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"Jungwoo!" Doyoung called out as he pushed through the crowded hallway, jostling the unfortunate underclassmen around like they were in a pinball machine. When he finally made it to his boyfriends locker, he casually leaned against the wall, trying to hide the fact that he was out of breath from walking down the hall. "Hey...cutie..." he painted.

Jungwoo looked at the elder with an amused expression, not knowing how or why he was so winded, "You should try taking gym next semester."

"I'm perfectly fine," Doyoung stated confidently now that he could finally breathe. "Do you want to go somewhere after school?"

"Where?" The younger asked softly before closing his locker.

"It's a secret."

He let out a sigh but shrugged, knowing the elder wouldn't budge under any circumstances. He linked their arms and sent him a quick smile, "Walk me to art?"

"Sure Darlin'" Doyoung responded quietly, not because he was afraid of outing him and Jungwoo, but mostly because he wanted to keep his bad boy reputation in tact. "So I'm assuming you'll come with me after school?"

The boy took a second to think about it before nodding, "I have a meeting, but it shouldn't take long."

When they were halfway to the art room, Doyoung abruptly stopped, "I uh...I forgot something in my locker, I'll find you later, okay?"

"Okay," he said as he gave the elder a thumbs up.

Spinning around on his heels, Doyoung went to take a step forward, but slammed right into a tiny girl. Once she regained her balance, the blonde girl looked up at him with a scowl. "Fucking asshole," She spat before rushing past the tall boy.

Doyoung frowned, watching as the angry little girl stomped down the hallway. Something felt off, but maybe it was just because he skipped breakfast.


A dramatic sigh slipped past Jungwoo's before he laid his head down on the table in front of him. The student council meeting had only just started, but Tzuyu and Changkyun were arguing on one side of the room and Haechan and Chenle on the other.

"Guys—guys!" Xiaojun started, trying to get them to stop bickering over useless things, "We're here for a meeting—argue somewhere else!"

Changkyun quickly nodded, a small smirk forming on his lips, "Yeah, Tzuyu, we're here for a meeting."

"So I need you guys to brainstorm ideas for things we can do as a whole school," Jungwoo said simply, "like a blood drive—or a bake sale...I don't know."

"That seems like a lot of unnecessary work," Changkyun muttered.

"Ms Kim is the one that asked me to do this, so too bad." There was a harsh edge to the younger's voice as he was truly over the meeting. "So why don't we just end things here and you can take the week to think about it." It didn't take long for everybody to clear out, somebody yelling have a good day before everybody was out.

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