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Haechan linked arms with the taller boy and sent him a smile, "Do you want to meet Renjun tonight? We can go to the diner if you're free."

The elder took a few seconds to think about it before remembering something. "I was talking to Doyoung about meeting your...Renjun—anyway he wants to meet him too," he said softly but not so soft that the boy couldn't hear him over the light chatter throughout the hallway.

Letting out a small whine, Haechan yanked on the boy's arm as he threw a mini tantrum. "Why does Doyoung want to meet him—he'll just embarrass me!"

"He cares about you, Channie, it may not be easy to notice, but he really does," Jungwoo explained, causing the younger to briefly smile at the thought.

He opened his mouth to respond, but didn't get anything out before a random boy deliberately bumped into Haechan. He sneered at the smaller boy spitting out a venomous, "Fucking queer."

Jungwoo corrected his posture before protectively stepping in front of his friend, placing a hand securely on his arm. "Y'know wha—"

"Hey, it's not a big deal, let's just get to class," Haechan said quietly so only the elder could hear him.

Making sure to glare at the bully, he nodded not wanting the the boy to be uncomfortable. When they were in a more empty part of the hallway, he couldn't help but be concerned, "Haechan, did something happen? Why did he call you that?"

Haechan let out an irritated groan, not because of his friends, but because of the ignorance everybody seemed to be so proud of. "In algebra yesterday he said Taeyong ruined the schools football team for him and faggots shouldn't play sports in the first place. I heard him talk about Taeyong like that and I just lost it Jungwoo. I've never yelled at somebody like that before and he told me I was just as much of a fag as Taeyong is for defending him."

"Well it sounds like he deserved to be yelled at..." Jungwoo admitted, "Do you want me to talk to somebody about it?"

The younger quickly shook his head, "he's not going to do anything other than call me names every once in awhile. He talks a lot of shit but guys like him are cowards. I guess that's the perks of being friends with Johnny and Doyoung, they're not afraid to beat somebody's ass for me."

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, but please stop swearing so much." Jungwoo ruffled the boys hair, earning a much deserved glare, "well you better get to class, me and Doyoung will find you after school."


"I don't like him."

Jungwoo climbed off of Doyoung's motorcycles during followed the elder's gaze into the small diner. He rolled his eyes when he saw that Doyoung was looking at the boy Haechan liked. "You haven't even met him. Don't be mean to him."

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