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"Will you just tell me what happened?" Jungwoo asked for what seemed like the hundredth time as he helped Doyoung into his house.

The elder let out a sharp breath, "I got beaten up."

"No kidding," he stated flatly. "I can tell you got beaten up! Why?"

"Is your mom home?"

Rolling his eyes at the sudden topic change, he pushed Doyoung into the bathroom and gestured for him to sit on the counter. "No, she's trying some book club tonight." A frown formed on his lips as he looked at the elders face once again, "Just tell me what happened. Please."

"It doesn't matter." Doyoung muttered.

Jungwoo felt his eyes fill with tears at the harshness in his voice. Bringing a hand up to wipe at the tears before they could fall, he tried to hide what was happening. "I—It does matter, D—Doyoung..." He whimpered, causing the elders own expression to soften.

He reluctantly reached a hand out, stopping a few inches away from Jungwoo's face before bringing it back to his side. "It was just an idiot who thought I was with some girl."

The younger's face fell upon hearing those words. "S—Some girl?" He whispered as an unmistakable wave of jealousy washed over him. Doyoung was his, not some girl's. "Is there a—a girl?"

"No. No there's not a girl." Doyoung responded quietly.

Jungwoo just nodded before grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink. He was being completely absurd. He just unabashedly asked Doyoung if there was a girl instead of worrying about the fact that the elder was hurt. "I'm sorry—I'll just..." bringing a warm washcloth up to wipe away the dried blood, Jungwoo gave the elder a small smile. "Does it hurt?"


Tilting his head to the side, Jungwoo finally made eye contact with the boy. "Are you lying to me?"

Doyoung pressed his lips together before nodding, "This hurts a little." He pointed to the bridge of his nose where the skin had split, already turning purple around the edges.

"Here," Jungwoo said softly before placing a bandaid over the wound.

Looking up at the younger, Doyoung's face remained blank, almost as if nobody was in front of him at all. "Did I do something wrong?"

Jungwoo quickly looked up from another bandaid he was trying to open and shook his head. "Huh—what do you mean?"

A drawn out sigh fell from his lips, "I don't know—maybe I'm just being dramatic—but you haven't talked to me at all this week. You haven't called me, you've been driving yourself to school, and you haven't been to Solar's room at all...even Ten's worried about you."

"Whatever happened between us...it happened really fast, Doyoung. All of this is just so confusing—what do you want me to do? Run around and tell everybody I'm gay and kissed a boy?" There was a slight tremor in the younger's voice as he spoke. He pressed a couple more bandaids quite roughly onto Doyoung's skin before continuing, "I feel exactly the same with you as when me and Jiwon started dating. I really liked her then...so maybe I do like you...b—but I'm just not ready to admit that to myself."

Finally working up the courage, Doyoung reached forward and placed a hand on the side of Jungwoo's face. "I didn't say you had to admit anything." There were a few seconds of silence before he finally forced out, "I just miss you."

The younger frowned once again. "I'm sorry. I'm just not ready for anything more yet."

"I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend, I just want you to stop ignoring me."

After taking a deep breath, Jungwoo nodded. "I can do that." He reached out and gently pressed his hand onto the elder's stomach where he was holding it earlier, "Does it hurt?"

Sucking in a sharp breath, he nodded, "Just a b—bit."

"Take off your shirt."

"Oh you don't have to—"

"I said take off your shirt."

"Fine." Doyoung muttered before pulling the piece of clothing over his head.

A nervous giggle erupted from Jungwoo when he laid his eyes on the boy's toned stomach. "Now I kinda wish you did ask me to be your boyfriend..." he said to himself.

"What was that?"

The boy's eyes widened before he flashed a quick smile, "did I really say that out loud—uh I'm just gonna go get you some ice...it might help the swelling. 


"Can I call my mom?"

"I will call your mom, you just lay down."

Doyoung groaned as he watched the younger walk out of the room. "I'm fine!"

"Shut up!"

A pout formed on his face, "Well that was kinda mean..." he muttered to himself. He readjusted the icepack on his stomach and sighed. He was perfectly fine, but Jungwoo caged him in his bed with pillows and wouldn't let him get up.

"Dahye told me to tell you goodnight and she loves you," Jungwoo said softly, appearing in the doorway once again.

"Can I please sit up?"

"Doyoung, I just don't want you to hurt yourself anymore," He whined as he sat on the edge of the bed next to the still pouting Doyoung.

The elder mustered up his most convincing smile before saying, "I'm not hurt anymore."

"Fine, go ahead," he mumbled.

Hoisting himself up, Doyoung had to hold in the wince  that wanted to escape so he could prove his point. "S—See? No pain."

Jungwoo rolled his eyes, "You're a bad liar."

"Jungwoo~" Doyoung called as cutely as he could. "You know what would make me feel better?"

The younger perked up upon hearing this, wanting to do anything that would make him feel better. "Hm?"

Pointing to his lips, Doyoung puckered them and made kissing noises, "A kiss would make me feel a lot better."

Glancing down at the wound still on the elders lips, Jungwoo shuttered, "How hard did you get hit? You're crazy." 

"Eh it was worth a try."

A light blush tinted his cheeks before he said a small, "Give me a week and then maybe I'll kiss you." 


I'm going to be honest, I've been using most of my free time to binge watch BLs so that's why I'm not updating as much...

Thanks for reading 

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