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*one week later* 

"Mrs. Kim—please just take it into consideration. The students here are very responsible and are very aware of the risks." 

"Jungwoo honey," The principal started, a small sigh falling from her bright pink lips, "I'm not able to disclose any information regarding the accident, but we just can't have something like that happen again. It has nothing to do with the driver being responsible, it's about the other students." 

Pouting at her words, Jungwoo leaned forward and laid his head on the edge of her desk, "Ugh...fine. Thank you for listening again." 

She couldn't help but laugh at the boy, "Hun, not to be nosy, but why do you care so much about motorcycles?" 

"Oh...my friend rides a motorcycle, and I just feel bad that he can't park at school." 

Mrs. Kim raised an eyebrow at the boy, but regardless waved him off, "Get to class before you're late. I'll see you next week at the meeting." 

Jungwoo nodded and waved to the woman before heading out of her office. He got halfway doesn't the hallway until he heard somebody call his name from behind him. When he turned around, he couldn't help but smile upon seeing Soojin. 

"I haven't seen you at all since last week, we should hangout again soon," The short girl said, her hands going up to play with the straps of her backpack. "The girls miss you." 

A slight blush tinted the boys cheeks, "I'm free after five today? You could come over if you want." 

Soojin's red lips twitched upwards into a smile. "Cool," She stated before shrugging her backpack off of one shoulder so she could pull out a piece of paper, "write down your address." 

"Cool." Jungwoo mimicked as he did what he was told. "So what's your first hour?" 

Making a gagging nose, the girls face contorted with disgust, "Algebra." 


"So you're telling me you're still a virgin? You had a girlfriend for like three years." Soojin stated as she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth. 

Jungwoo sat down on his bed across from the girl and shook his head. "It was two years actually, and yes I'm still a virgin." 

A giggle slipped out of the younger's lips which were now slathered in lip balm as she reached out and pinched his cheeks. "Awh somebody as cute as this! I don't believe it!" She cooed, shaking his head from side to side gently. 

"Thanks," He slurred because her hands were still attached to his cheeks, "but I'm just not interested in sex really." 

Raising an eyebrow, Soojin leaned back, transferring her weight onto her hands which were pressed firmly into the mattress. "Like with your ex or just in general?" 

Feeling himself grow shy at the question, Jungwoo just shrugged. "I don't know...it's just so weird. You have to be naked and put th..." not able to finish the sentence, he shuttered at the thought. "It just seems yucky." 

"You're not like any boy I've ever met before. Cmon man, where's the spirit? Girls are so hot!" 

"Yeah, girls are pretty." 

Soojin sighed at the boys response, "babe, do you even...get horny?" 

The boys cheeks turned a dark shade of red, "Can we please talk about something else?" 

"Fine." The girl huffed. "So, how did you meet Ten?" 

A smile spread across the boys face, "My seat is across from his in art class. I guess we just got along right away." 

"How did he tell you he was gay?" 

"He kinda just went for it I guess," Jungwoo said quietly as he recalled the very bland memory. 

She raised her eyebrow, "And you're telling me...committing a hate crime didn't even...cross your mind?" 

Looking up at her with utter confusion he shrugged, "I don't know what that is. Why would I commit a crime?" 

"Oh you sweet innocent baby," Soojin said quietly as a soft smile formed on her lips, "A hate crime is when you deliberately hurt...in this case, a gay person. Like calling him a faggot, which honestly isn't that bad, but also more extreme things like killing him." 

Jungwoo's eyes widened, "K—Kill him!? Because he likes boys!? You're telling me that happens like a lot?" 

"It's not as bad as it used to be, but yeah. It does happen." 

After hearing that, Jungwoo wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. Why were people being killed for being...people? "That's not f—fair." 

Soojin pressed her lips together, "I'm going to have to agree with you on that one." 

"Is that why Johnny got so mad at Ten when he found out I knew?" The elder asked, genuinely curious about it.

She let out a drawn out sigh, "Ten and Johnny especially have been through some horrible stuff. Johnny's just really protective, he barely lets anybody else look at Ten." 

"What do you mean horrible stuff," Jungwoo questioned, letting the burning curiosity get the better of him. 

"I'm sorry babe, but it isn't my story to tell. You can ask Ten about it, I'm sure he'd be willing to tell you." 

"Is it t—that bad?" He whimpered, not knowing if he wanted to know about it now. He'd learned all of the beautiful, positive things about all of his gay friends and he didn't know if he was ready to know any more of the negative. 

Her bottom lip jutted out when she saw this eyes full with tears. She reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace, "Oh honey...it's in the past now. Nothing like that has happened in awhile, maybe things are getting better." 


"But what?" She asked softly after the boy never finished his sentence. Pushing his bangs out of his eyes, she gave him a comforting smile, knowing how hard some of this can be to digest. 

He quickly shook his head over and over again as he pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes, "I...It just makes me so upset!" 

Rubbing the boy's back softly, Soojin tried her best to calm him down, "It'll all be okay some day. We just gotta keep looking forward because some day we'll all be able to love who we want." 


Thanks for reading lovelies 

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