm moving back in!"

"But where would you sleep?" I asked.

"My room?"

"JJ's room now."

"Oh yeah I forgot, sorry Fred your gonna have to stay in your flat!" Joe said. I think he might have done that on purpose, but who knows anymore. "LETS PARTY!" Joe shouted, rather loudly. The whole of Hollyoaks could have heard!

The next morning, all the adults had hangovers. Parties do that to them. Except Celine, who hadn't been drinking, which is unusual for her, well for any McQueen really, except Theresa who had cut down massively since she had Ryder. I heard JJ and Penelope crying so I went to get them and let them play downstairs.

"Last night was mental." Robbie groaned as he came downstairs.

"Shouldn't drink so much." I told him, not looking up from my phone. "Can you take these two for a bit while I get dressed?" I asked.


"Gonna take them to the park. Meeting Leighton and Myra-Pocahontas and Ryder." I said.

"Ok as long as you go to price slice and get something for dinner tonight."

"Deal," I replied. I rushed upstairs, Robbie won't be able to keep them entertained for long. I pulled on skinny jeans and a long sleeve white shirt, and a woolly jumper. My converse on my feet and a beanie on my head. Who can be bothered with make up anyway.

"Right into the buggy you two." I said to the babies.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now