Christmas Surprise

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Hi guys I know this is really unwarranted, but I have a Christmas present for you. If you don't celebrate Christmas then it's just a present :) I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! 

Jungwoo had been staring a single page of a text book for what felt like hours. He was starting to wonder if it was possible to go insane from getting assigned too much homework. With a sigh, he turned to the next page in his the book and answered yet another question.

After answering a few more questions, Jungwoo heard the door of his and Doyoung's apartment open. A smile formed on the boy's face as he got out of his chair and hurried out to the kitchen. "Hi," he said softly when he saw Doyoung for the first time that day.

Although he was drained from his day, Doyoung managed a smile, finding energy from the sight of his boyfriend "hi, darlin'"

The younger leaned forward to wrap his arms around Doyoung, but was stopped by the elder's index finger poking into his stomach. "I'm covered in grease," he explained, showing the boy his gray hands.

A small pout formed on Jungwoo's face as he took a step back, "I haven't seen you all day."

Doyoung nodded, "I know, baby, I just need fifteen minutes to shower."

The butterflies in Jungwoo's stomach woke from their slumber at the pet name Doyoung used so seldom. "Okay..." he whispered.

Before he left the room, Doyoung quickly leaned forward to place a small kiss on Jungwoo's lips, making sure his hands stayed off the boy's clean clothes.


When Doyoung was done showering, he found Jungwoo laying on their bed, textbooks and loose papers scattered all over their room. "You're so messy," he stated, as he bent over to pick some of the papers up.

"I had so much homework to do's all a blur," the younger responded as he reached out for his boyfriend.

Doyoung climbed onto their bed and sat next to Jungwoo, letting the boy find his way against his own body. "Did you have a good day?" He asked as Jungwoo laid his head on his chest.

The boy let out a small hum, "I didn't know you had to leave so early this morning so it was kinda lonely." There were a few moments of silence before he added, "We should get a cat or something."

"I disagree," Doyoung muttered to himself.

Ignoring the elder, Jungwoo continued, "How was work?"

Doyoung sighed, "My boss is still an asshole and it's still freezing when I have to be outside."

"I've told you that you can look for a different job. You can be a mechanic literally anywhere." Jungwoo grabbed one of Doyoung's hands and interlocked their fingers, "I just want you to be happy...and you're not there."

Doyoung brought Jungwoo's hand up to his lip and placed a small kiss on one of his knuckles, "You're what makes me happy, darlin'."

"Guess what?" Jungwoo asked softly as he looked up at his boyfriend. The elder let out a soft hum, waiting for him to continue. "Tomorrow's Christmas!" He started excitedly, "Our first Christmas in our apartment."

Doyoung laughed at the boy, "I know, you've been talking about it all week."


"Doyoung..." Jungwoo whispered as he poked his sleeping boyfriend's stomach a few times. The elder groaned, pushing Jungwoo away in his sleep. He grabbed one of Doyoung's hands and shook the boy with all of his might. "Wake up it's Christmas!" He whined.

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