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"I have recruited four new members of student council!" Jungwoo said happily.

Mark started clapping, but slowly stopped when he realized nobody else looked the least bit excited by the news. "What's wrong with new people? You guys are boring."

Xiaojun's stifled a laugh as he turned towards the boy, "You're asleep during most of them, how would you know?"

"I don't think we need anybody else—I like our group," Changkyun protested, crossing his arms over his chest.

There were a couple seconds of silence before a squeal came out of Tzuyu, "So you do like us!?"

"I refuse to repeat myself."

Clearing his throat, Jungwoo tired to get their attention, "Since were all seniors—well except Xiaojun, I choose two juniors and two sophomores."

An alarmed expression formed on Changkyun's face, "Woah woah—four people! Are you crazy that's..." he paused to count the people in the room, "That's...nine people!"

"Good to know you can do rudimentary math," Tzuyu muttered.

"Ok...thanks for all of the input, but I already told them they could join...and uhm they're sitting outside the room right now."

Tzuyu and Changkyun's arguing ceased upon hearing Jungwoo's words. "Wait now they're going to think I'm some asshole if they heard me."

"I think they'll figure that out anyway..." Tzuyu said quietly, reaching out to pat the boy's head.

Figuring now was his best option, Jungwoo got up and told the four in the hallway the could come in. "Ok, this is Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Oliv—"

"Hyejoo. I go by Hyejoo," The girl grumbled, her eyebrows knit together in a way that almost made her look angry.

"Wow I like you, I'm Changkyun."

"Anyway—these were the best applicants. Well then let's start the meeting?" Jungwoo asked, slipping back into his seat. The four sat down awkwardly, not really knowing what they were supposed to say.

Pulling a notebook out of her backpack, Tzuyu cleared her throat and started reading from the list she made. "First of all, the girls locker room is a nightmare—you expect us to shower in there?"


"Hi..." Jungwoo said softly as he looked up from the notebook he was writing in. Haechan and Jaemin paused their conversation and turned to smile at the elder. "The meetings over, do you need something?"

"Jungwoo hyung~" Haechan sang. "Do you want to come get milkshakes with us and Jeno?"

Talking a second to ponder the question, he fell silent. "I was going to hang out with Doyoung tonight but mayb—"

"He can come too," Jaemin blurted out. "I mean if you guys want to..."

"I'm sure he would want to, let's go ask," Jungwoo said softly as he begun packing up his things.


"I want to go sleep" Doyoung muttered, stomping his feet to show his slight attitude.

Jungwoo's head fell to the side as he just looked at the elder blankly. They were standing in front of the diner and Doyoung was still whining about not wanting to go. "I'm not going to disappoint Haechan."

"That kids disappointed all the time, it doesn't matter," the elder clarified before grabbing the helmet off his bike and handing it to Jungwoo.

"Put that down! It's just a milkshake, I'll even pay for you."

Doyoung took a couple second to think about the boys words before reluctantly nodding, "Ok fine."

A smile spread across Jungwoo's face before taking off towards the building, where his friends were probably watching them argue from inside. He found the booth the other were already seated in and sat down next to Haechan. A few seconds later, Doyoung stalked into the diner and forced himself in the booth next to Jungwoo. A small smile spread across the younger's face as he tried to cheer the grumpy boy up.

"Haechan, did you talk to mark yet?" Jeno asked softly.

Haechan looked up and frowned, "Jen, it was the first meeting, I don't wanna be creepy."

A small laugh slipped out a Jaemin, "You have a notebook filled with him, you're already creepy," he teased. Just as Doyoung opened his mouth to add to the conversation, the waitress came over to their table.

After they ordered, the three boys returned to teasing Haechan about his crush. "Just talk to him, Channie, he's going to catch you staring sooner or later."

"Leave him alone. He can stare at Mark all he wants," Jungwoo scolded, putting an arm around the younger boy and pulling him into his chest. Haechan snuggled into the boys embrace and flashed a sly smile at the others.

Doyoung's eyebrows knit together as he turned to glare at Haechan. The only responde the boy gave was a small wink at the elder. "I shouldn't have agreed to come."

"Why are you pouting?" Jungwoo asked softly, turning to give him and exasperated look. "What's the problem?"

The elder just shook his head and muttered a small, "Nothing."


Haechan took a long drink from his chocolate shake and sighed. He was third wheeling for two couples. Doyoung and Jungwoo talking quietly about something, Jungwoo's head on the table as he listened intently to the elder ramble. And Jaemin and Jeno were giggling while drawing all over a kids menu they took from the front of the diner.

All of them having heard they sigh, they looked up from what they were doing to look at Haechan in concern. "What's wrong, Channie?" Jaemin asked quietly.

"You guys were jus—" He froze mid sentence when the small bell above the door rung and he saw who walked in. His heart dropped into his stomach when he saw that person was with somebody else.

Trying to figure out what Haechan was looking at, they turned and froze themselves when they saw Mark had just walked in with a girl. "Channie—"

"I want to home..." Haechan whispered, discarding his milkshake and trying to climb over the others in the booth so he could just get out of there. 


Happy new year everybody! 

Thanks for reading 💖

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