Chapter 23

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Recommendation: kirstenjodie's Sienna Blake story, because it shows a whole new side to Sienna! And it was great!


The party was buzzing with guests. Patrick had even been let out from questioning and he was there. All the Roscoes were there and all the Blakes/Savages. I was talking to Holly, but dodger motioned for me to come over, so of course I had to go over to him.

"You ready for this?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I'd replied.

That's the last thing I remember, I slowly began to sit up, my head hurt. I put my hand up to feel it and felt a warm liquid. Blood. Through my closed eyes, I could tell that there was a light on or it was the sun shining through. I could feel I was laying on a cold, hard floor. Where am I? Surely not at home, dad would never have left me on the floor. Dad must be going out of his mind with worry, I felt down for my phone. Not there. I opened my eyes. I saw three people sat around the room. Dodger. Sienna. And another person, who i didn't know.

"Uncle dodger?" I whispered, I was scared out of my mind. "Uncle dodger." I said, a tad louder.

"Scarlett? You ok?" He asked, scooting over towards me to check I was ok. Then the door opened. Patrick walked in.

"Good. The three of you should have learnt your lesson by now. You should not have been digging around in business that has nothing to do with you. Because if your actions, the three of you get to stay here with that." Patrick said, pointing at the fourth person, and then walked out. Dodger held out his other arm for Sienna.

"How long are we gonna be here dodge?" I asked.

"I don't know, Lett, I'll look after you though." He said.

"I want my dad." I felt tears staining my cheeks.

"If he has his way, you'll be here forever." The fourth person said.

"He's locked me up before, I always escaped. We'll be ok, we've got each other." Sienna said, taking my hand. She was trembling. This isn't the first time Patricks done this to her.

"If I know one thing Lett, your dad won't give up, he'll find us, I promise." Dodger said, kissing the top of my head, I started to cry in to his chest. "Who are you?" Dodger directed his question at the fourth person in the room.

"I've been here for 15 years. My names Amelia Blake." My mum said.

"Really?" Sienna asked.

"Yeah. Who are you guys?" Amelia asked.

"I'm dodger, this is Sienna. Were your little brother and sister." Uncle dodge said.

"I know who you are. Who's she?" Amelia asked.

"This is my niece, Scarlett." Dodger said.

"My Scarlett?" She asked, starting to cry.

"Yeah, this is your Scarlett." He said, but that was the last thing I heard because I slipped into unconsciousness because of the cut on my head, it bled to much.

I woke up.

"ScarletT? You ok? You were out of it for 5 hours." Auntie sienna said. I sat up and fell into her arms.

"I'm ok. I'm hungry." I said.

"There's food here, Patrick brought it, we saved you some." Dodger said. I ate the bread and cheese, a measly small meal that Patrick had left for us. Amelia was still sat in the same place.

"You'll never get out of here, I wished joe would come and save me for years, never happened, were all stuck here. Forever. Till we die. No point pretending." Amelia said.

"How can you say that to your own daughter?" Sienna asked. "It's ok scar, of course were getting out of here. You know joe won't leave you." She told me, smiling. I hugged her. We all heard a phone ringing. I tried to get up and walk to it, because I knew that that was my ringtone, Patrick must've dropped it when he dropped off our food. I picked up the phone.

"Dad!' I cried down the phone.

"Scarlett? Where are you?" He asked. He was worried, and sounded like he was tired, he hasn't slept.

"I don't know! He's locked up me and dodger and sienna and Amelia's here, please come get me." I said, crying. Dodger pulled me into a hug, and Patrick came back in.

"Scarlett? Scarlett?" I heard and the phone went dead as Patrick pulled it out my hand and stomped in it until it wouldn't work again.

"YOU SHALL NOT GET OUT!" He shouted, before hitting me so hard I fell down and was out of it.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now