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Sana cleared her throat and set her index cards down before concluding, "And that's why I think as a collective high school we should be more accepting to all types of people."

"Not that I don't love listening to hour long speeches—but who the fuck are you even talking about. We're not not accepting?" Changkyun asked, a confused expression resting on his face.

"Oh Y'know...just people." She replied before letting out a small nervous giggle. "There's been an influx of bullying incidences since last year—and it's becoming a real problem."

Jungwoo raised an eyebrow as he listened to her, was there a bullying problem here?

"Then don't be a loser, problem solved."

Maybe there is. "Ok changkyun, thank you for demonstrating what we shouldn't do. Sana, I really appreciate you informing us about this. I'll talk to Mrs. Kim about maybe having an anti bullying assembly?"

An adorable smile spread across her face, "it won't do much but maybe it'll do something!" Jungwoo, Xiaojun, Tzuyu, and Mark were all staring at the girl with literal heart eyes as she did a little happy dance. "You guys are the best!"

Changkyun scoffed, "You have really low standards then."

"Will you shut up!"


Just as Jungwoo was finally ready to leave the student council room, his backpack hit the jar of pens off of the teachers desk. He looked at the pen scattered across the seat and floor and sighed, "it's always something, huh?" Setting his backpack down, he got on the floor and started picking them up.

"Momo—everybody's gone, they left twenty minutes ago." A very familiar sounding girl said as she walked into the seemingly empty room.

There were a couple seconds of silence before there was a dull thud followed by—unnecessarily loud—kissing.

Jungwoo quickly stood up and covered his eyes after he saw Sana pressed up against a wall as she kissed some girl he'd never seen before. "I'm not a stalker I promise! I was picking up the pens!"

A high pitched scream came out of Sana before she pushed her girlfriend away. "Please don't tell anybody! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh please don't mind me, I was just about to leave. C—Carry on, your secrets safe with me." Jungwoo rambled, then bolted for the door.

He reached down for his keys but then remembered his mom drove him to school that morning. "Well what am I supposed to do now?" A small sigh fell from his lips when he realized his only option was asking Ten for a ride home or walking in the dark—where he would probably get kidnapped. But getting kidnapped didn't seem as bad as talking to his friend, whom he'd kissed then ignored for a week.

Nevertheless, Jungwoo found himself knocking at the theater door, where he was happily let in.

"Ten...Ten...Ten...where are you?" Jungwoo whispered to himself as he walked through the eerily empty room. He walked around for a good five minutes before deciding this was utterly hopeless and Ten wasn't here. Minnie and Soojin weren't even there—and they were always there.

Figuring it was his last option, Jungwoo awkwardly walked up to Doyoung and his very intimidating group of friends. "H—Hi Doyoung...uh I kinda need a ride home a—and I was wondering if maybe you could—you don't have to I know you're probably busy."

The boys sitting around Doyoung burst into laughter, making Jungwoo feel even more anxious. "If you guys don't shut the fuck up." Doyoung gritted out as he pushed the boy to the right of him off the couch, "Wanna sit?"

After whispering a small sorry, the younger hesitantly sat down on the leather sofa.

"I thought all the cute boys were taken—where'd you come from."

"Oh—I'm not—I have a girlfriend."

Doyoung perked up when he heard that, "What happened to kinda girlfriend?"

"She asked me to be her boyfriend yesterday." Jungwoo said quietly.

"That's cool." The elder muttered before completely turning away from Jungwoo and focusing on his friends.

A small frown formed on the boys face as he leaned back, sinking further into the couch.

"Come here often?"

He looked down and saw a small boy sitting on the ground. Honestly, he still looked like a child. "Um...from time to time."

"I'm Haechan!"


"Haechan—leave him alone." Doyoung groaned when he looked over and saw his younger friend perched in Jungwoo's lap.

The boy shot him a dirty look, "Nobody here ever shows my affection. I like Jungwoo."

Me too. "Well I've gotta take him home, so please get off."

After whining for a few seconds, Haechan reluctantly climbed off and waved to his new friend, "Bye bye Jungwoo! Come back soon!"

"Bye Haechan, I'll come see you sometime soon." There was a smile spread across Jungwoo's face before he turned around to see that Doyoung was practically out the door already. 

When he finally caught up to the boy, he grabbed Doyoung's arm, preventing him from walking any further, "Did I do something wrong? Why do you look so mad?"

"No." Doyoung said flatly before pulling his arm away from the the younger. He kept silent for the rest of the walk to his bike. When they got there he handed Jungwoo the helmet and climbed on. 

"Doyoung—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry." 

He turned around with an exasperated look on his face, "I'm not angry! Just drop it, okay!?" 

Jungwoo nodded and felt his eyes fill with tears as he wrapped his arms around the boys torso and hid his face in Doyoung's back. The whole ride home, he had to fight off tears, what had he done that made Doyoung so upset? 

"T—Thank you for giving me a ride." He whimpered, handing the elder his helmet. 

Doyoung let out a sigh, "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier—I just had a bad day you didn't make me angry." 

"Do you need to talk about it?" 

"It's late, don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Doyoung responded quietly. 


I'm literally just writing so I don't have to do my homework 

Thanks for reading 

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