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"Hi cutie," Soyeon said happy as she climbed into Jungwoo's car.

This is going to be hard, he thought when he saw her smile. She's so happy... "Soyeon, I—I need to talk to you about something."

The smile on her face wavered slightly at his tone, but she quickly covered it up. "I'm listening. Go ahead."

"You are so so great—like I don't know how somebody so pretty and sweet could like somebody like me. And these few weeks have been great—you've been great. B—But there's some things I've been lying to myself about...that I let you get caught in the middle of a—and it's not fair to you. I just have to come clean...even if you hate me after this," Jungwoo rambled, his eyes fixed on his lap while he fidgeted with his hands nervously. "I...I think I like boys, Soyeon...I need to break up with you."

Much to his surprise, a small laugh slipped past her lips, "Ok, ouch...but I guess I've kinda suspected it for awhile now. I mean at that movie I couldn't get your attention when that actor took his shirt off. And, hey I get it, sexuality is complicated stuff."

"You're not even a little mad at me...?"

"As much as I do like you, I'd rather be told the truth then led on." She smiled at the boy once more before grabbing the door handle, "Thanks for a fun three weeks, I'm going to go take a nap or something. See you at school Monday!"

"Well that was easy..." Jungwoo muttered to himself as he watched the girl walk into her front door. He checked his watch, "Eh I should just go to Johnny's."


"I fucking told you! Both of you!" Jungwoo heard Ten scream from inside the house as he brought his hand up to knock on the door.

It only took a second for the door to swing open, revealing a happy looking Ten. "Oh—I thought you were on a date?"

The younger boy shrugged, "I—I just broke up with Soyeon..." He wasn't quite sure why it felt like somebody was twisting a dagger in his heart, Soyeon wasn't mad at him. He had the overwhelming feeling to just cry...but he'd been doing that too often lately. Perhaps it was because this made everything real. He couldn't hide his true self behind a girl anymore.

Ten frowned when he saw the boys eyes fill with tears. "Baby...I'm sorry," he said softly before pulling the taller boy into his arms.

Laying his head down in the crook of the elders neck, he mumbled a small, "It's fine—I'm fine." He took a deep breath, knowing that if he let himself cry, he might never stop.

Jungwoo finally pulled way and saw both Johnny and Doyoung staring at them from the couch. Doyoung looked incredibly concerned, while Johnny seemed to be plotting his murder in silence. "D—Doyoung...? I didn't think y—you'd be here..."

The elder nodded, his expression falling slightly, "is that okay?" Even though he really wished they weren't, thinks we're still a bit rocky between him and Jungwoo. He'd tried to talk about what happened, but the younger was so set on ignoring it.

"Ten you k—"

"A word in your room please," Ten hissed before his boyfriend could even get a full sentence out.

Johnny rolled his eyes, but followed the boy regardless. "I don't know what you don't get about me not wanting you around him?"

"Johnny stop—just stop with all of this bullshit!" The shorter boy yelled before realizing he should probably not let the guests know they were arguing. "We just found out that he kissed Doyoung—and he literally told me seconds ago that he broke up with his girlfriend. He's going through hell Johnny, not trying to suck my dick."

His boyfriend scoffed as he sat down on the bed. "He's a fucking creep, babe. This is the second girl he's broken up with and second boy he's kissed in less than two months. But sorry for being worried about you."

"You're so goddamn ignorant! I literally can't even touch you in public—and my best friend was killed for being gay...I don't blame Jungwoo for trying to prolong his sexuality for as long as he can. This is a fucked up world as it is Johnny! I'm sure he's terrified of being murdered for something he can't control—so get it through your dumb giant head that you should be there for him...not pushing him away."

"I'm sorry..." Johnny muttered, "I didn't think of it like that."

"Can we please stop fighting about this, John? I miss you." Ten asked softly.

Reaching out to grab the boys hips, Johnny pulled his boyfriends in between his legs. He looked up at the boy for a few seconds before leaning up to connect their lips. "I miss you too baby."


"Doyoung—Jungwoo put that down!" Ten yelled when he saw the scene in front of him.

The younger's eyes widened as he quickly closed his mouth, trying to hide what was going on. It only lasted a few seconds before he couldn't hold it anymore and started coughing quite aggressively, smoke coming out of both his nose and mouth.

Doyoung gently patted the boy's back while he recovered from his coughing fit, "You're not supposed to hold it like that."

"I don't know the rules of marijuana!"

A small laugh came out of Johnny, seeing how angry his boyfriend looked. "Tennie...baby let him have fun. A little smoking won't hurt."

"Y'all are a bunch of potheads..." Ten grumbled before leaving the living room so he didn't have to see his seemingly innocent friend smoking a joint. When did he get so comfortable with smoking?

"Well don't leave me out!" Johnny whined as he sat down next to the two boys. The youngest handed him the remains from what Doyoung rolled him.

His head fell back onto Doyoung's shoulder before he curled up to the elders side. "'m tired, Youngie."

A small smile formed on Doyoung's face at just how adorable the boy looked. "That kicked in fast," he said quietly, pulling an arm around the boys waist.

"So that's your plan, hm? Ignore what happened and just get him high?" Ten asked as he appeared in front of Doyoung, a giant bag of potato chips in his arms. "You're terrible."

"Once again, Ten, he asked me if he could smoke."

Jungwoo's head shot up, "Hm? Oh...no I didn't ask for an extension on my art projects...she just gave it to me." He stared at Ten for a few seconds before laying his head back down like nothing happened."



I know absolutely nothing about smoking so sorry for anything incorrect 

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