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"Can you believe-the audacity of that jerk! Yelling at me for a rule I have no control over!" 

"Baby...baby sit down," Jiwon said softly as she grabbed her boyfriends arm. He had been pacing back and forth over the length of her room, ranting about the boy he had encountered an hour before. "People are just stupid, don't stress." He listened to her and sat down on her bed, a pout still resting on his lips. Climbing onto his lap, she placed her hands on either side of his face, "You care too much about what people think." 

He leaned forward and placed a short kiss on her lips, "I'm the class president, I have to care what people think." 

A small sigh came out of the girl. "Woo, I mean that you shouldn't care about some random asshole. I hate seeing you upset about stuff like this," She laid her head on his shoulder and gently kissed the exposed skin of his neck, "You didn't do anything wrong. I love you, your friends love you, why does anybody else matter?" 

Jungwoo's whole body tensed up at the feeling of the girls lips on him. They had been dating since sophomore year, it was only a month away from their two year anniversary, yet they hadn't done things...most couples would've done by now. That was mostly because of Jungwoo, he always could find an excuse for any situation regarding why they shouldn't go further than just kissing. He could tell Jiwon was getting annoyed with that, but he deserved to have a say in what he was uncomfortable with too. 

There wasn't really a clear reason why he wanted to push the girl off of his lap and just go home to take a nap. He should be interested in her...but anything else seemed more exciting. It's not that he didn't like hanging out with her, he genuinely did, he just didn't like when things turned sexual. "I'm hungry." Jungwoo blurted out. 

Jiwon pulled away from the boy. "I can make you something?" She asked, a slightly disheartened tone to her voice. 

"Yes please." 


The next day

"Hi Mrs. Kim, I need to talk to you about a complaint a student made yesterday," Jungwoo said quietly as he walked into the Principal's office. 

She looked up at his and flashed a warm smile, "Are you okay, Jungwoo? You look a little down." 

"Yeah, just tired from staying after yesterday." Technically, the whole thing wasn't a lie, he was tired from yesterday...but honestly he didn't know if he was okay. Last night just as he was about to leave Jiwon's house, she completely exploded. She yelled at him for what felt like hours because she was upset he never wanted to touch her. He was actually more offended than apologetic, why should she be entitled to sex just because she wanted it? 

"So what's this complaint about?" The principal asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. 

A small sigh fell from his lips, "A boy wanted to register a motorcycle yesterday, but he wasn't aware of our rule on motorcycles. He was...quite upset that he wasn't allowed to park at school." 

"That rule is in place for other students safety. One student was killed last year in a motorcycle accident on school property...it would be irresponsible to lift that rule. I appreciate the concern for your peers, but you're going to have to inform this boy that he cannot park at school." Mrs. Kim clarified. 

He nodded, "I understand, thank you for your time." Walking down the emptying hallways, his mind strayed back to the argument last night. He was so...infuriated, but he didn't know if he had a reason to be. He could understand why she was upset with that, but she didn't even ask if there was a reason why. 

"Hi partner," Ten said casually as Jungwoo slid into his seat once he made it into the art room. Instead of responding, the younger spun around in his chair and slammed his head down onto the table. "That bad, huh?" 

"That bad." Jungwoo agreed. 

The elder reached across the table and gently stroked the boys soft hair, "Do ya need to talk about it?" 

Feeling himself lean up into the boys touch, Jungwoo quickly lifted his head but instantly missed the feeling of Ten's small hands laced in his hair, "I just don't know what to do with my girlfriend. She's mad at me but that makes me mad because I didn't do anything wrong."

Ten raised an eyebrow, "Who's you're girlfriend?" 

"Park Jiwon." 

"Oh my god...the tiny one? She's so pretty." Ten squeaked. 

A small laugh slipped out of Jungwoo, "Yeah, shes gorgeous." He looked across the table and into Ten's eyes. "Wait was that supposed to make me jealous? I'm bad at knowing when to be jealous," He whispered. 

Ten's face dropped, "I—well you're a sweetheart I don't think you'll tell anybody...I don't like girls like that." 

Trying to put the pieces together, Jungwoo stared at the table top while he figured out what that was supposed to mean. He leaned across the table so they were even closer, "So you're like...gay?" 

"Something like that." 

Jungwoo grinned, "I've never met a gay person before...this is exciting. Do you have a boyfriend?" The boys made sure to keep their words quiet as Seoul high wasn't very accepting at all. 

"That's my boy over there, the big one," Ten responded, using his chin to gesture across the room. Jungwoo eyes trailed across the room until his eyes landed on the linebacker of their varsity football team. The giant was busy scribbling something down on a piece of paper, his tongue poking past his lips slightly. 

"You're with Johnny? I thought he was dating—" 

"That's a whole mess...let's just say there's a big queer community right under everybody's nose." Ten muttered as the bell rang, signaling class had finally begun.

Queer community? What was that supposed to mean? Something allured him about the idea of some underground community expressing themselves in ways everybody knew was hated. He shook the thoughts from his head and tuned into Mrs. Ahn's words. 


I know nothing about the 70s so this probably isn't that accurate :/ sorry 

Thanks for reading 💖

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