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"Good morning students," Principal Kim said into the microphone as she tried to quiet the students down, "I know you are wondering why you're here. And that's because there is somebody who would like to talk to you all."

The gymnasium broke out in murmurs as the students tried to figure out who it could possibly be. While they were busy, Principal Kim stepped back and gestured for Jungwoo to take her place.

He stepped up in front of the microphone and let out a shaky sigh. "Hi..." he said hesitantly, causing the room to fall silent.

Everybody turned to look at the student they thought had been exiled. Haechan slapped one of his hands down onto Renjun's thighs, feeling his eyes well with tears, "Oh my god he's here."

"I'm sure you are all aware of the reason why I have not been at school for the past two weeks. I've spent every minutes wracking my brain for a solution...a way I could go back in time and change the way things happened. I stayed up all night trying to figure out a way to talk to you all today and make you accept me again. But the truth is...there is no way for me to change all of your opinions about me." There was a long pause as Jungwoo cleared his throat, trying not to think about all of the piercing gazes fixed on him. "I was elected for class president by all of you. So at one point, you could at least tolerate me. I'm not saying you have to welcome me back with open arms, I'm just asking you to please keep an open mind. I'm still the same person, just with my personal life out there for everybody to see."

Slowly but surely, Jungwoo felt himself loosening up. The eyes not longer felt as harsh. "Because I know how to respect privacy, I will not disclose who was responsible for the posters made about me...but I will say one thing. It's true. Doyoung and I are in a relationship that had no business being public, but that does not make me a fraud. I still care about each and every one of you no matter how much you may hate me." Taking one last deep breath, he decided it was time to finish up. "And no matter how deep that hatred may run, I only ask one thing. Doyoung and I would like to return to school without feeling like a target."

As he turned around, he glanced at principal Kim, feeling a bit deflated his words hadn't seemed to reach them.

"We love you, Jungwoo!" A girl screamed from the bleachers. That one girl served as a catalyst for all the students, the room erupted in applause and cheers.


After an eventful first day back at school filled with a lot of hugs and a surprising amount of you're so brave, Jungwoo felt good.

"You did it, Darlin," Doyoung said softly as he walked into the student council room, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over him. "I'm proud of you."

Jungwoo beamed up at his boyfriend, "Thank you." If he was being honest, Jungwoo had no reason to even be in the student council room. There wasn't a meeting, nor was there any work for him to do. "Do you want to take me home?"

Placing his hand on the side of Jungwoo's face, Doyoung leaned down and placed a soft kiss to the boy's lips. "I kinda just want to stay in here, I missed it."

"You aren't even in student council."

"But you are."

Jungwoo let out a small laugh, "Ok fine I guess that makes sense. We can stay if you want."

"You have to stay for a meeting tomorrow, it's okay. I'll take you home," Doyoung said softly as he offered his hand to the younger.

Jungwoo grabbed Doyoung's hand and pulled himself up. He quickly pecked the elder's cheek, "ok let's go."

When the two were halfway to the exit, Jungwoo realized they were still holding hands. "Since everybody knows does that mean this is okay?" He asked, holding up their hands.

Doyoung just shrugged, "Not sure, but I don't want to let go."


Turning around at the voice, he saw one of the football players standing behind him, "Oh hi, Lucas, what do you need?"

"Do...do you know if principal Kim is in her office?"

"She should be."

"Thanks," Lucas said quietly before walking past the two and down the hallway where the principal's office was.

Doyoung tightened his grip and Jungwoo's hand sighed.

"What's your problem?"

"Since when do you talk to football players."

Another laugh came out of the younger, "this may come as a surprise, but answering a question isn't flirting."

"No—that's not what..." Doyoung paused, "but do you think he's cute?"

Yanking on the elders hand, Jungwoo pulled him towards the door, "Let's go home before another guy glances in my direction."

"Hey I'm just curious, okay!"

"Well don't be!" 

When the two reached Doyoung's motorcycle, the elder crossed his arms over his chest, "I should make you drive yourself home." 

Jungwoo rolled his eyes, "Stop being insecure. I love you and me talking to another boy isn't going to change that, dummy." 


"Hi, Principal Kim," Lucas said awkwardly as he sat down in the chair across from her desk.

She sent the boy a small smile, "Hi Lucas. What brings you in?"

"I need to talk to you about something...serious."

The woman nodded, "That's what I'm here for, go ahead."

"I know who cut the breaks on Jaehyun's motorcycle." 


Only one more chapter 

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