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"Doyoung? I thought you were staying at Johnny's house tonight?"

The boys whole figure crumpled at the sound of his mother's voice, "I didn't want to. Not tonight."

"Oh honey...what's wrong?" She asked from the couch when she noticed her son two seconds away from a breakdown.

"I—It's stupid mom," He whimpered as he sat down next to her.

A frown formed on her face, "I'm sure it's not. You can talk to me."

He brought his legs up onto the couch and turned towards the woman. He looked down at his lap, just overall embarrassed by his feelings. "There's this boy and I r—really thought we were getting somewhere...b—but he told me he has a girlfriend." 

Mrs. Kim's expression softened when she saw the tears glistening in her son's eyes, the only time the boy ever cried was when he was frustrated or extremely upset. 

Bringing his head down into his hands, Doyoung hid when he felt the hot tears slip down his cheeks. "I—I like him so m—much mom! Why c...can't I ever get what I want?" 

"Honey...I'm sorry. I know it hurts," She whispered as she pulled the crying boy towards herself. "Love is hard, especially when you're different from most people. Everything will work out in the end, I promise." 

Doyoung his his head in the crook of her neck and continued to sob. "I—I don't want to let him g—go...he's too perfect." 

"You don't have to. Give yourself some time to heal before you completely forget about him." 

"Doyoungie? Do you need me to read you a bedtime story?" 

The boy turned around at the small voice, which held so much concern and sadness. His little sister was standing in front of him, a small pout resting on her lips. Another woman entered the room and smiled at her wife and son on the couch. "Dahye needed to come check on her brother because she can't go to sleep if he's crying." 

After wiping his cheeks with the backs of his hands he picked up his sister so she could sit in his lap. "I'm fine, Hye, just a little sad because of a boy." 

"Was he mean to you? Bullying is not nice, Youngie," She stated as her little eyebrows scrunched up. 

"No he wasn't mean to me. He makes me really happy, but somebody else makes him happy." Doyoung explained in a way a four year old maybe could understand. 

She tilted her head to the side, "But you make everybody happy all the times! You make me big happy!" Her lips grew into a pout once again, "He's a meanie if he made Doyoungie cry." 

"He's not a meanie, Dahye, he's still my friend." 

She pondered this for a second before jumping up excitedly, "Let's go read a bedtime sorry because you not go to uncle Johnny's!" 


Doyoung was tiptoeing out of his sisters room, careful not to wake her when his mom walked up to him. "Somebody called for you."

"Thank you, mama," Doyoung whispered before running down the stairs. "Hello?" He asked when he finally got to the phone. 

"It's Jungwoo, I forced Johnny to give me your number. I know it's late and you probably don't want to talk to me but I just wanted to check up on you. You were really upset earlier and I don't know if it was just a bad day, but If you need to talk about anything, I'm here." Jungwoo rambled, hoping the boy on the other end of the phone was listening 

A small smile formed on Doyoung's face as he sat down, "I'm fine now, I was just having a rough time with something but I talked to my sister about it. I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier, I admit that I was being an asshole, I'm sorry." 

"I don't care that you yelled at me, Doyoung, I just want to make sure you're okay." 

The elder felt his heart flutter at the sincerity in his voice that traveled through the phone, "I'm okay, I promise."  

"Will you please talk to me if you're ever upset like that again? I care about you and I can't help if I don't know anything." A small yawn broke past Jungwoo's lips once he finished his sentence. "I would stay up all night just to make sure you're okay." 

"Do you know how sweet you are? Nobody has ever treated me like this." Doyoung said softly. 

A soft giggle echoed through the line, "This is just me, Doyoungie, I'm nothing special." 

He couldn't help but blush at the nickname Jungwoo had just called him. "I should let you go to sleep, we have school tomorrow." 

"Aw, you don't want to talk to me anymore?" 

Doyoung could practically hear the pout through the phone and didn't know if he could physically handle the boys antics any longer. "You can call me anytime you want, but you're tired." 

"Ok fine," The boy huffed. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. Goodnight, Doyoung."

"Goodnight Jungwoo~" 

"And who might that've been?" 

Doyoung almost let out a scream as his mother appeared in the living room, a smirk on her face. "W—Well the boy I was just crying about..." 

She raised an eyebrow, "That didn't sound like you were talking to a boy who has a girlfriend." 

"That's what I meant when I said we were getting somewhere! He's always flirting back but doesn't know he is!" 

Sitting down next to the boy, the woman pat his back, "Maybe don't forget about your feelings at all." 


People are openly homophobic in my school, but I'm not afraid to push a bitch down the stairs 💖

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