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"Ok bye mom, have fun with your book club!" Jungwoo said over enthusiastically as he ushered his mom out of the front door. "Don't stay out too late!"

She turned to give him a confused look but nodded, "Yeah...I'll see you in the morning then."

He waved to the woman from the porch, watching as she backed out of their driveway. Once her car was no longer in sight, he hurried over to the phone and dialed Doyoung's number.

"Hi Jina, can I talk to Doyoung please?"

Jina let out a sweet, "Sure, Honey," before screaming Doyoung's name at the top of her lungs.

There were a few moments of silence before a worried, "Hello? Are you okay?" Came from the other side of the phone. When Doyoung had dropped the boy off less than an hour ago he barely said a word. He knew something was bothering his boyfriend but he didn't want to force the younger to talk.

"Hi..." Jungwoo said softly, "Yeah I'm okay, I just wanted to talk to you."

A small smile formed on Doyoung's face at Jungwoo's words. "About what, Darlin'?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted. Ever since him and Ten's talk that morning, jungwoo hadn't been able to describe his mood. He wasn't sad...but he just didn't feel happy. If he knew what was bothering him, he would've been more than willing to talk to Doyoung about it, but he truly had no idea.

"Hmm I can tell you about my day?" Doyoung proposed, finding the simplest topic he could. He was met with silence but then heard the boy moving around on the other side of the phone.

"Yes please," Jungwoo responded when he got comfortable with his head resting on the dining room table.

"So I finally got my grade up in Biology last week, but today I got my test back...and I failed. Hmm then I fell asleep in math like usual. It was actually a pretty uneventful day, I slept through most of it," Doyoung said, boring himself with with how anticlimactic all of that was.

A small giggle slipped out of Jungwoo as he listened to the elder. "I can help you study if you want to retake your biology test. I got ninety eight percent, so I think I'm your best option."

"Mmm...I think I can find somebody who got one hundred," he teased.

Jungwoo could feel a smile spreading across his face, it had only been a few minutes yet he already felt so much better. "Y'know, Doyoung, a lot of people would pay me to tutor them."

"Are you asking me to pay you?"

"No! I'm just saying this is a really good deal," Jungwoo clarified.

A gasp came from the other side of the phone as Doyoung got an idea. "You should come over tomorrow after school and we'll have a study date."

"There's a student council meeting tomorrow so you'll have to wait a little bit, but sure." Doyoung could tell from how soft the younger's voice was getting that he was about to fall asleep. He had no idea how Jungwoo was tired after sleeping for two hours straight earlier in Solar's room. "Oh I almost forgot...we have to choose somebody who means a lot to us for this week in art, are you okay if I choose you?"

Doyoung's heart felt like it was going to explode when he heard that. The younger was quite bad at expressing his feelings, but things like this always reassured him that Jungwoo did in fact have feelings for him. Honestly, the fact that jungwoo even considered choosing him meant so much more than any forced words. "Yeah, I'm okay with that," Doyoung's finally responded, trying to keep his voice steady so the excitement wouldn't show.

"Good because I already started it."


"Haechan!" Jungwoo squeaked as the boy walked into the student council room.

Haechan grinned, not knowing why the elder was so excited, but he very much liked the attention. "Hi!" He beamed. After taking a few seconds to finally look at his surroundings, he realized him and Jungwoo were the only ones there. "I didn't realize I was early."

"The meeting got postponed because Tzuyu's out sick and Changkyun's suspended. I asked Chenle to tell you but I guess it didn't get to you?"

Haechan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I saw Chenle earlier and he just muttered rescheduled before pushing me out of the way so he could stare at Jisung playing basketball."

A giggle slipped out of Jungwoo, "Sorry about that, I'll tell you myself next time."

"Why're you still here?" The younger asked, pointing to the open notebook in front of the elder.

"I was just about to leave actually, that's just some topics for us to discuss at our next meeting," He said before putting his things into his backpack.

"Wait before you go, I have exciting news," Haechan spoke before plopping down into the chair next to Jungwoo. "I met a boy...it's nothing serious yet but I think I might like him just a little bit, and I'm pretty sure it's mutual. I think I can say I'm over Mark."

A excited expression formed on Jungwoo's face at the news, "Does he go here?"

"He does. He's the boy that got suspended last year for pushing Jaemin out a window." Haechan stated calmly. 

Jungwoo's eyes widened, "W—Why do you like somebody who pushed your friend out a window?"

Quickly shaking his head, Haechan addressed the elder's concern, "I met him through Jaemin, they were just messing around and a teacher walked in at the wrong time, they're best friends."

"Hmm what was his name...Ren...Ren—"


"That's the one! He scares me," Jungwoo admitted softly.

Haechan nodded, "He has a little bit of a temper, but he's really sweet...to me at least. And he's actually gay."

A smile formed on Jungwoo's lips, "I'm happy for you Haechan, but I want to meet him before you start dating." 


Sexuality is stupid 

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