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"Why are you driving me into the woods?" Jungwoo asked skeptically as he made sure Doyoung avoided any branches that could potentially scratch his car.

"Sacrifice." He responded with a straight face before placing his hand on the younger's thigh.

"Okay..." The whole day had been weird so far. First Doyoung insisted on not only taking Jungwoo's car but driving it as well, then he wouldn't tell Jungwoo about any of the plans...and now they were in the middle of the woods. "I feel like we could've walked."

The elder shrugged, "there's a road, why not use it?"

"Doyoung, honey, this is a path. This is a strip of dirt worn down from people walking on it."

A small laugh came out of him as he rubbed his thumb over the boy's clothed thigh, "It'll be fine. We're almost there."

After only a couple more minutes of driving, they pulled into a parking lot. Jungwoo felt his cheeks heat up when he realized he was being annoying for no reason, they were actually on a road.

Doyoung pulled his embarrassed boyfriend out of the car and grabbed one of his hands, "The surprise is over here."

The two walked through a heavily wooded area, Jungwoo tripping over many sticks along the way, until they made it to a clearing. There was one singular oak tree, and to the right was a blanket laid nicely on the grass with a picnic basket sitting on a corner. "How the hell—"

"My moms helped me. They came to set it up like an hour ago."

"That's so sweet..." he whispered before sitting down on the blanket.

"So," Doyoung started, sitting down next to his boyfriend and pulling the picnic basket towards him, "I had no idea what to pack so there's a little bit of everywhere."

Jungwoo thought the boy was just exaggerating, but soon realized he wasn't after an alarming amount of Tupperware containers were on the blanket. "Doyoung, sweety, there's only two of us."

A sheepish smile formed on his lips, "Yeah...I know. I just wanted to make sure there was something you liked."


After the two were done eating, they found themselves under the tree. Doyoung's back was leaning against the trunk while Jungwoo was in his arms. It was nice to just repose in each other's hold, with nothing to worry about.

"I have your present In my car," Jungwoo said hesitantly. He was excited to give the painting to Doyoung, but he really didn't want to get up.

"I have something for you too. But it's just in my pocket." Reaching into his jacket pocket, the elder rummaged around for a few seconds before producing a small black box. He handed it to Jungwoo and just stared at the boy expectantly, "Open it."

Ever so gently, he pulled the lid off of the box and saw a small ring laying at the bottom. His eyebrows knit together in confusion when he pulled out a bedazzled Hello Kitty ring. "...I'm sorry what?"

A laugh slipped past Doyoung's lips, "It's from the Hello Kitty phase I told you about."

"You...wore this?"

He nodded, "I thought I had to be a twink because I was gay."

"Well I love it," Jungwoo beamed, sliding the ring onto his middle finger. 

"I should go get your gift," he said softly as he try to stand up. He didn't get very far before he was pulled back down by Doyoung, the elder wrapping his arms tightly around the boy to keep him in place.

"You can get it later, stay here."

Although he was excited to give his boyfriend the painting, he nodded, laying his head back down on Doyoung's chest. "Thank you for doing this, I know you think it's stupid."

The elder nodded, "You make it less stupid, darlin."

"I don't know if that was sweet or mean," Jungwoo muttered.

"Dahye wanted me to invite you to another tea party. She misses you." Doyoung's hand was gently resting on the younger's hip, his thumb rubbing over the material of his jeans even though he wasn't sure if jungwoo could even feel it.

Looking up at Doyoung, he gave him a confused look, "I was just at your house a couple days ago, she already misses me?"

"Sometimes I think she likes you more than I do," the elder teased.

The statement might have been a joke, but it wasn't that far from the truth, "I think you two like me the same."

Doyoung rolled his eyes, "I can't believe my little sister has a crush on you." 


"Here," Jungwoo said softly as he climbed into the passenger seat of his car, handing Doyoung the painting which was messily wrapped in old newspaper articles. "I forgot about wrapping it until you were basically at my house so I had to improvise."

He watched nervously as Doyoung tore away the newspaper, suddenly second guessing the gift he had made. Doyoung's blank expression turned into a small smile when his eyes landed on the painting.

"This is when you held my hand," he said softly, pointing at the two tiny figures on the beach. Jungwoo felt his heart swell with pride as his boyfriend just stared at his artwork, taking in every detail. "My hello kitty ring is kind of a stupid present now..." the elder muttered.

Jungwoo hit Doyoung's arm softly, "Stop it. I like the ring." When a small pout formed on the elder's lips, Jungwoo leaned forward to kiss him. "I think...I think I'm starting to feel more than just liking you," he whispered when they pulled apart.

Much to the younger's relief, Doyoung smiled at him and said, "Me too." 

To Be Continued 


Only three more weeks until I'm done with school, hopefully I'll be able to write more then. 

Thanks for reading 

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