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Not being able to control his sobs anymore, Jungwoo's slid down the bathroom door and his his head in his knees, just wanting to disappear from the world.

Jungwoo had no idea how long he'd spent in the bathroom when a worried doyoung started knocking at the door. "Jungwoo? Your mom left again, she just wanted to drop off the groceries before going to Ms Park's," The elder rambled, not knowing if the boy was even listening to him.

"I'll be out in a second," He said quietly, trying to hide the slight tremor in his voice. The action was useless as doyoung could easily tell from the younger's nasally tone that he had been crying.

"Are you upset because of the hickey? I'm sorry, Jungwoo, I just got caught up in the moment. Please don't cry over that, we'll find a way to cover it up." At this point, Doyoung was just throwing sentences together at random in hopes of luring the boy out of the bathroom.

Getting up off the floor, the younger slowly clicked the lock and opened the door. "You're dumb," he muttered before bringing a hand up to wide at his tear stained cheeks.

"I'm well aware of that, Darlin'." Doyoung said softly, not at all affected by the comment. He grabbed one of Jungwoo's hand and led him back to his room. "Tell me whats going on, hm?"

"I don't care about the hickey, Doyoung," Jungwoo mumbled as he laid down on his bed.

"Then what did I do wrong?" The elder asked, growing just a bit irritated with his stubborn boyfriend.

A load groan came out of the boy, "You really can't figure it out?"

"Hmm not sure if you know this, Jungwoo, but I can't read your mind." Doyoung sat down on the bed next to the and took a deep breath, knowing that he had to calm himself down. He'd been successful in hiding his anger from the younger thus far, and he really didn't want that to change now.

Finally sitting up, Jungwoo quickly glanced at his boyfriend before sighing once again. "Doyoung you...you weren't supposed to see."

The elder's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he tried to decipher those words. "What wasn't I supposed—Jungwoo are you mad because I didn't ask if I could...put my hand in your pants?"

Jungwoo's cheeks turned a fierce shade of red when he heard that. "Oh my god—no! We're obviously not on the same page...Y'know what...never mind it's fine—I'm fine, we don't have to talk about this anymore," He rushed out, just wanting to be done with this horribly awkward conversation.

"Fucking hell..." Doyoung whispered as he let his head fall backwards so he could look up at the ceiling. He let out a harsh breath before looking back at the boy in front of him. Placing his hands on either side of Jungwoo's face, forcing the younger to look at him, he shook his head, "Can you please just tell me so I don't make the same mistake next time we...do whatever the hell that was."

Upon hearing the almost annoyed tone in Doyoung's voice, Jungwoo's eyes filled with tears. It was the same tone he used the first time they met so it was quite obvious he was mad. "Y—You weren't supposed to see what I was w—wearing...and you just stopped touching me a—and looked at me like...I don't know..."

Doyoung's expression softened when he saw the tears gathering in Jungwoo's eyes. "Darlin', don't cry..." he started, gently rubbing his thumbs over the boys cheeks, "I just wasn't expecting that, there's nothing wrong with it. If you want me to be one hundred percent honest, I don't give a fuck what type of underwear you want to wear."

A small smile formed on his face before he nodded, "I'm sorry I freaked out about this...I just expected you not to like it."

Doyoung stared into the boys eyes for a few seconds before casually saying, "Y'know, I didn't really get a good look...so if you want to show me again, I can give you my opinion on them."

The red hue seemed to be permanently tattooed on his cheeks because of how much Doyoung loved to tease the younger. "Only if you show me yours."



A small pout formed on the elder's lips, "Aw you're no fun."

"Oh...too bad," Jungwoo responded softly before pressing a small kiss to his forehead. "Doyoung's, take me to Johnny's, I wanna see Ten."

"What am I? Your personal chauffeur?"

He nodded, a happy smile forming on his face. "Yeah, cmon let go!" Jungwoo's got off of the bed and grabbed his boyfriends arm, trying to pull the elder off the bed.

After a few seconds of the younger yanking on his arm, he got up himself and let out a dramatic sigh, "ok, let's go..."


"Hi Ten!" Jungwoo beamed when the small boy opened the door.

The elder couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friend. "Hi Jungwoo, whatcha doing here?"

"Well I...just wanted to talk about something." Jungwoo turned to glance at his boyfriend before grabbing Ten's hand and dragging him down one of the hallways. He had no idea where he was going, he just needed to talk to the boy as soon as possible.

"What's going on?" Ten asked quietly as he pulled the boy into the guest bedroom

Sitting down onto the bed, the younger folded his hands in his lap nervously, "Can I talk to you about something...it's a little personal...for both of us I guess?"

Ten hesitantly sat down on the bed next to him and nodded. "I'm a little nervous what you want to talk about, but sure."

"So I—god I'm going to sound so stupid—so earlier today things with Doyoung got a little...heated I guess. And I know you don't want to hear about this but I just I'm kinda freaking out Y'know?" The boy stuttered out awkwardly, flailing his hands around while talking only to highlight his anxiety.

Placing a hand on the boys shoulder, Ten gave him a confused look, "Babe, you're dating and Doyoung he...he's a teenage boy so of course that's going to happen sooner or later. It's okay to be nervous, but it's just normal, yeah?"

"Ten I'm a teenage boy I know all of this!" Jungwoo yelled impatiently.

"Then why are you freaking out?"

A small sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips as he once again had to explain something he really didn't want to. "I'm not scared of having sex...the problem is I...I don't know how to, Ten! I went to health class, I really did...They just don't tell you how two boys are supposed to have sex!"

Ten's sent the boy a warm smile before grabbing one of his hands, "Jungwoo, honey, every gay boy has gone through this. I didn't think I'd ever be explaining how this works...but I can try."

Jungwoo's eyebrows furrowed together, "Does that mean you and Johnny have..."

"We've been dating for three years...do you even have to ask me that?" He muttered before he actually started a talk that he never would've imagined he needed to have. "So...I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're probably a bottom, especially because you're with Doyoung. That makes things a lot more complicated and a lot more work for you—"

"Ten..." Jungwoo whispered, not wanting to interrupt the elder, but needing clarification, "I—I don't know what a bottom is." 


I could write a whole essay on how I feel bad for closeted gay boys In high school 

Anyway thanks for reading 

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