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*A week later*

"Well I think we should completely get rid of bathroom passes during class!"

Jungwoo turned to look at Tzuyu like she was the stupidest girl in the world—which at the moment it seemed like she was. "Tzuyu, as a girl, you should know that the students need bathroom passes Incase of...personal emergencies."

She let out a dramatic sigh, "The students obviously use them to go get high—not for emergencies. I just don't see why we should enable them."

"Sometimes that is an emergency." Changkyun muttered.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes, "I still don't know how you made it into student council. I thought they only let good students in here."

"Oh shove it miss prissy." Changkyun spat, more anger rising to his voice with each word.

"Ok! Thank you for that, let's keep moving please," Jungwoo interrupted. "We still need people to decorate for homecoming—and yes it does count for your volunteer hours."

"Do I get a free ticket if I do that?" Changkyun asked.

He nodded, "If you help with anything the night before or day of homecoming, you get in for free." He pointed to the clipboard hung up next to the door, "Theres the sign up sheet if you're interested."

A loud snore came out of sleeping Mark which caused everybody in the room to jump. Xiaojun let out a nervous laugh as he shook the boy awake. "Huh—yeah." He muttered before laying his head back down on the table.

"I guess we can end here, I'll see you guys this weekend if you're helping with the dance," Jungwoo said softly.


"And I really thought he was going to jump across the table and rip her head—" Jungwoo stopped talking mid sentence when his eyes landed on his mom. He glanced between the girl next to him and his mom and let out a nervous laugh, "I—I thought you were going out with your friend tonight?" 

She raised an eyebrow, "I was just about to leave...I didn't know you were having company tonight." 

Looking down at the floor, Jungwoo fidgeted with his fingers nervously, "I'm sorry, mom. We were just going to hang out, u—uh this is my friend Soyeon." 

Soyeon took a step forward and bowed politely, "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Kim, I'm sorry for my intrusion." 

A small sigh slipped past the woman's lips before she smiled at the girl, "Don't worry about it sweety, it's nice to meet you too. I'm going to head out, promise me you'll guys will be safe?" 

Jungwoo cringed at her words but nodded regardless, "I promise, mom. Have fun with your friend." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in when he heard the door close. "I'm so sorry about that—I had no idea she'd be here." 

"I didn't take you as the type of boy to lie to his mother," She joked, bringing a hand up to brush the hair out of her eyes. 

"I—I didn't tell her because I knew she would be weird about it," The boy defended, a small pout forming on his face. 

Shaking her head, she let out a small laugh, "I'm just messing with you." She grabbed his hand and led them towards his bedroom, she already knew the way from the times she'd been there before. 

Soyeon and Jungwoo had talked a little bit before Taeyong's memorial, but after that they talked nonstop. He really didn't know why that brought them together, but he was glad it did. Almost every day after school, Soyeon would come over to his house and they would hang out for hours. They even exchanged phone numbers for when one of them couldn't hang out. Jungwoo often got odd looks from his mother when he sat in the kitchen twirling the mint green phone cord around his finger like an excited teenage girl for hours while they talked. 

"Anything else happen at the meeting?" She asked before she sat down on his bed. 

"Mark fell asleep, but he does that every week" 

Soyeon let herself fall back onto the soft bed as she stared up at the ceiling, her mind going a mile per minute. "I talked to Soojin about this because I wasn't sure...she said to go for it, so if this goes bad I'm blaming her," She rambled, leaving the boy across the room utterly confused. "Do you wanna go to homecoming with me?" 

Jungwoo almost dropped the notebook in his hands upon hearing that. "Like...a date? Like you want me to go to homecoming with you as your date...?" He rambled, his voice shaky with the heightening anxiety in him. 

"Yes, I mean as a date," Sitting up, she didn't know how to feel about the boys confused expressions. He was leaning against the wall and looked like he was trying to do a very complex math equation in his head. 

He put the  notebook down, then sat next to her on the bed, "But I thought you were...Y'know a lesbian?" 

"Remember the different sexualities we talked about? I'm bisexual." 

Jungwoo quickly put a hand up, "Don't tell me! That's the one where—you like boys and girls?" 

A smile spread across her face, "It is, good job." 

"I'd...I'd really like to be your date to homecoming, Soyeon," he said quietly. He would be lying if he said Soyeon didn't make him feel special. She was incredibly beautiful—hot as Soojin would put it. If there was one girl in the whole school that he could date, it wouldn't be anybody else. 

Her smile only grew upon hearing that, "You don't know how relived I am to hear you say that." She fixed the rings on her fingers for a few seconds before adding, "The girls want to go out to eat before the dance, do you want to come?" 

"Sure, let me pick you up?" 

She let out a small laugh, "You can, but my mom will go crazy trying to get pictures of us." 


Thanks for reading, I hope you have a good day 

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