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Jungwoo walked into school alone for what felt like the first time that year. His mom had found out about his skipping school the night before, and forbid him from seeing Doyoung any longer. Of course he respected his mother, but they both knew there was no way he would actually obey that. Maybe she just trying to scare him into breaking up with his boyfriend.

But because of that, Doyoung's wasn't able to pick him up that morning, meaning he either had to drive himself or have his mom take him. Of course he chose the latter.

He wasn't paying much attention to the people around him as he walked through the hallways. He was focused on hiding his boyfriend so he could whine about how cruel his mother was being.

When he lifted his head in search of the elder, he finally noticed the way everybody was staring at him. They were looking at him as if he walked through the entrance naked.

Before he could figure it out, somebody linked arms with him and pulled him down the hallway. "Keep your head down."

He looked down at Ten, thinking this was some type of joke, but the elder looked alarmingly serious. He followed him until they walked into an empty hallway at the back of the school, continuing until they made it to Solar's room.

Doyoung, Johnny, Haechan, and Yuta were waiting inside, discussing something as if they were in some sort of meeting. "Uh...I'd love to stay, but I've gotta get to class," Jungwoo spoke, causing all of them to look up.

"You didn't see it?" Ten hissed.

Confused by his friend's sudden anger, he turned and shrugged, "What? What didn't I see?"

Haechan handed him a piece of paper. The room fell quiet as Jungwoo's eyes swept over the page. It was the pictures Jiwon had taken of him and Doyoung and the words your class president is a fraud printed at the bottom. "I—I..."

"They were taped everywhere when I got to school...everybody's seen it by now," Ten muttered.

A few seconds of silence passed before Jungwoo's eyes filled with tears and lost control of his emotions. Wanting to give the two a moment, everybody walked away from the couple.

Doyoung reached out and gently pulled Jungwoo's head to lay on his shoulder. "Good thing we already made plans to run away together," he joked even though he felt like crying himself.

"You made plans, I never agreed to them." Jungwoo wrapped his arms around Doyoung's torso, just wanting to be as close as he could to the elder, "But I'm starting to consider it." Another sniffle came out of him, "W—We can go live on a farm...have a baby, m—maybe buy a goat."

The elder rubbed Jungwoo's back softly, "We can get a goat if you want one, but I don't know how we're supposed to have a baby."

"Can we just go home? There's no reason to stay here and just hide," Jungwoo mumbled.

After taking a few seconds to think about it, Doyoung realized he was right. There was no reason to stay here just waiting for something to happen. "I think we should," he whispered before pressing a small kiss to Jungwoo's cheek.


Instead of going back home and having to explain everything to parents, the two ended up at the pier. Jungwoo had stopped crying long ago and now he was sitting in the sand with his jeans rolled up, waves hitting his legs every few seconds. Doyoung was sitting next to him, arm around his waist. "I wish we could've at least gotten through high school," the elder muttered.

Jungwoo just shrugged, "Who needs school? We can just live with my mom for the rest of our lives. No need for a jobs."

Turning to look at the younger, Doyoung smiled, "I'm flattered, but your mom hates me." He pulled at Jungwoo's waist, trying to get the boy to lean on him.

After a few seconds, he finally took the hint and laid his head on Doyoung's shoulder. "Maybe instead of a farm we could go somewhere with a nice beach. I think Thailand had nice beaches."

"Or we could just completely start over and move to the states," the elder suggested softly, watching as the waves got just a little bigger.

A small hum came out of the younger before he shook his head in distaste, "Too far away. There would be a whole ocean between us and our families."

"If we have a baby and buy a goat, you would be my family."

"Gross," Jungwoo whispered as he sat up, purposefully distancing himself from Doyoung. "You should go back to being cool."

His eyebrows furrowed, "You like me better when I'm mean?"

Jungwoo shrugged once again, "Maybe a little."

"Maybe you need a therapist."

"That's what I'm talking about." 

A small sigh fell from Doyoung's lips, the elder suddenly feeling a wave of seriousness wash over him. "Unless we do plan on disappearing in the middle of the night, what are we supposed to do?"

"I already cried about it so now I can think clearly. I think...I think we need to face our demons as the saying goes. And if things are still messed up after that we can actually make plans to move to Thailand or something."

He reached and pulled Jungwoo's back into his arms, "I don't think we'll ever need to make those plans. Maybe everything will work out perfectly." 

He reached and pulled Jungwoo's back into his arms, "I don't think we'll ever need to make those plans. Maybe everything will work out perfectly."

Jungwoo nodded before turning his head to quickly peck Doyoung's lips. "I think it's time our parents meet. Y'know like a crossover movie...one of them is bound to have a good idea." 


I'm currently working on a WooSan fanfic jf that's something that interests you

Thanks for reading <3 

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