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"Where the hell were you last night?" Jiwon said as she stormed into the student council room, where Jungwoo was sitting at the desk typing something into the desktop. "And don't pull that I stayed at school late bullshit. I called you like ten times and got no answer, so I went over to your house where your mom told me you never even came home!"

Jungwoo made sure to press save on the file pulled up on the computer before looking up at her. "I went out with some friends. I don't always have to be home just waiting for you to call me."

Her eyes widened, "You're fucking cheating on me aren't you!?"


"This is why you don't want to touch me, right? There's some hotter girl that's getting all your attention. I'm not good enough for you." She rambled as her eyes filled with tears.

Getting up, Jungwoo rushed over to his girlfriend and pulled her into his arms, "Jiwon, I'm not cheating on you. Maybe this is stupid, but I'm just not ready to have sex—not yet. I—I love you." For some reason, the last sentence got stuck in his throat. The words didn't feel right as they came out...nothing felt right in that moment.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled at you. I need to respect your feelings too." She mumbled, wiping at her eyes with the sleeve of a sweatshirt that belonged to Jungwoo. "Let me walk you to class."

The boys mind strayed from the girl next to him, it somehow ended up on the time he had spent with Ten last night. If Jiwon found out he spent the night hanging out with a gay man, she would probably break up with him on the spot, but he found the boy oddly comforting.

Ten felt like a long lost friend that he'd just been reunited with, It felt like he knew everything about Jungwoo. But the world would stop spinning if people found out there were more gay people in Seoul high.

But he also couldn't get the phrase underground community out of his head. What did Ten mean? We're there gay students here that nobody knew about?


Coming back to reality, he looked over at his girlfriend who was already looking at him, "Yes?"

"We're at your class, see you at lunch." She said quietly before standing on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

When Jungwoo walked into the art room Johnny was standing at their table in front of Ten, the couple arguing about something

"Johnny, shut up and go sit down!" Jungwoo heard as he approached the table. Ten smiled at the boy when his boyfriend walked away, "Hi Woo."

"Hey Ten, everything okay?" The younger asked, glancing across the classroom at a pouting Johnny.

A small sigh fell from Ten's lips before he nodded, "He's just being...difficult." 

"What do you mean?" 

Ten shook his head, "It's okay babe, we're fine." 


"Do you ever...Y'know go home?" 

Jungwoo jumped at the sudden voice, not expecting anybody besides the principal in the school this late. He looked up and saw Doyoung standing in the doorway, the sun giving his skin a golden hue as it was already setting. "Why're you here? The production of...the play again?" The younger mocked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

"Definitely. So Whatcha working on?" Doyoung asked as he pulled a chair up to the desk Jungwoo was sitting behind. 

The boy let out an exaggerated breath, "We're short a few hundred for homecoming...I need to find some way to fundraise." He had been searching for companies willing to do business with a high school, but so far he had come up empty handed. 

A small frown formed on Doyoung's lips, that was a lot of pressure for one student. "You should take a break." 

"Doyoung, homecoming is less than two months away, I don't have time for a break." 

"Homecoming is shitty with or without decorations, just take a break." The elder stated as he gently grabbed the boys small hands and pulled them away from the keyboard. "Let me take you somewhere?" 

Jungwoo couldn't hide the smile forming on his face upon hearing the boys words. "Trying to kidnap me again?" 

The elder nodded, "Yeah, I think today's the day." 

"Great, I'll start packing up then." Jungwoo said as he slid a notebook into his backpack. Getting up, he put his backpack on and turned towards Doyoung, "Are we going somewhere or not?" 


Jungwoo peeled himself off of Doyoung when the motorcycle stopped and quickly hopped off, "I don't know why I keep agreeing to get on that thing." 

"Oh you're fine," Doyoung mocked. 

Pulling the helmet off of, he handed it to the elder and took in his surroundings. Doyoung had brought him to the pier. The sun had long been set, and the moon was reflecting on the water. It was truly a beautiful sight. 

"I like to come here when I'm stressed, it's calming." Doyoung said as he walked up next to the boy. 

Jungwoo continued to stare at the water, examining the way the waves crashed onto the shore every few seconds. The pier was lit up with all sorts of light since it was after eight. "Can we go on the pier?" Jungwoo asked excitedly, yanking on Doyoung's arm childishly. 

A small laugh slipped out of the elder before he nodded, "Sure." 

By the time they made it to the pier, Jungwoo's mind was no longer hindered with thoughts of his girlfriend or student council, he was here with Doyoung and that was all he needed to think about. "It's so pretty," He whispered, seemingly mesmerized by the way the body of water moved. 

"It really is," The elder agreed, but his eyes weren't on the water, they were fixed on the boy in front of him. The small giggles the younger would let out every few seconds when he got excited by something made his heart flutter. 

As the two were heading back towards Doyoung's motorcycle, Jungwoo poked his side, "Thank you for taking me here." 

"I needed to get you out of that school somehow." Doyoung responded. He had no time to process what was happening before Jungwoo attacked him with a hug. 

"I really mean it, Doyoung. I quite enjoy spending time with you, it's refreshing." 

A smile spread across the elders face, "Yeah, yeah, get on," Doyoung said as he handed the boy the helmet and gestured to the motorcycle. 



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