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"Why do we have to go to Johnny's? I'm tired and you're just going to get high—then who's supposed to drive us home?" Jungwoo pouted as he walked with his boyfriend to his motorcycle.

"You already told Ten you were coming, and we're not going to smoke, it's a school night," Doyoung clarified, handing the younger the helmet before climbing onto his bike. Pulling the helmet onto his head, Jungwoo got onto the motorcycle with a dramatic sigh, not wanting to argue any further. "Aw my poor baby," the elder cooed before reaching behind him to wrap Jungwoo's hands around his torso.

When they pulled into Johnny's driveway, the younger's attitude still hadn't cleared up. Honestly, it felt like him and Doyoung hadn't spent time together alone in what's felt life forever. Jungwoo just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend, but he'd never admit that.

He was brought back to reality when Doyoung pulled the helmet off of his head. The elder frowned, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired," he mumbled, leaning forward to rest his head on the boys shoulder.

Doyoung placed a hand on the back of Jungwoo's neck and played with the boys overgrown hair. He was starting to grow a mullet, but he wasn't going to bring that to the younger's attention. "Do you want to go home? I can take you home darlin."

He quickly shook his head, "We're already here, it's fine."

A smile formed on Doyoung's lips as he pulled away from the boy only to reach out and help him off the bike. Instead of letting go of the elders hand, Jungwoo intertwined their fingers instead. The smile on his face widened at the action.

Finally making it up to the door, he knocked, only having to wait a few seconds before Johnny opened the door. The two walked into the house and saw a few faces they weren't expecting.

Jungwoo quickly dropped his boyfriend's hand when his eyes landed on Yuta. He turned away, pretending like he had something to say to Doyoung. "He scares me."



Although they were sure nobody else in the room could hear their conversation, everybody did. There were a couple seconds of silence before the laughter filled the room.

"You're scared of that man?" Haechan questioned. "He literally decorates his weed deliveries for the boy he likes."

The smile on Yuta's face fell when he heard that, "I really like him, okay!? He deserves a pretty bag!"

"Yuta's a twink," Johnny clarified. He was well aware that Yuta's everyday appearance could be very fooling if you didn't know him, but he was truly a big baby who liked dark colors, "There's nothing to be scared of."

"Ok..." the younger whispered as he sat down on the floor, shortly after pulling his boyfriend down to sit next to him.

Everybody watched the two with curious expressions as Doyoung wrapped an arm around the younger's waist and gently guiding Jungwoo's head to rest on his shoulder. The elder pressed a small kiss to the boy's cheek before remembering there were other people in the room.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" Doyoung snapped, not knowing what was so interesting.

Jungwoo softly hit his thigh, "be nice."


After a while of sitting and talking, Johnny and Yuta tried to discretely leave the room, but it was made quite obvious as Yuta tripped over the ottoman.

The remaining four were now seated on the couch watching whatever Disney movie they could find on cable. Haechan was curled up at the end of the couch asleep with Ten laying on his hip also asleep.

"How was you day?" Doyoung asked in a hushed tone. Because of their very different schedules, he never really got to see his boyfriend throughout the day.

Jungwoo let out a small hum, on the verge of falling asleep himself. "It was good. I sat with Minnie and Soojin at lunch, they're going to come over this weekend."

"You're finally talking to them again?"

"Soojin called me last night and told me that she missed me...then proceeded to tell me I was crazy for thinking she could be mad at me for what happened with Soyeon," he admitted, still feeling a little embarrassed about everything that happened.

The elder smiled at him, "I'm glad she did call you crazy, you need other friends besides Haechan and Ten."

Hitting Doyoung's arm, Jungwoo's scowled at him, "There's nothing wrong with them."

"Ok fine, there's nothing wrong with them."

Jungwoo laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder once again, reveling in the warmth he was receiving. He looked up at the boy for a few seconds before pressing a soft kiss to his jaw.

Doyoung glanced down at the younger and smiled when he saw the boy push his lips out cutely. Of course he knew what the boy wanted so he leaned down and kissed the boy gently. When he pulled away, a quiet giggle slipped out of him and Doyoung felt his heart palpitate at the sound. 

Sitting up so he could actually see the elder's face, Jungwoo pressed their lips together once again. It was a soft and sweet kiss, the two of them trying to catch up on time alone that they missed. Completely forgetting that they were sitting in somebody else's living room, Jungwoo climbed onto Doyoung's lap, straddling the boy.

The two continued to make out—with the least sexual intent possible—completely ignoring the movie they had been watching only a few minutes earlier.

"Could you two eat each other a little quieter?" Ten hissed as he hurled a throw pillow at the couple.

Jungwoo fell backwards off of the couch in fear when he realized that everybody could see them. Johnny and Yuta walked back into the room and looked at the boy on the floor in confusion. "Why is on the ground?"

Doyoung just shrugged before leaning forward to help his boyfriend up, "I think we should get going...we have school in the morning." 


I didn't really know what to do for the next chapter so you get random fluff 

Thanks for reading 

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