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*a few weeks later* 

"I hate dating somebody obsessed with sports," Ten groaned as he walked into the art room, plopping down into his seat, "Johnny has barely said a word to me all week because of fucking football."

"Aw poor Tennie...I have no idea how you feel because Doyoung is the clingiest person I've ever met." Jungwoo said softly, continuing to paint the matte board in front of him a light purple color.

After grabbing his painting from the drying rack, Ten slammed it down on the table with a dramatic sigh. "Can we trade? Just for like a week?"

"Sorry," the younger said in a hushed tone, glancing around for any lingering eyes, "I really like the boy I have. Clingy just means more attention."

A small pout formed on Ten's lips before he mumbled, "I want attention."

"Just tell him how you're feeling. I'm sure he'd understand."

His eyebrows knit together quizzically as he thought about it. "I don't think I should...he loves his sports and I don't want to take that away from him. But I just—I want to be as important to him as all that stuff is."

Trying to get the purple paint smooth over the board, Jungwoo stood up to get a better view. "That's exactly why you should talk to him," he muttered, trying to give both Ten and his painting equal attention.

"I can't. What if he gets mad at me or just—Jungwoo? Jungwoo what are you doing?" Ten rushed out when he saw his friend get out of his seat and walk over to his boyfriend.

"Hi John," Jungwoo said as he slid into the seat next to the elder.

Johnny looked up from his own artwork and raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

Thankful that the person usually at his table was gone, Jungwoo sent him a smile before exposing his all of his friend's secrets. "Ten's quite upset about something. You should talk to him later, okay?"

Johnny's face fell upon hearing those words, "What's wrong?" He quickly glanced back at his boyfriend who had his head resting on the table, "Will he be okay until after school—should I take him home?"

It was very heartwarming to Jungwoo how quickly the elder was prepared to drop everything for his boyfriend. "He'll be fine," he reassured before walking back over to his table.

"Why would you even th—"

"Ten, I know I overstepped, but just tell him how you're feeling," the younger stated flatly, picking up his paintbrush once again.

Ten just looked at the boy for a couple seconds, trying to figure out why he felt the need to use that tone. "Well then...are you okay?"

"Yes I'm okay? Why wouldn't I be okay?" He snapped, aggressively washing the paint out of his brush in an old mason jar filled with water.

Ten watched the crystal clear liquid turn opaque, the purple diffusing to create a pretty hue. "You just sound a little...not like normal."

A seemingly forced smile spread across his lips, "yeah," he said gently, "I'm fine."

"Okay..." the elder said skeptically, his eyes narrowing as he got up to get the paint he needed.


"Doyoung." Ten said as he slid into the the seat next to his boyfriend at one of the lunch tables. It was quite sad that Jungwoo didn't have the same lunch as the three of them, but it just meant they could talk about the boy without him knowing.

Doyoung turned to the boy with a scowl, just trying to eat his lunch in peace. "What?"

Johnny quickly looked up at his younger friend and shook his head, "Ok attitude, don't talk to him like that."

The younger just blinked, honestly just wanting to know what Ten wanted. Ignoring Johnny, he looked back at the small boy. "Yes Ten? What do you need?" He asked gently, overemphasizing his politeness.

"Since your little twink boyfriend decided to tell Johnny about my feelings...somethings wrong with him. I don't know what, I can just sense it."

"He was grumpy this morning, I just assumed he didn't sleep well last night," he responded, his eyebrows knitting together as he tried to figure out if there was something else that could've potentially been wrong. "I should go talk to him."

Ten quickly reached across the table to grab Doyoung's arm, "he's in class."

He nodded, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Sit down," Johnny groaned as he pulled the boy back down into his seat.

Doyoung scoffed, "I don't have to listen to you."

"Jungwoo would break up with you if you interrupted him learning something." Ten muttered.

A small sigh came out of him, "Yeah you're right."


Doyoung peaked into the student council room, not remembering if his boyfriend had a meeting or not. "Hi," he said softly when he saw the boy all alone in the room, just resting his head on the table. There was no work in front of him nor pen in his hands, he was just sitting there staring at the wall.

Jungwoo's titled his head upwards and gave the elder an unreadable smile. "Can you take me home please?" He whispered.

It was obvious that something was making the boy considerably upset, but Doyoung didn't want to push him to share anything he wasn't ready to. He nodded, "Yeah, do you want to leave now?"

Lifting his head off the table and grabbing his stuff, Jungwoo mumbled a quiet, "yes please."

The fact that his boyfriend was upset was tearing Doyoung apart inside. Even though he was ninety-nine percent sure he hadn't done a thing wrong, he still felt like it was somehow his fault. Instead of voicing his concerns, he placed a hand under the younger's chin, tilting his head upwards so he could place a small kiss on the younger's lips, "You Can talk to me about anything, yeah?"

Jungwoo looked up at him with watery eyes and nodded, "I know."

He pecked the boy's lips one last time before pulling him out of the chair and headed out of the room.

When Doyoung's pulled into the driveway, Jungwoo's hands lingered on his waist. It was as if the younger didn't want to let go (which was one hundred percent the truth). Although reluctant, Jungwoo pulled away and climbed off of the bike.

"Can I call you later tonight?" He asked softly before pulling the helmet off of his head, handing it to his boyfriend.

Hardly a second passed before Doyoung was nodding, "Yeah, I'll be home."

Reaching out to place a hand on top of his, Jungwoo just hoped his mother wasn't watching them through any windows, but he also didn't have the energy to check If she was. "Doyoungie, you didn't do anything wrong, It's obvious that you think you did just by the way you keep looking at me."

"Are you sure?" He asked, turning his hand so he could hold the younger's in his own.

"If I talk about it right now I'm going to cry. I'll call you after I make my mom deal with my emotions," Jungwoo admitted. He pulled his hand back to his side, nervously glancing at the living room window, "I should go in now, thanks for the ride."


Ehhhhhh I have not been happy with my writing lately, but am I going to rewrite this? No. 

I hope you had a weekend 

Thanks for reading 💖

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