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"Hi cutie," Soyeon said happily as she slipped her hand into Jungwoo's.

The boy couldn't help but blush at what she called him. "Good morning Yeonnie." Everything between the two were normal once again—not that Soyeon ever knew they weren't—but things were going good. Just like every other normal person would, Jungwoo decided to completely block that night with Doyoung out of his mind. He probably just wasn't ready for that big of a step and that's what his didn't like it. He just needed to focus on his girlfriend, because she deserved his all.

"Do you want to hang out in Solar's room after school? I know your mom doesn't want me at your house when she's not there."

Jungwoo nodded, "Sorry about that, she's just protective. I'm her only son so I guess I understand it—oh wait I do have to talk to Sana about the assembly she suggested so I'll be a little late."

A small laugh slipped out her as she listen to the boy ramble. "That's fine, I'll be with the girls like usual."

"Yesterday Minnie called me and asked if I wanted to help her go girlfriend hunting at the mall tomorrow...I agreed because that sounds interesting."

Soyeon sighed as Jungwoo was roped into her friends antics once again, but nevertheless smiled at his happy expression. "Be careful with her...she's crazy sometimes."

The boy nodded rapidly, "That's what makes it fun."


(The next day with Minnie) 

"Ok, girls with face piercing or dyed hair are either trying to stand out...or are lesbians. And the way a girl smiles at you can say a lot." Minnie explained as she sat down on a bench in the center the floor.

"A smile?" Jungwoo's face contorted in confusion, how the hell could you tell somebody's sexuality from a smile? "That doesn't make sense, Minnie."

A small sigh came out of her, "There are so many things you can get from a smile. You can just tell when a girl is being friendly or being gay by the way she smiles." She forced a smile on her face, her eyes sweeping over Jungwoo's body, "That was a gay smile, but there's also a shy gay smile where the girl is too afraid to say anything."

He nodded, but wasn't quite sure if he understood. "Where do you look for these...smiling girls?"

She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Everywhere," as he panned her arm out in front of them.

"Oh my god, you really are crazy."

The girl rolled her eyes. "Everybody says that, c'mon let's go look for some cute clothes." Not giving the boy a change to respond, she grabbed his hand and dragged him to one of her favorite stores in the mall.

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