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No gif today because i broke my phone :( I'll have a new one by next update but im currently on my computer so sorry for typos!!

Ten jumped onto the bed next to his best friend with a grin on his face, "I feel like I haven't seen you in so long since you haven't been at school." 

A sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips, truthfully, he really missed being at school and being surrounded by other people. But the other part of him really liked all the time he got to spend with Doyoung. They'd definitely gotten a chance to get closer over the past week. "I've gotten all my homework done, so it's like I've been there." 

"The empty chair across from me in art says otherwise," the elder pouted. 

"I'll figure it out soon...I can't just not graduate. I've worked so hard for everything," Jungwoo muttered, suddenly becoming serious over the whole situation. He wanted to think that he could just walk back into school and they would welcome him with open arms, but of course there were always going to be people who wouldn't. Instead of worrying himself with all of the negative thoughts, Jungwoo decided to change the subject, "How's Haechan doing? Are you keeping him out of trouble?" 

"He keeps yelling at people who bring up the whole poster thing Jiwon did...I've been trying my best to shut him up but there's only so much I can do." Ten admitted, recalling the memory of Johnny basically prying Haechan off of a random jock earlier that morning. 

Although he wished he was there to calm Haechan down himself, he was glad there was still somebody there for him. "I hope I can come back soon so he doesn't feel like he has to stick up for me."

"He definitely will no matter if you're there or not." 

There were a few moments of silence before Jungwoo let out a dramatic groan. This secret had been gnawing away at him and he just couldn't hide it from his friend anymore. "Ten..."  

The elder looked up at the boy, not knowing if he should be concerned by the tone Jungwoo had just used. He sounded like a kid about to admit something bad they did to their parents. "Yes?" 

"I wasn't going to say anything...but me and Doyoung...we had sex."

Ten just stared at the boy blankly for awhile before a grin spread across his face, "I knew it! I could just tell when I saw you today that something happened." 

Although he was still quite embarrassed to talk about it all, he was glad he finally told somebody. "I didn't know if you were going to freak out if I told you...because you didn't seem to happy when I told you about me and Soyeon." 

"That's because Soyeon is a girl. But this...I basically coached you to this moment, I feel so proud." 

A small laugh slipped past Jungwoo's lips as he reached out and placed a hand on top of Ten's. "I wouldn't be where I am without you..." he joked, making the whole situation sound more dramatic than it really was. "No but seriously, I didn't know if this was something I was supposed to tell you. I wanted to-but I didn't want to like...gross you out." 

Waving the boy off, Ten shook his head, "It's something everybody does eventually, and honestly I'm glad you feel like you can tell me things like this." 

"You're the best friend I have, Ten," Jungwoo admitted softly, hoping Ten felt the same way about him. 

The elder begun to fan the tears forming in his eyes, "I never thought I'd ever be able to get close to anybody after what happened with Taeyong...but then you show up." 

"I hope that's a good thing," He muttered.

Ten nodded, "It is." The room fell silent as he wiped at his eyes, not knowing why that make him emotional all of the sudden. "So how was it? I bet Doyoung was sloppy." 

It took Jungwoo awhile to comprehend the topic change, but he quickly shook his head, "Well this is the only guy I've been with...but I don't think it was sloppy." 

"He looks like he doesn't know what he's doing" 

"Hey!" Jungwoo defended, "Leave him alone. He did his best." 

Ten broke out in a fit of giggles, "I'm just messing with you Jungwoo." 

"Can I have your opinion on something...in the same nature?"

The elder didn't even hesitate before agreeing, "It better not be about some weird kink you have, but go ahead." 

Jungwoo gave the boy a dirty look before getting off the bed and grabbing something from the bag he brought. "So I may have gone to another lingerie store to...buy something for my girlfriend..." 

"Oh my god-fashion show!" 

Quickly shaking his head, Jungwoo opposed the idea, "We're close but I'd prefer if you didn't see my butt." 

Ten groaned, "But Doyoung can!? This isn't fair!" A laugh slipped out of Jungwoo as he held up the baby blue panties that were completely see through lace.  The thing that Ten noticed first was the lack of...material on the back side, "That's new..." 

"The lady at the register was really nice and told me that this style just came out this year." Jungwoo held them up in front of his body, "Do you think Doyoung will like them?  I want to be more...sexy." The last word came out as a whisper as if the boy was ashamed to admit it. 

Just staring at the boy for some time, Ten wanted to give the boy a real answer, "I think that anything you wear Doyoung is going to love, but yeah I think he'll really like these." 

"Hey babe, I'm going to go..." Johnny trailed off, when he saw Jungwoo standing in front of his boyfriend holding up underwear. 

Jungwoo quickly hid them behind his back, acting as if that would make Johnny forget they existed. "Hey John." 

Ten turned to his boyfriend with a smile on his face, "What did you need?" 

"Uh...I was going to go run to the store for my mom...I'll be back in like an hour." 


It's truly a miracle I managed to update. I've been sick for the past week, and I really haven't had any time to write.

I also had the rest of the plot for this book in my phone...which I broke. So I guess we'll just see what happens 

Thanks for reading <3

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