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"So...you and Doyoung huh?" Ten asked as he slid into his seat across from Jungwoo.

Slowly setting down the pencil in his hand, Jungwoo looked up at the elder, eyebrows slowly knitting together in confusion. "Excuse me, what?"

"Haechan told me about you guys acting like a couple at the diner. And neither of you have been at Solar's all week. You're not very good a hiding things from me," Ten explained while he rummaged through his backpack. He took out his art project only to completely ignore it and continue to bug the younger. "Tell me, is it true?"

"Is Haechan doing okay? I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him."

Ten rolled his eyes, "Don't try to change the subject. What's going on between you two?"

A small sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips before he glanced around the art room to make sure nobody was listening to them. "Not much. We're taking things slow...well I'm taking things slow."

"Mhm, so you like him?"

"Yes. I like him. Happy?" Jungwoo spat, before letting out a dramatic sigh. "I'm sorry...I just haven't talked about any of this yet."

"Does he know that?" Ten asked softly, realizing that he should have pried so much.

The younger shook his head, "...not explicitly, but I think it's implied. I mean we've..." he paused to look around the room before continuing, "We've kissed before. Doesn't that clarify my feelings?"

"We've kissed before. You don't like me." Ten deadpanned. It only took a few seconds before his eyes widened and a had flew up to his mouth, "L—Let's just ignore that."

Jungwoo's cheeks turned a dark shade of red as he laid his head down on the table, trying to hide from the world. This was the first time either of them brought up the kiss, and he wanted to disappear.

"What I meant was that you can kiss a lot of people but that doesn't necessarily show how you feel," The elder quickly corrected, trying his hardest to change the subject. "You should talk to Doyoung about this when you're ready."

"That's just the thing...I've been using I'm not ready as an excuse because I'm scared. I've known Doyoung for months already but somethings holding me back for some reason." Jungwoo's explained, head rolling to the side so he could look at the elder.

Ten sent him a reassuring smile. "A few months isn't that long. This is something big Jungwoo, just take it slow, okay?"

There were a couple seconds of silence as Jungwoo tried to wrap his mind around everything. "What...what if he doesn't want to be with me because I'm not out? I'm barely out to myself...I just can't—what if my mom kicks me out!?"

Reaching across the table, Ten put a hand on the younger boys arm, "Calm down, hun, you're spiraling." After Jungwoo nodded and started breathing again, Ten continued with what he wanted to say, "I don't act like it, but I'm not out to my family. We came here from Thailand for me, they would never forgive me if I ruined that. What I'm trying to say is I would never let Johnny or anybody force me to come out before I'm ready. You have to decide that on your own."

"Wow, who knew we would be getting this emotional in art class," Jungwoo mumbled when he felt himself tear up.

Ten let out a small laugh before picking up a colored pencil so Ms Ahn didn't yell at them for not working. "We can talk about this more later if you want."


"Mom, this is Haechan. Haechan, this is mom," Jungwoo introduced as he brought Haechan into his living room.

Ms Kim looked up from her book and smiled at them, "Hello dear, it's nice to meet you."

Haechan quicky bowed and let out a nervous, "It's nice to meet you too, ma'am."

"Jungwoo I'm going out with my book club soon, take care of your friend while I'm out."

He quickly nodded, "Mhm, I'll even make sure to feed him. Have fun with your friends!" Before she could even get another word out, the two boys were already halfway down the hall.

"Your mom is scary," Haechan breathed out when he was finally in the safety of Jungwoo's bedroom. "I don't think she likes me."

"Haechan, you talked to her for two seconds," Jungwoo said as he sat down on his bed.

The younger nodded, "Yeah and she seemed mad."

Jungwoo had to stifle a laugh at how scared the boy looked. "I promise she's not mad."

A loud groan came out of Haechan before he walked over and threw himself on the bed, "I don't want to go to the student council meeting tomorrow. Can I quit?"

"Technically you're allowed to quit, but I'm not going to let you. I won't approve it." Jungwoo replied.

There were a few seconds of silence before Haechan burst into tears without warning. "I—It's hopeless! Mark is straight a—and he's never going to like m—me back. I should just...just give up."

"Hey..." Jungwoo started. He wrapped his arm around the younger and pulled him into his chest, "Don't be so negative, Channie. Just because things might not work out between this one boy doesn't mean there aren't others. There are plenty of other boys who will love you the way you deserve to be loved."

"I just...I've liked him for so long and he hasn't even noticed me," Haechan whimpered, wiping away his tears with the backs of his hands.

Tightening his arms around the boy, Jungwoo tried to comfort him as best he could. "Haechan, I don't want to make you more upset, but I think you should try to move on. Mark is pretty slow, I don't know if he's ever going to notice how amazing you are. There's somebody out there that will notice you, I promise."

"You really th—think there's somebody for me?"

The elder quickly nodded, "I know there's somebody. You're amazing Haechan, don't let one boy make you think otherwise." 


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