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This is a really long chapter...so get comfortable 


A happy Jungwoo strolled into the art room, grin spread across is face. He set his bag down on his chair and pulled a few things out of his it before going up to the teacher and laying down all of his late projects in front of her.

She smiled up at him, "I'm excited to grade these. Thank you, Jungwoo."

The boy quickly bowed before skipping over to Ten and squealing, "I did it! I did it! I finished all of my art projects!"

Ten looked up from the canvas in front of him and smiled at him, "I knew you could do it!" After adding one last stroke of blue to the painting, the elder set his paintbrush down and directed all of his attention to the boy across from him, "So what're your plans for the weekend?"

"I'm going over to Doyoung's after school today, then tomorrow me and Soyeon are going on at date."

Hmm he sure is hanging out with Doyoung a lot... "I'm just going to be at Johnny's all weekend—you should come over tomorrow after your date if you want to," Ten proposed. He sent a sly wink across the room towards Johnny who'd been staring at him for the past two minutes.

Jungwoo giggled at the action, "If it isn't too late, I probably will. Is Johnny okay with that though...? He's just seemed kinda annoyed with me lately."

Rolling his eyes, Ten let out an exaggerated sigh, "That boy is the biggest drama queen I've ever met. He can get over it." Quickly replacing his frown with a smile, he added, "He's fine with you coming over."

A slight pout formed on Jungwoo's lips as he laid his head down on the table, why does Johnny hate me? Ever since Ten came to him crying, every second they were together, Johnny looked like he wanted to strangle him. And in all honestly, Jungwoo had no idea what he did wrong.


"Ten. language." Ms. Ahn warned, sending a glare towards the distressed boy.

"I ruined my p—painting!"

Getting up to assess the situation, the woman walked over to their table and took the canvas into her own hands. "Are you taking about this?" She asked, pointing to a tiny green streak across the white section of the painting.

Ten looked up at her and nodded, he was on the verge of tears just from the thought of all his hard work going in the trash. Ms. Ahn plucked a paintbrush from Jungwoo's hand and dipped it into white paint before covering the small blemish. "There you go, all better hun."

"Oh my god! Thank you, you're a life saver!"

"I know!" She yelled back playfully, already back at her desk.

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