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Just like every other weekday, Jungwoo stayed after school to resolve student issues or simply host a meeting for student council. Today however, he had stayed a couple hours just to listen to student suggestions. He probably wouldn't use any of them, but it was good for everybody to have a voice. 

Jungwoo had finally got through all of the students and his whole body ached after sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair for so long. Tiredly, he begun to back up his things and put the list of considerable suggestions in the tray next to the bulky desktop monitor. 

He shut the light off and made sure to close the door, but when he turned around he ran right into somebody's back. "S—Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Noticing who it was, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. The angry boy from earlier that week was standing there, talking to Johnny. "What are you two doing here so late?" 

The boy glanced nervously at the wall, "U—Uh...tryouts for this years production of...the play," he said as more of a question. 

"I was coming from football practice." Johnny said the same second the other boy finished. 

"Uh—huh...anyway, I need to talk to you Y'know regarding the conversation we had on Monday," Jungwoo said unnecessarily formally as he looked over at the boy, who was still a mystery. 

"Ok," he said blandly before turning towards Johnny, "I'll be over at like eight." The tall boy only nodded before walking away, leaving the two alone. "So?" 

Jungwoo just looked at him for a couple seconds until he remembered what he was doing, "Oh—I talked to the principal yesterday morning, and she's not willing to budge on the rule. I'm really sorry about the inconvenience this must be f—" 

"Are you always this stiff?" 

A confused expression took over the boys features, "Excuse me?" 

The shorter boy let out a small laugh. Jungwoo found his eyes lingering on the way his smile seemed to take up half of his face, he looked so happy when he wasn't scowling. "I mean the way you're talking to me—I'm not the principal, bring your vocabulary down a few grade levels...and these shoulders," he paused and placed both of his hands on Jungwoo's shoulders, pressing his thumbs into the boys shoulder blade. Jungwoo slouched slightly at the feeling. "There ya go, relax." 

"You're not going to...yell at me again?" His voice was small and distant as if he was almost afraid to ask the question. 

The boy sighed, "Like I already said, I'm sorry about that. I was already annoyed, it wasn't your fault." 

"That didn't mean you had to snap at me." Jungwoo admitted, feeling himself shrink slightly under the boys harsh gaze. 

"I already apologized, what do you want from me, Jungwoo?" 

"How do you know my name? I never told—" 

"Everybody knows who you are, we voted for you. I'm Doyoung, there It's fair now." Doyoung stated. 

Jungwoo's eyebrows furrowed once again, he had never heard of a Doyoung. "Are you new this year?" 

Doyoung let out an exaggerated breath, "Nope, been here since freshman year." 

Pouting slightly, the younger gave him an apologetic look, "I feel like a bad class president now." He turned to glance at the clock, "I should probably go...it's getting dark." 

Doyoung glanced down at the boys hands and noticed he wasn't holding any car keys, "Do you have a ride?" 

"I usually walk home, gas is too expensive." The younger said quietly, a bit embarrassed to voice the truth. 

"Let me give you a ride home." He could see Jungwoo's hesitation with the offer, which he could understand as they had just met, "You're probably tired and it's late, it's no big deal." 

Jungwoo tilted his head to the side and smiled slightly, "You're actually really sweet, but I don't know you. You might kidnap me." 

"I'm actually a bit too exhausted to kidnap today, maybe next week?" 

"Oh...I actually have a packed schedule next week I'm going to have to get back to you." Jungwoo played along. 

"But if you want a ride, I can give you a ride." Doyoung said genuinely. 

The you get boy squeezed his eyes shut so he could think about for a couple seconds, "Sure...I mean yes please." 

"Cool," Doyoung said casually before walking towards the front exit of the building. He turned around and saw Jungwoo still standing in the same spot, "You have to come with me if you want a ride." 

Coming back to reality, the boy smiled sheepishly before hurrying to catch up with Doyoung. "So what're you and Johnny doing this late? Oh...uh you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable I was just curious, sorry." 

A laugh slipped past Doyoung's lips, "Nah it's fine. I'm going over to his house to smoke." 

"Smoke as in..." 

"Weed. Yeah." Doyoung clarified as he saw the boy hesitate on the word. "I'm assuming you've never smoked?" 

The boys eyes widened, "Y—Yeah, just never got around to it I guess." His eyes shifted down to the sidewalk as a sudden wave of nervousness washed over him. 

"Do you wanna try it—Oh god I sound like some creepy pothead." Doyoung hit his forehead with the palm of his hand, "I'm trying not to sound like a creep but I'm failing." 

A small high pitched giggle came out of Jungwoo at the boys antics, it sounded very appealing to spend more time with Doyoung. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse not to go to Jiwon's. "Actually...s—sure? If you're okay with bringing me...I mean everybody smokes, it should be fine." 

Doyoung smiled for the nth time that night already, "You don't have to get completely stoned, you can try a little bit. But don't your parents like force you to be responsible or something?" 

"It's just me and my mom and she really doesn't care what I do." Jungwoo said as the shorter boy stopped in front of an all black motorcycle, "A m—motorcycle!?" 

It was parked literally right past the school property lines on one of the side streets, hidden from everybody, "Well I surely haven't gotten a car since Monday." 

"I can't get on that—t—the accident Doyoung! I j—just I can't d—" 

"Hey calm down," Doyoung said in a softer than normal tone. He started it up and pressed on the brakes, "Brakes are working, there's nothing to worry about. I have a license...and a helmet, you can wear it." He pulled a matching helmet out of a compartment and pulled it onto Jungwoo's head, "See? All safe. I'm not going to let you get hurt." Jungwoo mimicked Doyoung as he climbed onto the bike and awkwardly put his hands on the seat in front of him, "You gotta hold on," The elder said over the engine. He gently grabbed Jungwoo's hands and wrapped them around his stomach.  



I really like the ideas I have for this book, the problem is I just have to write it. 

Thanks for reading 💖

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