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Jungwoo looked up from the book he was reading and was quite confused to see Doyoung in front of him. He set the apple in his hands on the lunch room table as frowned. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be in class."

Sliding into the spot across from his boyfriend, the elder nodded, "Yeah, I skipped."

Those words were so painful for jungwoo and his perfect attendance to hear. He pushed away the disappointment and forced a compelling smile onto his face. "Go to class."

"Do you want to go to the mall after school?" Doyoing asked, paying no mind to what Jungwoo just told him to do.

A small sigh fell from his lips as he put the bookmark in his book and set it down. "Do you not care that you're missing valuable information?"

Doyoung waited for the boy to start laughing or tell him it was just a joke, but he didn't. Sometimes he wondered how him and Jungwoo's could be so different from each other. But, perhaps, that's was the point of a relationship. "Not really. So do you want to go with me?"

"Yeah—sure. Go to class now," Jungwoo urged. At times like this, it was really obvious why Doyoung's was failing half of his classes. "You're not gonna leave, huh?" He whispered when the elder showed no signs of getting up anytime soon.

"We should just go right now—I made it though half of my classes, you should be proud." Doyoung defended himself as if anything he could say could make up the lack of education.

Jungwoo sent the boy a small smile, "Doyoung, do you know what would make me really proud?"


"If you went to your fucking class."

Closing his eyes, Doyoung took a second to ponder the idea, "Mmm, no thank you."

"Doyoung," Jungwoo said sternly, "I've never skipped a class and I don't think today is the day to do that."

"Fine," He huffed, forcing himself to get up. "You'll come with me after school?"

"Yes." Picking up his book again, Jungwoo returned to reading.


It almost hurt Jungwoo's soul to walk right past the student council room at the end of the day. He couldn't remember a time where he didn't at least go in there for a few minutes.

He continued down the hall until he got to Doyoung's sixth hour where the elder was still talking to his teacher about something. After a few minutes of patiently waiting, Doyoung walked out of the classroom suspiciously calm.

"Oh hey, Jungwoo," He said casually.

"Hi D—"

"I can't hold it in anymore—I got a seventy eight percent on my retake!" Not being able to contain his excitement, Doyoung jumped up and down happily.

A grin spread across Jungwoo's face at the new. "I'm proud of you, Doyoung," he said softly, wishing he could hold his hand or even just hug him. So he just smiled at the elder, hoping his excitement would still show.

"Do you have to do anything or can we go no?" Doyoung asked, more than ready to leave the school.

Jungwoo nodded, following the elder when he set off towards the exit of the school. "Why do you even want to go to the mall anyway?"

Turning towards the younger, Doyoung sent him a small smile, "Dahye's birthday is in a couple days so I need your help to pick out a present."


Once at the mall, Doyoung really had no idea where to go. He wasn't quite sure what six year old girls wanted for their birthdays. "Jungwoo," he whispered, "where do we go?"

"Well...what does she like?"

Taking a few seconds to think about it, he closed his eyes, concentrating on an answer. "She likes books and stuffed animals."

"There's a toy store across the mall or we could go t—"

"Let's go here! It's pink!" Doyoung said excitedly before grabbing Jungwoo's arm and dragging him towards the store.

The younger quickly recognized it as one of the stores him and Minnie had gone to. More memorably, the one housing that blue skirt he wanted so bad. It was still on display across from the store, and it was still so appealing. "Doyoung, I don't think they have anything small enough for a six year old here."

He just shrugged, "She's not that small, she's quite big for her age actually," he muttered, looking through one of the racks of shirts.

A small sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips when he realized just how stubborn his boyfriend was. Knowing it would be awhile before they left, it felt as if he was pulled over to the skirt. He had no intention of buying it, but it didn't hurt to admire.

It looked so beautiful on the mannequin, but maybe it was all an illusion because of her perfect figure. It would just look weird on him, he didn't have hips like that—or a waistline that slim.

Bringing a hand up to his side, Jungwoo quickly looked around before dragging it across his clothed torso. He let out a disheartened sigh when the indent of his waist was far smaller that the mannequin's. Never in his life had Jungwoo ever felt self conscious or insecure about his body...but at that moment his mind started to wander. Was he not small enough for Doyoung? He was already six foot and on top of that he had none of the pretty features the plastic girl in front of him did.

"Do you like that?"

Jungwoo almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Doyoung's voice next to his ear. He turned to look at the elder that back to the blue skirt he was pointing at. "Oh...uh I think it's pretty b—but this is a women's clothing store."

"I'm sorry but can you please show me where this says woman's skirt?" Doyoung asked as he pulled a skirt off of the rack and started examining the tag.

Ripping the skirt out of his hands, Jungwoo put it back on the rack before rushing out of the store. It felt like his cheeks were on fire and he knew he was red as a tomato all because of a stupid skirt.

"I didn't mean to take it too far—I just want you to know you can wear whatever you want when you're with me," Doyoung said quietly when he finally caught up to his boyfriend.

A small smile formed on Jungwoo's lips before he nodded, "Yeah...let's just go find something for Dahye." 


Did I just write a poem about a girl who I don't even know if she reciprocates the same romantic feelings as me? Yes. 

Thanks for reading 

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