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Today was the first day back to school after the much needed summer off for the students. They buzzed with excitement of seeing classmates they hadn't talked to in months. The light chatter in the classrooms ceased when the intercom feedback screeched in the students ears. "Good morning Seoul high dolphins and welcome to the nineteen seventy three—seventy four school year! Here is your student body president, Kim Jungwoo," Their principal said all too cheerfully for seven thirty in the morning.

"Good morning, I hope you all had a wonderful summers. I am here to inform you on some of the changes our student council and faculty decided on in your absence. First, there have been various vending machines placed around the school per a flood of requests last year by students of all grades. Secondly, students may go off campus during their lunch period, but that will not be an excuse for tardies. And lastly, smoking of marijuana is prohibited on school property at all times—oh and if you drive a vehicle to school, you must register it with either the student council or staff in the office. If you have any questions or concerns I will be in the student council room after and before school all week, thank you," a very soft spoken boy rambled through the intercoms.

"I can't wait till everybody comes to complain about registering their cars," Xiaojun groaned once he checked that the microphone was off.

The elder let out what sounded like a nervous laugh, "Today's going to be a busy day for me."

Xiaojun's grabbed his backpack from the floor and swung it over his shoulder. "Where ya headed?" He asked, handing the taller boy his own schedule.

"Not a single class." Jungwoo groaned as he handed the schedule back. "I have Mrs. Ahn right now, but I'll see you at lunch?"

A playful smile formed on Xiaojun's lips, "I'll make sure to save a seat for you and Jiwon."

Jungwoo was already halfway down the hallway when his friend finished his sentence, he spun around on his heels and waved to the younger.

By the time he made it to his room, it had already been Ten minutes since class begun.

"What's your name, hun?" The teacher asked, a clipboard in her hands.

"Kim Jungwoo."

Her face lit up, "Ou...I got the class president—you can take a seat in the back."

Jungwoo walked to the back table and slid into a seat next to a boy who as scribbling on the tabletops already etched with years of meaningless doodles.

"Welcome to Art three, I'm looking forward to my year with you. I really don't care if you call me Mrs. Ahn or Hyojin, doesn't matter just don't tell the principal." She paused and rummaged through her painfully messy desk for a few seconds before pulling out a stack of papers. "Our first assignment will take place through the course of this week. Today we will just do the first component: getting to know the person across from you. You have the rest of the hour to answer these questions about your partner."

The boy across from Jungwoo finally looked up from his drawing of a perfectly proportionate figure, "Looks like we're partners. I'm Ten."

"Jungwoo, it's nice to meet you, Ten." He said politely as the teacher walked past and handed them each a questionnaire. "Question one, Where is your partner from?"

"I'm from Thailand, my family moved to Korea just last year."

The younger's eyes widened slightly, "I can hear he accent now! That's so cool!"


"Looks like we don't have any classes together." Jungwoo heard as a small hand slipped into his.

He looked down and smiled at his girlfriend, "I told you to take art with me, Jiwon."

A small pout formed on her full lips, "Babe, I can't just take art three with no experience." She leaned onto his side, transferring her weight onto the taller boy, "You did a great job this morning. Even though everybody's pissed about the grass rule."

"The teachers didn't like that students sit in the parking lot after school just to get high. They can just go to a park or something." Jungwoo rambled as he led the short girl into the crowded cafeteria. He spotted Xiaojun, Mark, and some random girl sitting in the corner and made a beeline for their table. 

"Do you wanna come over after school?" Jiwon asked as the two sat down on the old school bench, who's bolts screamed with age. 

He took a second to ponder the question, "I have to stay after Incase any students want to complain...and your dad doesn't like me coming over late." 

Smiling mischievously, she curled her fingers under his chin and leaned forward to softly kiss his lips, "He's not going to be home tonight...neither of my parents are going to be home tonight." 

"O—Oh...uh I'll see how late I have to stay...but I can try to get out of here sooner," Jungwoo stuttered, feeling a sudden wave of nervousness wash over him. Most boys his age would die to be in the place he was in, a hot girl practically giving herself to him, but it just didn't feel right. Maybe he just wasn't ready for that big of a step—or maybe everybody was always this nauseous while thinking of their first time. 


"Hi what can I do for you?" Jungwoo asked sweetly as a boy walked into the student council room. There seemed to be a permanent scowl on his face by the pout on his lips and the upturned eyebrows that rested just under his obviously box dyed purple hair. 

"Can I register my motorcycle here?" 

"We actually don't allow motorcycles on school property anymore—yknow because of the accident last year," He responded softly, an apologetic look on his face. 

The boy raised an eyebrow, "How am I supposed to get to school if I can't park here?" 

 A small sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips as he thought about the answer, "The busses run through the whole district, I'd be more than happy to help you find your stop?" 

"I'm not riding the fucking bus, just because one idiot hit somebody shouldn't mean that I can't drive to school." Doyoung said harshly. 

Jungwoo flinched at the boys tone, not expecting that at all, "Look, I'm really sorry about this—there's nothing I can do right now, but I'll make sure to talk to somebody for you a—" 

"This is fucking bullshit! All these rules are useless—I'm an adult, why can't I drive myself to school!?" The boy snapped, his voice rasing to the point where it could be heard in the neighboring classrooms. 

Without warning, Jungwoo's eyes began to fill with tears. His eyesight became blurry as he tried to calm himself down. He's just upset, it's not your fault, he told himself, staring down at the table. 

The boy noticed the tears threatening to roll down Jungwoo's cheeks and internally panicked. "Shit—I...I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't have yelled at you," he muttered like a little kid that had just been forced to apologize by their mother. 

"I—I'll try to talk to somebody about getting this issue resolved as soon as possible," Jungwoo muttered as he begun to pack up his things. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and stormed past the boy lingering in the door. 


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