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"Johnny, he's confused—you're over reacting!"

"Over reacting? Am I just supposed to be fine with other people kissing my boyfriend?" Johnny retorted, just as much anger in his voice as the smaller boy in front of him.

Ten rolled his eyes, when did his boyfriend become such an asshole? "Do I have to remind you the he was high? It's not his fault!"

"Are you kidding me? Don't you think it's a little convenient that a straight boy randomly wanted to be your best friend after he found out you were gay? I don't want you around him anymore!"

A bitter laugh fell from Ten's lips, "Yes John becuase that twink has just been itching to rail me. Are you fucking stupid!?"

This time it was Johnny's turn to roll his eyes. "Most of the time, yes...but right now, no! I'm not going to let you hang around guys like that."

Getting off of Johnny's bed, Ten turned around and dramatically threw his arms in the air. "Like what!? I don't get why you're so threatened by a boy that could barely look Solar in the eyes!"

"I'm not threatened! I would do this no matter who it was," The elder shot back.

"The poor boy doesn't know who he is—I'm not going to completely leave him for trying to figure that out! I'm your boyfriend...n—not some pet you can order around!" Ten yelled before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

A small pout formed on his lips as he walked out into the living room where Johnny's parent were just casually talking like the couple weren't just screaming at each other.

"You okay, sweety?" Mrs. Seo asked while she fixed the chipped bright pink nail polish on her index finger.

"Johnny's being an asshole. Can I use your phone?"

She let out a small laugh, "Of course."

"H—Hey...can you come pick me up from Johnny's?" Ten asked quietly into the phone when the other end picked up.


Any anxiousness Jungwoo about seeing the Ten melted away when the boy climbed into his car with tears stained cheeks.

"I—I shouldn't have bothered y—you...I just didn't know who else to c—call," Ten whimpered as he hid his head in his hands when lost control of his emotions.

"Oh Tennie...I'm sorry for kissing you—then avoiding you. We're still friends, you can always call me." Jungwoo said softly before giving the boy a comforting smile.

A loud sniffle echoed through the car, "Good b—because you're a really great friend."

"So what happened? Why're you so upset?" Jungwoo asked as he started his car and backed out of the driveway.

A small sigh fell from the elders lips. Ironically, he pulled the sleeves of Johnny's hoodie he was wearing over his hands and wiped at his cheeks. "Me and Johnny got in a f—fight." 

Jungwoo frowned, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel rhythmically, "About what? It seems like you guys never fight." 

"Johnny's just being a bitch—I don't know why I got so upset. He's going to call me tonight crying about how sorry he is and how much he loves me, like every other time we fight." Ten said as he examined his puffy cheeks in the mirror. 

"Uh...I didn't get a chance to tell you, b—but me and Soyeon are dating. She asked me out a few days ago." Jungwoo admitted nervously. 

The elder couldn't help but smile upon hearing that, "That's great! Soyeon is such a good person." 

"We're going on our first date tomorrow at the drive in...I don't know why I'm so scared. I'm excited, but I also feel like I'm going to have a heart attack," The boy rambled, his eyes fixed on the road in front of him. 


"You have so much clothes..." Ten mumbled as he rummaged through Jungwoo's closet. He was trying to pick something for the boy to wear to his date, but he just couldn't narrow it down. Just as he turned around to show Jungwoo a promising outfit, the phone started ringing. 

He sighed, but kept looking through pile of clothing until something caught his eye. Most of Jungwoo's clothing consisted of boring grays and blacks, but Ten saw something bright red in the pile. "What's thi—Oh my god!" Ten squeaked when he saw this promising piece of clothing was actually a pair of red lace panties. "ew ew ew ew—what the hell I thought he was a virgin! Why am I still holding these!" 

Jungwoo's giggles echoed through the house as he talked on the phone to—probably his girlfriend which only disgusted Ten further. He sat on the bed, waiting for the boy to return so he could interrogate him about his unholy hobbies. 

"Was that your girlfriend?" 

"No that was Doyou—" Jungwoo's face paled and his eyes widened when he saw what Ten was holding up between his index finger and thumb. 

There was a disgusted look on his face, "...I see you and Soyeon have had some...fun?" 

"N—No Ten it's not—those are my sister's!" There was a desperate edge to Jungwoo's voice as he spoke. "I haven't done anything like that with Soyeon!" 

"Jungwoo you don't have a sister!" 

"I—I can explain..." The boy started, but it was only followed by silence. "Actually I can't...but I promise that I haven't done anything like that." 

Ten shook his head, "You don't have to uh explain anything, let's just find an outfit?" 


Jungwoo bit his bottom lip as his hand hovered over the trash can, the pair of panties bunched up in his fist. "Just throw them away, Jungwoo...this isn't normal. And what happens If somebody other than Ten find them?" he asked himself.

A quiet whine slipped out of him before he brought his hand back to his side, he just couldn't throw them away. Even though he felt guilty about them...it was a part of his personality. It was embarrassing how he got them, but...he would do it again. 

"Jungwoo, it's your two year anniversary, you have to get her something special for a special night together." Mark said with a smirk as he stopped in front of a lingerie shop 

"I don't know Mark...isn't that kinda weird?" 

The younger boy quickly shook his head, "Not at all. She's probably been expecting this type of gift for a year now." 

Let's just say, Jungwoo did end up purchasing lingerie, but he knew in his heart it wasn't for his girlfriend. That night he found himself in front of a mirror, nothing but a pair of lace panties resting on his hips. It made him feel so guilty...but he couldn't help how pretty they made him feel. 


We're already nineteen chapters in and Dowoo have gotten nowhere 😭 I feel like this is going to be a really long book 

I still have no idea what to write for Strawberry Lipgloss so I'm binge writing this. 

Thanks for reading

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