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"Wait...wait—" Jungwoo couldn't finish his thought as another wave of giggles erupted from his lips. "You like me?"

Doyoung quickly pressed his pointer finger against the boy's lips, "Shh don't tell Jungwoo!"

"B—But I am Jungwoo."

He bursted out laughing at that statement, which caused the younger to join him as well. "You're so funny!"

Johnny walked into the living room to see Jungwoo quite literally laying on top of Doyoung as the two laughed at completely nothing. He turned to Ten and gave the boy an innocent smile, "It's not my fault this time."

"Oh Johnny did you know that me and Jungwoo are dating!?" Doyoung yelled, sitting up so fast the boy on top of him fell onto the floor. "He's my boyfriend."

Jungwoo sat up as well as pinched the elders nose, "No we are not you creep! I'm not your boyfriend!"

Swatting the boy away, Doyoung tried to break free from the boy's grasp. "I'm sorry!" He yelled, his voice high and nasally from the hand still on his nose. Once he finally broke free, he muttered, "I won't say it again.

An adorable smile spread across Jungwoo's face before he jumped back onto the elder, returning to their previous position on the floor. "I'm going to sleep now, good night."

"John~" Ten whispered, bouncing slightly with excitement, "Look at them! If they weren't high, this would be really cute."

"I've never seen Doyoung so...caring," Johnny responded as he studied the two on the floor. He was utterly baffled that his friend could be this soft towards anybody.


Doyoung woke up in an all too familiar position on the middle of Johnny's living room at the sound of the front door opening. He squinted up at the figure above him who he very slowly made out to be Johnny's mother.

"Well good morning Doyoung."

He flashed a tired smile, "Good morning Mrs. Seo."

"Who's this?" She asked, gesturing to the boy still asleep on Doyoung's chest. "Well he's just adorable oh my gosh."

"This is Jungwoo," He responded quietly. "And yes he is adorable."

A small whine slipped out of Jungwoo as he stirred slightly, the vibrations from Doyoung talking starting to wake him. Taking that as her que to leave, Mrs. Seo quickly turned around and walked out of the living room. "'Youngie?"

Gently sitting them up, Doyoung looked at the sleepy boy and had to keep himself from squealing like a teenage girl. "Hm?"

Jungwoo laid his head down on the elders shoulder, letting out another quiet whine, "My head hurts..."

"I'm sorry," he responded softly, bringing a hand up to rub up and down the boys back. "Do you want me to see if I can find you some aspirin?"

"Yes please..." the younger whimpered, climbing off of Doyoung's so he could get up. The pounding in his head was so intense, the creeping thoughts were drowned out. He couldn't bare to add to the pain by thinking about waking up on top of a certain somebody for what felt like the hundredth time.

The boy in question walked back into the room with a glass of water in one hand, and two small pills in the other. "Does your head hurt because we smoked last night?" He asked softly after giving the younger what was in his hands. Reaching forward to gently brush the hair out of Jungwoo's eyes, Doyoung took a few moments to examine his beauty. It was captivating how pretty he could be even after just waking up and having a headache.

"I don't know." He said softly after swallowing the aspirin and chugging the glass of water. "My head didn't hurt the other times, it might just be a random headache."

"I know what'll make it feel better," Doyoung started. Jungwoo looked at him expectantly, only for him to lean forward and press his lips against the younger's forehead, "All better."

"Hey!" He squeaked, leaning backwards and rubbing a hand over his forehead, "I said a week. You still have three days."

A small smile formed on Doyoung's face, "Aw you're counting down the days? You don't have to wait if you don't want to, Darlin' I don't mind."

Jungwoo pouted, his eyebrows scrunching up just to add to the expression. "Doyoung..." He whined, crossing his arms over his chest, "I just need time in general. This..." he paused and gestured to himself and Doyoung, "This is really hard for me. I wasn't raised like you...I'm just trying my best. I'm not supposed to like you...'n I'm still working through that."

"I didn't mean to pressure you, I'm sorry. I gotta realize you're not as confident as I am with stuff like this."

He quickly shook his head, "You don't have to apologize. I just...don't want to keep you waiting."

"Oh Jungwoo...there's not an expiration date for what might happen between us." He sent the younger a gentle smile before leaning forward and grabbing both of his hands, "How about we worry less about planning everything out and just let it happen? If everything plays out and you don't like me, that's perfectly fine. Just do whatever you're comfortable with because I know I like you and I'm okay with waiting."

A light pink hue spread across Jungwoo's cheeks before he nodded. "You like me..." he whispered to himself, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. Looking down at the familiar wood flooring they were still sitting on, he tried to wrap his head around everything. He could feel those butterflies in his tummy, but this time the feeling was overwhelmingly amplified. Nothing had ever felt l this...right. Right was the only word he felt could accurately describe what he felt. This was the first time in his life he could be sure he was actually doing what he was meant to do.

He looked up at the other, his heart was pounding and his breathing was almost alarmingly heavy, "I'm really fucking terrified right now...but I think..." placing his hands on Doyoung's thighs to balance himself, Jungwoo leaned forward so their faces were inches apart. His arms were trembling as if he was about to collapse.

Trying to reassure the boy in whatever he was trying to do, doyoung placed his hands on top of the younger's and flashed a small smile.

Pulling one of his hands out from under Doyoung's, Jungwoo quickly placed it on the side of the elders face before smashing their lips together with much more force than he meant to. Just as he was about to pull away out of utter embarrassment from how that went, a pair of arms wrapped around his torso, pulling their bodies closer together.

Doyoung took control of the mess which was supposed to be kiss, sensing Jungwoo was still unsure as to what he was doing. Their lips moved against each other's in disarray, but they'd be able to practice some other time.

After a minute or two, the younger pulled away, letting himself fall all the way backwards onto the floor. "Oh my god..."

"Uh...what kind of oh my god was that?" Doyoung asked, feeling a bit insecure about the way that went. 

"Well I literally forgot I had a headache...so a good one." 


I haven't updated much lately because I've been very busy with family and I started writing another book. I'm not sure if I'm going to publish it though. It's embarrassing how many books I've started and just haven't published...

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well, thanks for reading💖

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